Chapter 1: Who are you?

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AN: I know Neteyam is 15 but I thought to make them a bit older cus even Na'vi 15 year olds aren't emotionally mature enough since that's their beginning of puberty so I chose 17 cus that's their end of puberty but also not 18 so you still get that teen love aspect :).

3rd pov:

"Tsamera! Tsamera! Mera wake upppp!" The youngest sibling Tsireya shook her older sister awake.

The familiar sea breeze wafting down her nose, bringing the chief's daughter to her senses.

"What? What is it?"

"Visitors, we have visitors all the way from the forest. Come quick." Tsireya tanked the 17 year old out of her bed and dragged her to the water, the both of them swimming to the beach where multiple Ikrans have landed, Tsamera recognised the features to be of the Omaticaya clan.

She signed to her sister, 'Go ahead, I'll be with mum.'

Tsireya nodded, exiting the water next to the newcomers, her eyes landing on who she thought to be a very handsome young boy her age.

Tsamera tried her hardest to blend into the crowd by standing at the very back, she was visually very different from the Metakayina as she was born of the Ash People before being abandoned and raised her. Tsamera's skin was slightly darker than that of the Omaticaya, her eyes an entrancing shade of purple, her body was an elegant hourglass figure (not heavy on the chest like the Metakayina or overall thin like the Omaticaya), she stood at 7 feet 11 inches tall, significantly taller than her sister and almost as tall as Aonung, her brother. What stood out most about her were the two striped of white hair, one on each side, despite the rest of hair being completely black. That and her white fur on her tail that was more similar to a forest person's tail. Needless to say, she looked very different.

The girl stood observing the whole family and their demeanour from afar, looking at the father's face she came to a crashing realisation, it was the mighty Toruk Makto and his family, what were they doing here, did they bare bad news, a warning perhaps?

She watched her father emerge, greeting the war leader happily, but her mother who entered not so much later was much more cautious, and so was Tsamera.

Sure she was aware of their nobility, but gaining her trust was not so easy, she couldn't get the feel of them from afar, and it seems her mother had sensed her eagerness to inspect the new arrivals.

"My daughter and I will decide whether you can stay or not. Tsamera!"

The girl's eyes sharpened as she walked forward, the crowd clearing a path for her, a sword lay on her hilt, lightly clacking against the seashells that adorned her hip , a dagger was strapped around her chest, the colours she wore were darker to compliment her skin tone.

Her hips swayed as she approached the family with a somewhat predatory and intimidating stance.

Neytiri's ears flattened slightly as the girl walked past her, straight for the children.

Ronal inspected the parents.

The first girl she met was a little 7 year old, Tsamera crouched down to meet eyes with the girl, "You're pretty. My name is Tuktirey, but everyone calls me Tuk." The little one beamed, clearly trying to charm the future Tsahik, and even though she was aware, it still worked. Tuk was too cute.

"Nice to meet you Tuk, I am Tsamera." The warrior girl gave a genuine but soft smile, reaching out to caress the young one's cheek lovingly, the girl had a deep connection with Eywa allowing her to understand someone's intentions and overall personality from deep inspection of their characteristics and touching them.

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