Vol. 1 Ch. 1 Distress Signals And Chess Pieces

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Your POV

I checked my Pip-Boy and it said to head to the Northeast. Supposedly there was a Vault-Tec Terminal out there that was sending a faint Vault-Tec distress signal that could only be picked up by a Pip-Boy. I began my journey towards the distress signal.

After awhile, I reached a forest that had a tall cliff overlooking it on the far side. I checked my Pip-Boy and could see that the distress signal was stronger, which meant that I was getting closer. Hopefully this distress signal will give me some answers, I thought to myself. Or at least give me some closure. I followed the signal as it led me to a cave in the forest. On one of the walls of the cave, I found a hydraulic door that led into a small room that was partially caved in by the back wall. Against the wall to my right, there was a desk with a terminal.

According to my Pip-Boy, that terminal was the source of the distress signal. I got on the terminal and saw that the distress beacon was perimeter breach that had been going off for years. It was probably triggered from the cave in and some Grimm nearby. I sighed as I disabled the distress beacon and made sure it wouldn't be triggered again. I was about to get up and leave this cave, when I saw an entry on the terminal that caught my eye.

There was an entry titled "Vault Boy and Ammo Cache" on the terminal. I clicked on it and discovered that there was an ammo cache nearby that required a Pip-Boy and a holotape password to open. Luckily for me, that holotape was in the terminal, so I ejected it from the terminal and put it in my pocket. I inputted the coordinates of the cache into my Pip-Boy and left the cave aa I headed in that direction.

Eventually I came across an abandoned temple that seemed to mostly consist of the broken ruins of a rotunda. The floor of the structure bore a symmetrical design. Three of the columns were broken and lie around the area in pieces. There were five stone columns still standing that held up a circle of stones. There were pedestals lined around the rotunda with what appeared to be chess pieces. I raised my eyebrow in confusion, but shook it off as I spotted the ammo cache a few feet away from the pedestals. I ran over to it and saw a Pip-Boy connection port on the side of it. I put the holotape in my Pip-Boy and plugged into the ammo cache. After a couple seconds, the locks released and the cache opened. Inside of it, there was quite a few cartridges of Lightning Dust, along with a small figurine of the Vault Boy giving a thumbs-up.

 Inside of it, there was quite a few cartridges of Lightning Dust, along with a small figurine of the Vault Boy giving a thumbs-up

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I shrugged and grabbed it along with the ammo. Just as I pocketed the ammo and the figurine, I heard a female voice speak up from somewhere behind me as it said, "Think this is it?" I turned and saw two girls heading down a hill towards the temple. Still a bit on edge, I quickly ducked out of sight. As they got closer, I heard the other one speak up and say, "Chess pieces?" The first girl replied and said, "Some of them are missing. Looks like we weren't the first ones here." The second one answered and said, "Well, I guess we should pick one."

Realizing that these two girls probably weren't going to be a threat to me, I decided to announce my presence as I stepped out of my hiding spot and said, "Excuse me?" The two girls turned to me with their weapons pointed at me in defense. I put my hands up to show them that I wasn't a threat as I said, "Hey, just a normal person, not a Grimm." They lowered their weapons and the blonde one said, "Sorry, we didn't know that someone else was still here. Where's your partner?" I raised an eyebrow and said, "My partner? What do you mean?" The two girls shared a glance and the blonde spoke up again and said, "Aren't you here for Beacon Academy Initiation?" I frowned and thought to myself, Beacon Academy? That's the Huntsmen school in Vale. Didn't realize I was that close to the school.

I shook my head and said, "No, I'm not. If I'm being honest, I've had a very hectic and stressful day and a half already. I honestly had no idea that I was so close to the Academy. I guess since I'm this close to the school, I could ask the headmaster if he could help me." The two girls nodded and black-haired one said, "That's probably a good idea. How about you stick with us until we finish our initiation and we'll lead you to the headmaster." I nodded and said, "Yeah, that sounds good. But I don't need much protection, I've got quite a few skills when it comes to taking care of Grimm." I smirked as I gestured towards the gun on my back and added, "So I won't be a burden." The two girls smiled and the blonde said, "Awesome! I'm Yang. Yang Xiao Long. This here is my partner, Blake." The black-haired girl gave me a brief wave and I said, "My name's Y/N. Y/N L/N. It's great to meet you."

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Y/N shooting Grimm)

Once Yang's half sister, Ruby, decapitated the Giant Nevermore, the rest of us made our way to the top of the cliff. When we got to the auditorium, Yang got my attention and said, "Hey, Y/N, there's Professor Ozpin. He's the headmaster here at Beacon." I nodded and said, "Thanks, Yang. I hope we see each other again." She smiled and said, "Me too." I headed towards Ozpin as I thought to myself, Ozpin is still the headmaster? It's been over 60 years, it couldn't possibly be the same Ozpin my parents had told me about from their time at Beacon. He must be related to that Ozpin.

I walked over to the man that Yang had pointed out to me. He was a middle-aged man with tousled silver hair and thin brown eyes. He had a light complexion and sharp facial features. He also wore a pair of shaded glass spectacles. I stopped in front of him and said, "Excuse me. Are you Professor Ozpin?" He turned to me and I saw a brief look of shock on his face before he smiled and said, "Yes. How can I help you?" I sighed and said, "That's a complicated answer and a long one too." He took a sip from his mug and said, "I see. Well then, meet me in my office after the team announcing ceremony is over. It's at the top of Beacon Tower." I nodded and said, "Thanks, Professor." He smiled and said, "No problem." As he walked towards the stage, I couldn't help but feel like he knew something about me already.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

The Vault Dweller Of Mountain Glenn: Yang Xiao Long X Male Vault-Tec ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now