Chapter 38: Iknimaya

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3rd pov:

"Rotxo!" Kiri called out for him, but the boy kept walking, she wasn't used to all this lovey dovey bullshit, she didn't like it, this emotion that she was so unfamiliar with. Romantic love was so different to platonic love in ways she couldn't handle. Kiri liked to present herself as mature and neat most of the time, but inside she was a mess, there was so much about herself that she didn't know. Who her father was, who she is, what these powers are that she has in connection to Eywa. Why her? What was so special about her? Throughout it all, the only thing consistent was her family and Rotxo.


Not even Spider remained unchanged, but Rotxo, he stayed, and she never noticed him struggling or the strain on their relationship because he just let her be, he knew she likes independence and she wouldn't have liked him trying to control her and tell her how she should act. But Kiri had come to realise that Rotxo was allowed to tell her how he was feeling and he was allowed to ask her to do certain things for him without her instantly labelling him as controlling and overbearing. 

She had been selfish.

She didn't love Spider like that.

Not at all.

But she was so selfish she let Rotxo believe it, she let him grow these thoughts and ideas in his head and heart whilst she did absolutely nothing to counter it.

After everything he said, Kiri agreed, if it had been the other way around, she would also think he loved someone else.

But that was wrong.

Kiri grit her teeth, she had to be brave and put herself out there for once. 

For him.

She really didn't want to lose him.

Without saying another word she chased the boy down the path back to the tent, grabbing his hand and spinning him around.

"Kiri-" Rotxo started, he just wanted to leave it alone, his heart hurt too much to bear talking about it more.

But he didn't need to talk.

Because Kiri didn't let him.

As awkward and out of character it was for her, Kiri pressed her lips to his, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Rotxo's eyes widened in shock before they fluttered closed, deciding to enjoy the moment he returned the embrace, pulling Kiri closer by he waist and deepening the kiss.

It didn't go on for anywhere near long enough, but Kiri had to speak now or she'd never get it out.

So in true Kiri fashion, she rambled.

"I love you. And yes I mean I love you. I don't love you in that typical teenage puppy love way, I love you in the way I would give up everything I've ever known if it meant I'd spend the rest of my life with you. And I'm so sorry I didn't show that. I'm so so fucking sorry. Rotxo you make me a better person. You make me kinder, more sensitive, less socially awkward, even though that still needs a bit of work, and you appreciate me for who I am. Eyebrows, four fingers, and weird tree hugger personality. You love all of it. And I never thought I'd find somebody who did. I thought I'd be the only sibling who ended up alone forever because I could never see myself falling for someone the way my parents fell for each other, the way Neteyam and Tsamera fell for each other, even the cringey ass way Lo'ak and Tsireya fell for each other. But with you. With you it's different. I've been a selfish asshole because I was too clueless on how to show my love to you. You were so good to me. Too good to me, that I forgot you might want something in return. I thought you just adored me for doing whatever and you didn't need much reciprocation or reassurance. But I'm a complete an utter dumbass because everybody needs reassurance and reciprocation that's kind of how a fucking relationship works, but I'm an awkward asshole and I didn't know that or I did and I didn't know how to execute it and- OH BY THE WAY I'M TOTALLY NOT IN LOVE WITH SPIDER! I only love you, I defend Spider because I grew up with him, he's my brother, and I've never been one for fighting and killing but that doesn't mean I love you any less, but I totally get it you had every right to be upset and get jealous because-" Rotxo cut her rambling off with a kiss.

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