Chapter 8: Undeniably mine

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3rd pov:

Tonowari rose from his seat once the dancing and feast was over, a large smile on his face.

"Now! For what is arguably the most exciting part of our Nalutsa Ritual, at least for our new official clan members, the shell ceremony."

Cheers erupted with many of the young men wolf whistling, shoving each other around whilst the girls giggled amongst themselves with hushed whispers of gossips.

Everyone had someone in mind and the exuberance of the young clan members could be felt rising in the air as the tribe approached the shore.

Family members of the new adults climbed onto an Illu, being handed a shell by Ronal.

"Neteyam, can I place your shell? Pretty pleaseeeeee." Tuk said as Ronal began moving down the line towards the Sully family.

His siblings were gathered around him, his parents stood slightly back, letting the kids have this moment to themselves.

"Actually Tuk, I wanted Lo'ak to do it." Neteyam said apologetically, looking over at his younger brother, who had a completely gobsmacked expression on.

"Wait really?! Me? Why?"

"Come on little bro, just accept it." Neteyam complained, not wanting to get all sappy with his brother right now.

"Yeah I'll do it." Lo'ak stepped into the water, climbing onto his Illu.

"Just don't throw it out of the reef asshole." Neteyam joked.

"I won't don't worry, I'll just put it in the tiniest crack of a rock at the very bottom of the reef right in the middle of the coral bed. Gotta make you work for it bro." Lo'ak joked, taking the shell off of a hesitant Ronal, thanking her quietly.

"I'm starting to regret my choices."

"Too late. Who knows bro, maybe Tsamera's will end up in the same crack." Lo'ak wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, looking at the older girl and back to his brother.


"Yeah I'm the pervert, I'm pretty sure you're the one who's gonna be all hands on deck 30 metres under water but ok."

"All hands on de- You know what, never mind, just go." Neteyam slapped the back of Lo'ak's Illu, sending the laughing boy off into the sea, he looked over to see Tsireya leaving with Tsamera's shell and silently prayed to Eywa he would end up with her.

The family members had 10 minutes to hide the shells, another 10 minutes for Eywa's will to be carried out by the ocean current, then partakers would go hunting for them with only the light Eywa provides.

Neteyam couldn't remember the name Kiri told him, but he also got this cool winged glow in the dark animal that let him breathe under water.

10 minutes passed and Lo'ak returned with a mischievous grin on his face.

Another 10 minutes and the horn was blown by Tonowari, "Good luck bro." Lo'ak said, the rest of his family wishing him luck with a hefty pat on the back from Jake, he was more nervous than anyone, he really wanted Tsamera to be Neteyam's mate, he wanted to see his son this happy forever.

Neteyam took one last glance at the chief's eldest daughter before diving down on his Illu into the water, speeding off into any direction.

He didn't know where to start to be honest, luckily the ocean was relatively well illuminated by the reef floor and coral, as well as the odd animal.

Neteyam just swam around wherever he felt drawn to in hopes his instinct would lead him to where he needed to be.

His eyes darted around, looking for anyone around him, but it seemed there was absolutely no one.

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