Chapter 27: Home sweet home

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3rd pov:

"Do you have your sea salt scrub I packed for you?" Ronal hurried after Aonung, as he hauled his bag to Jake's Ikran, Bob.

"Yes mother." He repeated for the millionth time in exasperation.

"And your necklace?"

"Yes mother?"

"What about your sanseyet oil comb?"

"Ye- Oh wait, no-" He turned around to see Ronal standing with her hand on her hip, holding out the comb.

"Thank you." He said sheepishly, taking the comb off her.

"Oh I'm going to miss my babies so much, even you Rotxo, where are your parents?"

"Don't know, don't care, I'm basically your kid." He shrugged, climbing onto Kiri's Ikran.

Ronal frowned, her eyes tearing up as she tried to put on a strict and stern front again, "No funny business of any kind, if I hear you are causing trouble I will drag you back to the ocean depths by your ears, take care of yourselves, stay hygienic, visit me, especially when your sibling is born I expect this whole family back here in less than 5 days. Understand?"

"Yes mother." The kids said in unison.

"Yes Ronal!" Rotxo put a thumbs up from a few metres away.

"Good, now, come here and give your mother a hug and a kiss, I can't believe I'm letting you all go." Her voice cracked slightly as a tear slipped down her face, setting off Tsireya, who set off Aonung to set off Tonowari whilst Tsamera just laughed at them all being emotional wrecks.

The family embraced tightly as they said their final goodbyes.

"We love you all so much, my beautiful children, you make us proud everyday you wake up and bless Pandora with your presence, as much as I will miss you, I am glad you have each found your calling and Eywa has gifted you mates to be proud of, especially you Tsamera you know how much I love Neteyam that boy really is everything a dad could ever hope for in a son I'm so jealous of jake that dreadlocked bitch doesn't deserve Neteyam after he took my dessert last ni-"

"Ahem, dad, you have a son."

"Oh yes, no one is better than you Aonung, now excuse me whilst I give a tearful goodbye to my Neteyam." Tonowari gave each of his kids a kiss on the head before hurrying off to Neteyam, embracing him in a hearty hug.

"Here, this is the dagger of a Metakayina chief, it was my father's, and his father before him and his father before him and so on, it has been in our family for generations upon generations, I gift it to you as the man who will be continuing my family."

"What about Aonung, I couldn't possib-"

"Don't worry about Aonung, he's got so many other family heirlooms coming his way, I thought I ought to put one aside for my son in law, you have the Kempxo Makto armour, yes?"

"Yes sir."

"Good, and Neteyam?"


"Call me dad."

"Ok, dad." Neteyam smiled, embracing the chief once again.




"GIVE ME A HUG YOU BUG EYED BABY." Jake called him over laughing, Tonowari couldn't resist and gave in, approaching his best friend and new found brother, giving him a tight squeeze.

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