Chapter 29: Distance

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3rd pov:

Three days.

It had been three days since the argument.

Neteyam was depressed to say the least, Na'vi can't go very long without their mates before entering a bad mental state, especially if the way you left things with them were...questionable.

He had been so excited to show Tsamera the forest, show her everything he loved, go climbing with her, teach her how to ride a dire horse.

Help train her to get an Ikran.

But these past few days she had avoided him entirely, she slept in the Sully family tent with Aonung rather than sleeping with Neteyam in his own.

He only saw her at meal times, at which she usually busied herself with helping Neytiri cook or taking care of Tuk, the rest of the time she was out on her own, practicing archery and climbing herself, or she was exploring the cave system with Lo'ak.

It seemed Neteyam's little brother was all the company the girl could bare right now, their relationship was incredible, they were platonic soulmates of sorts, they understood one another and cared for one another in such a deep way.

As for Neteyam, he tried to look unaffected by excusing himself early from dinner to tend to the Ikran, or go train the younger kids, he had even taken up the job of hunting every day for his family's meals.

It gave him a lot of time to think, he hated the way he handle the argument.

Their first real, proper argument and it was like he was deaf the way he refused to listen to her.

He remembered all the shouting, it was so out of character for him to just spew anger like that at a loved one, to say he felt guilty for showing such an ugly side of himself was an understatement.

He wanted to apologise to his love so desperately but he also wanted to give her some space.

But three whole fucking days and she hadn't even looked at him, the boy was wondering if he should try talking with her again, risking another argument, or if he should wait longer, risking a further wedge being driven between them.

Even when the couple sat across from one another, there was such a great distance between them, and it was noticeable to Neteyam's parents.

"Neteyam, come, sit." Neytiri called her son over as he finished dragging in the animal carcass to be cooked for tonight. "Help me cook tonight." She said.

"But Tsamera-"

"You can cook together no? Or am I missing something?" Neytiri raised her eyebrow, a knowing look on her face, her and Jake argued many a time, it was natural and healthy for the development of a relationship. 

"...oh mother, I'm such an asshole." He muttered, proceeding to rattle off every word exclaimed during the argument, he reminded his mother of the Koraeya situation, once Neteyam was done, he sat in anticipation, cutting the meat in front of him, ears at attention, waiting for his mother to break the silence and bless him with her infinite romantic knowledge.

"I think you're in the wrong."

"I know."

"But so is she."


"You both are right and you both are wrong, her feelings are valid, you shouldn't have lied, even if it slipped your mind in that moment she asked you about any other women, you should have told her about Koraeya at some point, none of the rest of us knew it was so serious, hell, your father was completely oblivious. And I'm assuming your siblings didn't know you were ready to mate with this Koraeya girl because they most definitely would have told Tsamera. Why would you mate with Koraeya anyways? I know it was practical, but she's a rather obnoxious young woman, nothing like the type of girl you like.

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