Jason yawns. "I'm fucking tired" he groans.
"Same" alec says.

"We should play a game!" Cleo suggests. Alec groans and looks at jason, who has the same expression as him.

"Fine, what game?" Jason asks. "Truth or dare" cleo exclaims. Jason grimaces and looks at alec. They knew it. "That's so basic, literally every teen drama has that" jason groans. Alec grimaces.

"Still, we should play it" cleo says. They then finally agree.

"Okay, I'll start. Truth or dare, Ava" cleo says.
Ava blushes. "Truth"
Cleo smirks. "Do you like someone in this room?" Ava nods. Jason glances at alec and alec smirks.

"Okay, my turn. Truth or dare Alec" ava says. Alec yawns. "Dare" Cleo whispers something in Ava's ear. Ava grins and nods. "I dare you to draw a moustache on Jason's face"

alec grins. Jason gasps And chokes. Cleo hands alec a marker and a chuckle slowly creeps over his face. Jason gulps.

"Come here baby boy" alec says chuckling. Jason shrieks and tries to run away. Alec grabs his arm and twists him around. "Stop struggling or your first kiss will be me" alec says daringly.

Jason gasps. Alec draws a moustache on his face and lets him go.

Cleo's eyes widen at the words alec just said. Ava looks traumatised.

Alec grins. "Truth or dare jason?" Jason grins. "Truth" alec grasps his heart and prepares for a voice crack. "If you could look in to the FUtUre, how would you see yourself?" He asks, smirking slowly.

Jason acts like he's thinking. "Honestly, I don't see myself in the future" alec chuckles.
Ava looks quizzically and Cleo gasps.

"I mean, just look at the previous events: getting pushed/thrown out of windows TWICE. And dodging monsters and somehow able to be alive being Alec's friend" jason says. Alec smirks.

"How's your wife and kids" Alec asks grinning.
"I only have my son left, son" jason says dramatically. Alec fake cries and hugs jason.

Cleo and Ava sit in silence looking at the scene. "Uhm what the actual fuck" cleo says.
Alec slowly turns his head towards her and glares.

Cleo gasps and presses her lips tightly onto eachother.

They let go. "Cleo, truth or dare" jason says. "Truth" she says blushing. Jason smirks at alec.

"If there was only you, Alec and a monster left in this world. Who'd you rather date?" Cleo glares at alec and says:"I'd rather date the monster to be honest"

alec grimaces. "Thanks" he says dramatically. Jason yawns. "I stop playing, okay?" He says. "Same" alec says. Cleo and Ava look at eachother. Ava frowns.

Alec yawns and takes jason with him to the couch. "I haven't even seen her dad since we are here" he whispers to Jason. "Neither" jason whispers back. They sit down. Jason groans. "Can we switch?" He asks.

"Fine" alec says and gets down on the mattress next to the couch.

"We should keep the previous event between us, though. I haven't heard anyone else talking about it" Cleo says.

"Cleo, where is your dad?" Alec asks. Cleo shrugs and lays down next to Ava and Mavis.

"Good night" she says.
"Night" jason says yawning. "Goodnight" ava says. Silence. "Goodnight from alec" jason says chuckling.

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