Chapter 21: Just Hold On

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3rd pov:

The roars of waves crashing as Skimwings and Illus approached the ship filled the couple's ears.

"They're here." Tsamera said, nodding to Neteyam as the climbed onto their animals and swam towards their parents, weapons tied down to their waists and chests.

Neteyam's Ikran remained following them in the clouds, standing guard for it's rider as his fierce and loyal protector.

"DAD!" Neteyam called out, grabbing Jake's attention.

"Oh Neteyam, Tsamera thank God you're safe." Jake engulfed the two of them in a tight hug, quickly checking them over for injured.

"They've got Tuk, Lo'ak and Tsireya." Neteyam panted out, looking at his father in desperation.

Ronal hissed angrily in response, her grip tightening on her spear, they had her youngest child.

"Jake, we have a plan, Neteyam and I will get our siblings." Tsamera said sternly.

"No, no absolutely not, the two of you need to go back to the village now." Jake shook his head, "I can't have anymore of you getting caught in the crossfires, get out while you can."

"Dad, this is what I've trained my whole life for, I must fight one day, I am no longer a boy, I am a man, I can do this, we can do this, focus on Quaritch, we've gotten our siblings out of trouble countless times before, what's one more time?"  Neteyam's tone was filled with determination, and that faith transferred across to his father who chewed his lip for a minute in thought,

"Fine, but be careful, if there's even a slight chance it's too much for you, get out of there, ok? No unnecessary danger, don't try and be the hero Neteyam, just survive. Here, takes these grenades, you might need them." Jake passed a couple of grenades to Tsamera before nodding at the two to head off, the pair obeyed, diving down deep into the ocean and heading towards the ship, waiting for the fighting to begin.

They both watched the surface of the water as Jake began to slowly move forward alone.

'What is he doing?' Tsamera signed.

'I don't know' Neteyam pursed his lips, concern written all over his face as he watched the war hero he called his dad head straight into enemy territory.

The Skimwing stopped momentarily, Neteyam saw his dad reach up to his comm, but since he was underwater, Neteyam couldn't listen into the conversation.

Just as Jake began to advance again a large wail vibrated through the ocean, Payakan appearing out of nowhere and slamming himself on top of the ship.

Chaos erupted, the Na'vi took this as their chance to attack, bullets flew everywhere as Metakayina drove their spears through demon after demon, ululating as they did so.

Harpoons fired at Payakan, but the Tulkun wasn't just angry, he was also incredibly smart, the Pandoran creature close his mouth and slunk off the ship back into the water, preparing to battle his own personal vendetta with the hunters.

Tsamera signalled to her partner to begin their advancement, the two speeding off towards the ship where their siblings still sat, tied to the railing.

The eldest siblings jumped out from the water and onto the side of the ship, pulling themselves up and over the edge.

Tsamera stood guard, dagger in hand as Neteyam began to cut the siblings loose.

"Go, get out of here!" Neteyam said to the two girls before beginning to cut Lo'ak free.

"Bro hurry up!"

"Who's the mighty warrior, go on, say it." Neteyam still managed to tease his brother in the tense moment.

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