Vol. 7 Ch. 37 Arriving In Atlas

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Your POV

After we landed and ditched the stolen airship in Mantle, we started following Maria as she led us through the streets of Mantle. We eventually reached a building with a glowing green plus symbol above its front door. The side door opened, and a Faunus with a prosthetic arm exited, waving cheerfully to the man who spoke to her from inside and said, "And no more heavy-lifting, yah hear?"  As we entered the building Maria said, "Ah, it's good to see you again, old friend." The older man was sitting behind the desk, shuffling things around in a drawer. Maria cleared her throat, startling him, and he lifted his head to look at her, shutting the drawer. Maria smiled at him as he said, "Ah, yes, yes. Have we met?" As Ren entered, he said, "Well, this is off to a fantastic start." Maria replied, "Cybernetic optical implants. You adjust them. Every ten years or so?" He stared at her for a few moments before throwing his hands cheerfully into the air and saying, "Maria!" The robotic chair he was sitting in began walking out from behind the desk as he said, "Yes, with the cybernetic optical implants! I adjust them every ten years or so." He offered his hand to her and led her to an examination table as he laughed and said, "Oh wow, has it been that long already?"

Maria replied, "Ah, I know. I age like a fine wine. Would've been here sooner if I hadn't run into these jokers. At the time, I thought they might need my guidance while fighting a little old Sphinx." The doctor responded and said, "Oh, did they?" Maria answered, "No, no. They had much more complicated issues." Qrow cleared his throat and said, "And this is?" Maria replied, "So impatient. I didn't think I'd need to introduce one of Atlas' finest minds." Yang commented and said, "Working in a place like this?" The building creaked, and a ceiling tile fell to the floor as Maria answered, "He likes to keep a low profile. Something I've come to realize none of you know anything about." Pietro spoke up again and said, "You can call me Pietro." Maria continued, "Finest heart, too. This pharmacy is just where he volunteers when he's not building the future of Atlas alongside Ironwood, up in the clouds." Pietro added, "Oh, it's stuffy up there. Down here, I get to help the locals and have a little fun. I'm currently working on shoes that make you dance. Wanna try 'em on?" Nora replied excitedly, "YES!"

Stepping in, Yang said, "Before we get to that, we were wondering if you could help us. We came to Atlas hoping to talk to General Ironwood, but um..." Blake continued, "What exactly has been happening here?" Pietro coughed and said, "Well, the Fall of Beacon took a toll on all of us. James was no different. I couldn't tell you exactly what it was he saw there, but it changed him. He's..." Qrow finished, "He's scared." Pietro replied, "Paranoid would be the more appropriate term. You have to understand, it wasn't just the Grimm. Someone completely dismantled Atlas security code, made it their play-thing, and made us look like traitors to some and buffoons to everyone else. Whoever managed to do that is either a genius or one of our own. I fear the answer may be both, and so does the general." Ren spoke up and said, "Maybe Atlas isn't as safe as we thought." Oscar replied, "After we came all this way, we can't just leave, can we?" Weiss stepped forward and asked, "How does the council feel about all of this? Or Winter Schnee? Do you know anything about her?" Pietro replied, "Well, the council's so scared, they'll agree to whatever he wants. Though, some representatives from Mantle... Wait, you're... You're Weiss Schnee!"

Weiss gasped and stepped back, with the others looking nervous. Yang stepped forward with her prosthetic arm outstretched and said, "Wait, what was it that you were trying to say about Mantle?" Looking at the prosthetic, Pietro said, "You painted it." Yang withdrew her arm, confused, and said, "What?" Ruby spoke up and said, "Is everything okay?" Pietro replied, "You're Team RWBY!" Then he turned to me and said, "And judging from your Vault-Tec jumpsuit, you must be the Vault Dweller of Mountain Glenn!" The Team RWBY girls and I looked at each other in confusion and Ruby said, "You know us?!" Pietro replied, "Oh, my girl, I do. I most certainly do. And I feel like such a dunce for not recognizing you sooner. My daughter's told me so much about you." At the mention of his daughter, Ruby looked at him and said, "Your... daughter?"

