Chapter 12: All eyes on me

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3rd pov:

Meytukti was certainly an interesting the most bland way possible.

In all truth, Tsamera didn't really get a grasp on her personality and her interests because she would simply ask Neteyam what he likes and insistently agree with him.

"I don't really know? What's your favourite animal here?"

"Probably the Nalutsa, pain in the ass to tame but it gave me some street cred here so I'll take it."

"Oh yeah! I love the Nalutsa, so misunderstood." 

The girl was a walking eyeroll.

To everyone but Neteyam of course.

"Really, you like Teylu too? I didn't realise they had it here, I thought it was a beetle larvae strictly found in the forest."

"Yeah well my uncle goes travelling a lot so he brings back stuff, and whenever he goes to the forest I get him to bring back loads of Teylu." She giggled, giving the boy her winning smile.

"It's just the crunchiness, chef's kiss." 

"Yes! That crunchiness, really puts it at the top of my list." She shoved his shoulder lightly as the two of them laughed.

Meanwhile Tsamera just grinded her teeth in silence at every unnecessary twirl of the hair, brush of the chest, fake laugh at some unfunny joke even she would tell Neteyam to never repeat again.

And Sraheyti noticed.

"What's up with you?" He smirked, seeing the very obvious seething jealousy in his best friend, the two of them were now sat in a corner far away from anyone else to hear their conversation.

"Oh nothing, just that bitch you brought with you is sooooo...agitating." She said through the grit of her teeth, her hand tapping nervously on the sand as she watched the pair in front of her get a long like two peas in a pod.

Sraheyti laughed at the sudden vicious comment, "Yeah I know, I don't like her either, dad made me bring her because she was dying to get out of her house. Look's like she found some entertainment pretty quick with that jungle boy of hers."

Tsamera growled, eyes snapping to meet her friend's, "My jungle boy." 

"Oh jeez chill out, I can tell you've got a thing for him, I doubt he's into sea girls anyways-"

"We've been dating for 6 months after we completed the shell ceremony and matched."

"Wait you got your mate?"

"Yes, him." Tsamera nodded over to Neteyam, who was now explaining with great passion and detail about the ins and outs of hunting in the forest, and his great companion, his Ikran, whilst the clueless girl just sat there, nodding and smiling.

"YOU'RE MATED WITH AN OMATICAYA-" Tsamera slapped a hand over her friend's mouth, letting out a sigh of relief as it seemed no one was paying attention.

"Yes, and can you keep it down, no one else knows, well we aren't mated, but we will be."

"What's stopping you?"


"So why haven't you?"

"I don't know, it doesn't feel right yet, like that moment hasn't come." Her eyes were still glued to Meytukti and Neteyam.

"Do you love him?" Sraheyti asked, with an unsure tone, a tone that made Tsamera turn back to him, looking her friend deep in his eyes, a soft smile emanating an essence of bliss gracing her face at the thought of her Neteyam.

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