Chapter 46: Sullys stick together

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AN: I'M SO SAD ITS THE END ONLY A COUPLE CHAPTERS LEFT SO THERE WILL BE MORE AFTER THIS DW I LIKE TO WRAP UP MY STORY AND CHARACTER ARCS WELL I WOULD NEVER LEAVE Y'ALL WITHOUT GIVING YOU WHOLESOME FAMILY CONTENT AFTER THE WAR*CRIES HYSTERICALLY* but really you've all been the best thank you so much for supporting me and this book, I love your comments and I love seeing you all fall in love with this world and with these characters as much as I have through writing this. Also if you're interested I'm back in my maze runner phase so I'm gonna be writing a book on that soon or anakin skywalker y'all can pick. 

3rd pov:

Tsamera's heart dropped down to her stomach, as she frantically waved her hand around to clear the gas.

The faint sight of his hairband developed into a dreadful image.

There he was on the ground, shallow rapid breaths shaking his body, the gas marking poisonous burns across his body.

"Lo'ak." Tsamera whispered in disbelief, before she could waste another second she dropped down to her knees, shaking her best friend and younger brother. "Lo'ak." She repeated his name, louder and firmer this time, trying to gain his attention.

No response.

He was alive, she could see it, but his body was in shock, she needed to try and get him to regain his senses.

Tsamera lifted his eyelids to check his eyes, they were rolled to the back of his head in a haunting manner.

"Lo'ak come on! Wake up, I need to get you out of here." Tsamera looked around desperately for her other half, "NETEYAM! NETEYAM I FOUND LO'AK!" She called out, but to no avail, her husband had wandered too far to hear her.

Tsamera grunted in frustration, "Ok come on Lo'ak, I need you to help me out a bit here." She shook him again, but after another moment of silence she gave up, opting to try and lift the man who was double her body weight. The young woman let out a shout of effort as she hauled Lo'ak from the ground, adjusting her hands to have a firmer grip on him. "I got you, I got you Lo'ak come on." She muttered, her voice strained, she didn't know if she was actually encouraging the man in her arms or herself.

With another deep breath she tensed her muscles, dragging Lo'ak with all her strength. He moved. But barely. It seemed helpless but Tsamera refused to give up, if he stayed any longer he would die.

She pulled him along a few more steps before her ankle caught the back of something, making her fall over and drop the young man again.

"fuck, please." She crawled back to him, trying to get her grip again, but she stopped dead in her tracks when her eyes caught sight of what she tripped over.


Tsamera looked around further.

"No." Aonung.

"No." Kiri.

"Oh Great Mother please no." Rotxo too.

And her heart shattered when she saw Tuk.

They were all in the same condition as Lo'ak.

"NETEYAM!" She screamed so loud her throat went raw. "NETEYAM HELP ME" 

She sobbed, despair filling her heart as she knew deep down, no matter how much she tried to bargain, she wouldn't be able to save all of them, she could barely save Lo'ak.

"Please Lo'ak... WAKE UP. WAKE UP LO'AK, WAKE UP!" Tsamera screamed into his face, and finally he did, with a quick intake of air Lo'ak's eyes shot open.

"What happened?" He croaked out.

"It doesn't matter. Can you stand? I need you to stand for me Lo'ak, I know it's hard but we don't have much time I have to get you all out of here." She tried to swallow her sobs as she grabbed onto him, beginning to haul him up.

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