Our conversation was interrupted by the sound of an alarm and people screaming. Outside, civilians were running, and the lights from the street lamps have turned red. We all started to fight off the incoming Grimm. Suddenly, another Sabyr leapt into the air behind Blake, who gasped and turned to face it. Before she could fight back, a green laser fired from the sky, cutting the Grimm in half. More lasers shot from above, striking down the remaining Grimm. The alarms throughout the city stopped, and the street lamps changed back to their normal color. We all watched as a figure with long hair flew into view, with green jets coming from her feet. She twirled in the air and slowly descended. Pietro and Maria walked outside to join the group, while Ruby stared at the girl before gasping and gaining a look of recognition as she said, "Penny!" Pietro spoke up and said, "Darling, why don't you say hello to your friends?" Penny turned to look in the direction her father's voice came from.

Upon seeing Ruby, she gasped and her eyes shined with joy

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Upon seeing Ruby, she gasped and her eyes shined with joy. Ruby smiled and put her weapon away. Penny leaned forward a little and said, "Sal..." Confused, Ruby said, "Huh?" Penny lowered to one knee as a high-pitched charging noise was heard and she said, "U..." Nervous, Ruby said, "Uh...?" Penny began gleefully sprinting towards Ruby at high speed as she said, "Tations!!!" Penny leapt and activated her jets, rocketing forward and tackling Ruby, who flailed her hands around in front of her and screamed, eyes wide. Upon crashing to the ground, Ruby groaned in pain. Everyone else put their weapons away and approached the pair. Penny popped back up onto her feet, while Ruby slowly rises with her hand on her head. Then Penny said, "It is such a pleasure to see you all again!" Tearfully, Ruby said, "Penny, I... I-I thought you..." Pietro replied, "Died? I guess, in a manner of speaking, she did. But we were able to recover her core from Amity Arena once it had made its way back to Atlas. It took me some time, but..." Penny finished, "I'm as good as new! Better, even! And now I'm the official protector of the city!" Pietro responded, "That's my girl. We're not going to let a little ripping to shreds stop us, are we?" He laughed, then coughed as Penny replied, "No sir!" Weiss spoke and said, "This is..." Blake finished, "Strangely wholesome." Yang replied, "Sounds like Penny to me." I nodded and said, "Sure does."

As we all headed back to Pietro's pharmacy, Ren and I both sensed something behind us. Before any of us could react, several bolases wrap around Nora, Oscar, Jaune, and Ren, the spheres at the ends of the ropes locked into place with Gravity Dust. Blake turned to look back at the commotion, just in time for all of Team RWBY to be caught. As Ruby landed, the Relic of Knowledge came unhooked from her belt and clattered to the ground. Qrow drew his sword and looked for the unseen enemy, before being captured himself. Now alert, I managed to dodge one of the bolases that was thrown at me, but was hit by the second one. As I fell to the ground, my glasses fell off my face. I could make the sounds of five people approaching us. The sounds of their footsteps surrounded us as the leader said, "Good work, team." I heard ED-E let out a angry bleep and I said, "I don't want to lose you again, Eddie. So please, just stand down." The leader noticed this and said, "This robot is yours?" I nodded and said, "Yeah, but please don't harm him." Before the leader could reply, Qrow spoke up and say, "Hey, pal! I'm a licensed Huntsman! Just helped save everyone?" As the group of people picked up our weapons, the guy in charge spoke again and said, "Hmm. Let's get them loaded into the next transport." Ruby spoke up and said, "Please! We were just trying to help!" Pietro spoke up and asked, "What is the meaning of this? What are the Ace-Ops even doing down here in Mantle?" The person who I assumed was the leader replied and said, "Doctor, good to see you. Well, we heard a report of an unauthorized ship making an unauthorized landing, followed by an unauthorized use of weapons by unlicensed Huntsmen." Pietro replied and said, "If we could just talk this out─" the leader cut him off and said, "They'll be able to talk this out once they get to Atlas. Let's move out!" Then we were all forced into the back of a secure van with our wrists bound as Qrow said, "Now, this... This is much closer to what I was expecting." Then the back doors of the van were slammed shut.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

The Vault Dweller Of Mountain Glenn: Yang Xiao Long X Male Vault-Tec ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now