Vol. 2 Ch. 14 Returning To Mountain Glenn

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Your POV

Team RWBY and I boarded the Bullhead that Oobleck was on, and soon enough, it started to fly towards the mission area. Yang spoke up and said, "I guess I just never saw you as much of a fighter." Oobleck replied, "I admit I fancy myself more of an intellectual, but I can assure you as a Huntsman, I've had my fair share of tussles." Then Ruby asked, "Like the mushroom?" Then Blake said, "Those are truffles." Ruby asked, "Like the sprout?" Yang said, "Those are brussels."

Then Oobleck said, "Besides, given my expertise in the field of history, as well as my dabblings in the archeological surveys, our dear headmaster saw fit to assign me to this particular.... assignment." Then Weiss said, "What does history have to do with this?" Oobleck replied, "What a preposterous question, you silly girl. Why, history is the backbone of our very society, and the liver, probably the kidneys, if I were to wager." Weiss asked, "And that means?" Oobleck answered, "The southeast quadrant outside of Vale is home to wildforests and deep caves, but it is also the location of the kingdom's greatest failures." Then I said, "Mountain Glenn." Oobleck replied, "Correct, and now it stands abandoned as a dark reminder." Then Blake added, "And a likely place for a hideout." Oobleck replied, "Precisely!"

As the bullhead reaches the destination, in the middle of the street, we all disembark from it and it flies away. Then Oobleck said, "Alright everyone you still may be students, but as of this moment, your first mission as Huntsman and Huntresses has begun. From this point forward, you need to do exactly as I say. Do you understand?!" We all nodded in agreement, but Professor Oobleck noticed Ruby carrying her pack still and said, "Ruby! I thought I told you to leave all your bags back at school?!" Then Ruby said, "But you hadn't told us to listen to you yet.....so...I didn't." Upon hearing Ruby's excuse, I pinched the bridge of my nose at her excuse as I heard Oobleck say, "She's not wrong."

Then Oobleck said, "Very well, Ruby, leave your bag here, we can pick it up on your return." Ruby hesitated and said, "But I, uhh..." Then Oobleck asked, "Young lady, what in the world could you possibly have in that bag that could be so important to bring it...." Then a small dog casually popped out of Ruby's bag and barked at Dr. Oobleck, causing him to stop talking mid sentence. Then the doctor said, "We're here to investigate an abandoned urban jungle, teeming with death and hostility, and you brought.. a dog?" Ruby replied, "...uhh..." Then Oobleck said, "Genius!" Oobleck quickly grabbed the dog from Ruby's backpack, admiring the new canine member of the team. Then he said, "Canines are historically known for their perceptive nose and heightened sense of sound, making them excellent companions for a hunt such as ours!" Ruby said, "I'm a genius!" The rest of her team and I all facepalmed after hearing the unexpected reaction from our Professor and I said, "I can't believe she actually got away with that."

Blake spoke up and said, "So, what are your orders, Doctor?" Oobleck replied as he suddenly let go of the dog and put his hands behind his back for a serious pose as he said, "Ah, yes, straight to the chase; I like it! As you've been informed, the southeast area has been marked as a recent hot spot for Grimm activity. Now, there are several possible explanations for this behavior, one of which being... Grimm." Just as confused as rest of us for the redundancy, Ruby said, "Uh, what?" Oobleck replied and said, "Grimm. A creature of Grimm approximately one hundred yards from us at this very moment." We all turned to look at the lone Beowolf wandering into the street, while all 4 girls unleashed their weapons. Then Oobleck called out and said, "Stop!" Lowering her Gambol Shroud like everyone else to listen, Blake said, "Huh?"

Oobleck responded and said, "There are a number of reasons why Grimm will congregate in this particular area, the most likely of which will be their attraction to negativity: sadness, envy, loneliness, hatred. All qualities that are likely held by our hidden group harboring ill intent." Ruby replied and asked, "So... What now?" Oobleck answered and said, "We wait. We track. If this specimen leads us to its pack, that pack may subsequently lead us to our prey." Blake spoke again and asked, "How long do we wait?" Oobleck answered her and said, "It's uncertain. Hours, days, weeks. Why, lone Grimm have been known to stay isolated from the pack for months─and there's the whole pack."

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