Vol. 1 Ch. 5 Piano Playing At The Pub

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Your POV

We all arrived at The Shamrock Pub and went inside. We all sat down and started to order drinks for ourselves. Yang ordered a Strawberry Sunrise while I decided to get myself a Nuka-Cola Quantum. After awhile, I noticed that there was a piano against one of the walls. I walked over to the bartender, who was cleaning a cup with a dish rag, and I said, "Is the piano open for free use?" He continued cleaning the cup and replied, "Sure. Knock yourself out." I smiled and walked over to it. I sat down on it and hit some of the keys to get a feel for the sound of this piano. As I did this, I noticed that both Team RWBY and JNPR had quieted down and turned their attention to me. I smirked and took a deep breath before I began playing.

As I finished the song, I turned to see all of my friends cheering and in a happy mood, so I decided to pick up the pace a bit more and play another song. I took a sip from my neon blue colored soda and strummed across the keyboard as I began.

Once I had gotten to the chorus, everyone in the pub had joined in, including all of my friends. By the end of the song, everyone was laughing and cheering. I smiled as Yang came over to me and said, "You really know how to bring the excitement to a crowd." I smirked and said, "My piano skills did often have that effect on a crowd." Yang smiled and said, "Screw it. Come here, Blue!" She grabbed me by the collar and smashed her lips onto mine. After a brief second of surprise, I kissed her back and wrapped my arms around her waist as our friends cheered. When we pulled away, I shook my head and said, "Wooo! Honey!" I smirked and said, "Does this mean you'll go out with me?" She smiled as she rolled her eyes and said, "Well, duh." I smirked and pulled her in for another kiss. After we pulled apart for air, Yang said, "How about you play one more song before we leave?" I smiled as I took a quick drink from my Nuka-Cola Quantum and said, "You got it. I know exactly what to play."

As I finished the last song, I joined the others at the table and Jaune said, "Wow, Y/N, you're very talented." I smiled lightly and said, "Thanks. Music is just something that helps me cope." Yang placed a hand on my shoulder and said, "And we're all here for you too, Y/N." I smiled a bit more and said, "Thanks, Yang." She smiled and said, "Of course, Blue."

After awhile, the excitement slowly calmed down and we all headed back towards Beacon. On our way back, I picked up a weird distress signal on my Pip-Boy. It was weak and faint, but it wasn't recognized by my Pip-Boy, which meant it wasn't coming from a computer terminal of any kind. It's getting late already, I thought to myself. But if I have time tomorrow afternoon, I'll definitely check it out. I made a note of where I was on my Pip-Boy so I could come back later.

When I got back to my dorm, I decided to work on some of my homework while listening to some music on my Pip-Boy. As I finished it up, I got a text from Yang.

I smiled and turned off the radio on my Pip-Boy

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I smiled and turned off the radio on my Pip-Boy. Then I took off my jumpsuit and climbed into bed. I set my Pip-Boy on the nightstand and eventually drifted off to sleep.

Dream Of A Past Memory

I was training with my dad on my close quarters combat. I caught his fist and through an uppercut as a counter. I managed to land a couple of elbow strikes before he flipped me over onto my back and I hit the ground hard. My dad pinned me down and said, "I win again, son." He got off of me and helped me back up as he said, "You've improved quite a bit, Y/N. I'm proud." I smiled and said, "Well, I did learn from the best." He ruffled my hair and said, "That you did. Now come on. Let's go grab some Nuka-Cola and meet up with your mother at the house." I nodded and followed him back to our apartment here in Mountain Glenn.

Ever since we moved here to help with the expansion, we'd been staying in one of the apartment buildings nearby. After we picked up a case of Nuka-Cola, we headed to the apartment. Once we went inside, we heard my mom's voice as she walked into the room and said, "There you two are. I beginning to think you two had been gobbled up by some Grimm." My dad laughed and said, "Come on, Iris. You know me better than that. I'd never let that happen." She smiled and said, "I know. It's just a bit late." My dad smiled and said, "Well, Y/N here wanted to do some close quarters combat training with his old man." My mom nodded and said, "Oh? And how did he do?" I smiled and said, "He kicked my butt, like usual."

My mom laughed and said, "Well, I hope he wasn't too hard on you." My dad replied and said, "He almost had me a couple times." My mom smiled and said, "Well, Silver, I may have taught him a couple of your tricks." My dad chuckled lightly and said, "Now that makes sense. We also picked up a case of Nuka-Cola on the way home." My mom nodded and said, "Well, I just finished making us dinner." As we all sat down to eat, I spoke up and said, "Hey, Mom. Since Dad has to help out with some of engineering work on the subway tunnels tomorrow, could we do some target practice?" She smiled and said, "Of course, but no using your Semblance." I groaned and said, "Okay, fine."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

The Vault Dweller Of Mountain Glenn: Yang Xiao Long X Male Vault-Tec ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now