Vol. 6 Ch. 33 Argus Limited

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3rd Person POV

Qrow looked at everyone and said, "So, you kids ready to go? Bike all loaded up?" Yang replied, "Yep!" Weiss added, "Just waiting on Blake. As usual." Y/N walked over to Yang with a bag on his back. In the bag, he had the parts of ED-E that were worth salvaging, including ED-E's weapon, his license plate, and his primary CPU.

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Y/N being comforted by Chibi Yang over losing ED-E)

Your POV

As the train went into the tunnel, we all quickly ran into the train car as Oscar tended to Dudley, who held his bruised arm in pain. Qrow entered and approached Dudley as he said, "I said, turn those damn things off!" He picked up Dudley and shoved him into the wall as Dudley groaned in pain and replied, "Those things are keeping us alive!" Qrow said, "Us, sure, but they're putting the passengers in danger!" Dudley responded, "I'm the one they hired for this job, okay?! I'm in charge here!" Qrow replied, "Forgive me if I'm not exactly reassured."

While the two argued, Ruby and I looked out the window and noticed the Manticores enter the tunnel, continuing their pursuit of the train. I saw one of Manticores shoot a fireball at the engine. Ruby then looked behind our friends at the passengers, I could hear crying as passengers murmur amongst themselves. Ruby then walked forward to her uncle and Dudley. Qrow said, "Look, if you bozos had been doing your job instead of shaking down passengers, maybe we wouldn't be in this─" Ruby stopped her uncle, walked up to Dudley, and said, "Please just shut off the turrets." Jaune added, "Trust us, we know what we're doing." Jaune activated his Semblance to heal Dudley's arm. Dudley looked to the students before he answered and said, "Fine."

Ruby nodded and I said, "Ren, could you use your Semblance to mask everyone on this train? With the guns off and emotions hidden, they might lose track of us!" Ren replied, "Hm, I never attempted to affect this many people." Ruby said, "Well, you've never had Jaune's help before." Weiss added, "He could amplify your Aura!" Qrow agreed and said, "Yeah, that's an alright plan." Nora spoke up and said, "Don't look so worried, Ren. You can totally do this!" Oscar's eyes glow as Ozpin took over and said, "I'm afraid there's one complication... The Grimm are also attracted to this." He gestured to the Relic of Knowledge on his hip and Dudley asked, "What's that?" Qrow replied, "None of your business. Oz, are you serious?" Yang responded, "Why wouldn't you tell us that?!" Ozpin started to reply but was cut off by Ruby, who said, "It doesn't matter right now. Every second we're on board this train, we're putting everyone else in danger. Get the passengers to the front cars, you'll still mask the emotions and kill the turrets... we just can't come with you. If we cut the back cars with us and the Relic on them, we can deal with the Grimm. You just make sure the rest of the train makes it safely to Argus."

Upon hearing this, Jaune finished up healing Dudley's arm, walked over to Ruby with a conflicted expression, and said, "Only if you'll promise you'll meet us there." Ruby smiled and said, "Promise." With that, Team JNPR began evacuating all of the passengers to the front half of the train.

3rd Person POV

Outside, the turrets were shut off. Blake jumped down and decoupled the train, allowing the front half to continue forward. When she looked up, she noticed a hooded figure resembling Adam in front of her on the next train car. Blake prepared for a fight, but then realized that no one was there and it was just her imagination. Blake sighed before jumping back up to the top of the train. Ruby was a few train cars down looking at her scroll, which showed portraits of her teammates and Nora, the latter's signal low compared to the rest. Ruby looked back up and noticed the Manticores and Sphinx exiting the tunnel and taking flight once again. As the Sphinx landed on the train, Ruby sent Nora a message saying, "Now!"

Nora got Ruby's message and gave the okay to Jaune and Ren. The two boys combined their Semblances, with Jaune enhancing Ren's Aura to the point where the entire front half of the train was grayed out by Ren's Semblance. Oscar watched the train as it disappeared into the snowstorm, before being attacked by a Manticore. He managed to fend it off temporarily while team RWBY take out several Manticores one by one. Taking notice of Oscar's struggle, Y/N fired off a few shots with his revolver to help Oscar with the Manticore. However this just made the Manticore lose its interest in Oscar and direct its attention to the vault dweller.

Meanwhile, Qrow was struggling against the Sphinx. Ruby noticed this and she and her team went to assist him as she said, "We need to ground it!" Blake replied and said, "On it! Yang!" Yang took out a Manticore before launching off it and ran towards the Sphinx, ducking under it. Blake spun her weapon, with Yang punching it back and forth, the ribbon wrapping around the Sphinx's torso. Yang punched Gambol Shroud one more time, embedding the blade to the train's roof, and she and Blake pulled the ribbon together, keeping the Sphinx down. Weiss used her Glyphs to freeze the Sphinx's wings, with Qrow and Ruby shooting at them, shattering them. The uncle and niece readied their scythes as the Sphinx prepared to launch one more fireball. Qrow and Ruby launched forward, spinning their scythes together rapidly as they bisect the Sphinx's torso, finishing it off for good. Before it died however, the Sphinx launched the fireball, destroying the rails in front of the train. Weiss activated her black Glyphs to hold everyone in place as the train derailed and crashed into the snow.

The back half of the Argus Limited was completely derailed, with the train cars crashed in the snow. Qrow, Oscar, and Team RWBY all got back up as Qrow said, "Is everyone okay?" Weiss replied, "I'm fine." Blake replied in agreement, saying, "Yeah." Then, an unfamiliar voice was heard as it said, "Still alive!" Everyone looked up and noticed the elderly woman, Maria Calavera, stepping out from the train as she said, "That sure was a close one, huh?" Yang then looked around and said, "Wait, where's Y/N?"

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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