Chapter 31: Brewing

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3rd pov:

Neteyam was still furious as he sat down next to Tsamera, his arm was wrapped tightly around her waist, he was trying his best to not run back and shove his bow so far up Kaeya's ass his great great grandparents would feel it, but for the sake of his beloved he shoved his anger down and turned to her, eyes softened with affection and sympathy.

"I'm so sorry. I should have known better than to take you to a bunch of drunk hunters, it's my fault-"

"No it's not, stop taking the blame for everything, it's a bad habit of yours." Tsamera laughed, "I've dealt with assholes like this all the time, it's called being a woman, Kaeya is no different, I'm fine don't worry, let's not let him ruin our night, we're still at a party, let's have fun." She smiled, trying to brighten the mood.

Neteyam returned the smile, but his was filled with more admiration than anything else, "I'll never understand how you can be so selfless, even after being treated like that, you want us to have a nice time, you're the bravest person I know Mera."

"Why thank you, now, let's find Aonung, I want to see my brother get brutally rejected and cry because his massive ego got bruised once again." She snickered, looking around, a mischievous glint in her eyes, her pupils widened when she found her brother talking to a pretty Omaticaya girl, "Oh there they are! The other's are with them too, come on." She jumped up, grabbing Neteyam's hand and pulling him to the friend group that observed Aonung trying his best to drop some next level rizz on the bartender.

"Soooo, Haylenteya, you come here often?" He asked, a sultry tone in his voice as he leaned against the makeshift bar, trying his best to give a flirtatious smoulder to the girl in front of him  making drinks.

Haylenteya simply gave him the side eye, "What drink do you want?"

"Uhhhh, I-Well, uh, what do you have?" Aonung's 'flirty' persona crumbled in an instant at the question, he was clueless about alcohol in the forest.

"Too much that I'm not listing for you right now, if you're no ordering a drink, move out of the way for others to order."

"Oof." Rotxo sniggered behind Aonung, him and Kiri sharing a large drink and drunkenly giggling at Aonung's attempts at getting a girlfriend.

The Metakayina chief's son shot the pair a glare before turning back to the bartender, "Well you know in case you couldn't tell I'm new here so maybe you could surprise me with something?"

"Hmmm, fine, I like to test my skill, scotch and embura berry extract, with a dash of tongxo leaf juice."

"What is scotch?"

"A human drink, the scientists taught me how to make it in their lab, it's quite good, not too strong either, at least not for us because we are so much bigger than them. You don't look like you can hold your drink."

"Well I-"

"He can't, give him the kid drink, I beg of you." Tsamera butted in, taking a seat, Neteyam doing the same next to her, dapping up Haylenteya in the process.

"Yo Neteyam, been a minute, who's this beauty you got with you?" Haylenteya raised an eyebrow, a knowing look on her face as her eyes shifted between the pair.

"This is my mate, Tsamera."

"Well then Tsamera, it's very nice to meet you, damn Neteyam, you gotta score high in every aspect of your life huh?" Haylenteya laughed, cleaning a cup for the drink she was making Aonung.

"You know it." Neteyam shot his blushing mate a wink.

" Haylenteya, my brother Aonung is quite interested in you, would you mind giving him the time of day for a few seconds? He's lovely once you get past his awkward front." Tsamera leaned in over the bar and whispered.

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