Vol. 2 Ch. 10 Investigations

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Your POV

After classes had ended for the day, I headed back to my dorm since Yang had suggested that I should wear something besides my jumpsuit to blend in a bit during our investigations. Luckily I had gotten myself some other clothes a while back. I changed out of my vault suit and into a white tank top and a pair of black jeans. I put on a nice leather jacket and put my utility belt over that.

I whistled for ED-E to follow me and we both headed to Team RWBY's dorm

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I whistled for ED-E to follow me and we both headed to Team RWBY's dorm. I knocked on the door and Yang let me in. Jumping off of her bed, Ruby said, "Alright guys, today's the day, let the investigation begin!" "I'm glad to see we're taking this so seriously," Weiss said sarcastically. Then Yang said, "Hey, we've got a plan that's moderately serious." "Right. Everyone remember your roles?" Ruby asked. Weiss spoke up first and said, "You and I will visit the CCT to check the Schnee records for any other dust robberies or inconsistencies. Seeing as I'm in the family, it shouldn't be a problem." Then Blake said, "The White Fang has regular faction meetings to hand out orders and recruit new members. If I can get in, I can hopefully find out what they're planning." "I have an old friend on the shady side of town that typically knows everything that's going on in Vale. Getting information from him shouldn't be to hard for Y/N and I." Yang said, crossing her arms. I rolled my eyes and added, "And I'll go with Yang so she doesn't cause too much trouble. Eddie will also come with us if we need some backup." "Great, we'll meet up tonight near Yang and Y/N to go over what we've found. Let's do this!" Ruby said. Then we all heard a familiar voice say, "Yeah!"

"Sun!?" Blake said surprised. Then Yang asked, "How did you get up there?" "It's easy, I do it all the time," he answered. Then Weiss yelled, "You do what?!" "I climb trees all the time," Sun answered, as Weiss glares at him. He flipped into our dorm and said, "So are we finally getting back at that Torchwick guy?" "We are gonna go investigate the situation... As a team," Blake answered. Ruby said, "Sorry Sun, we don't wanna get friends involved if we don't have to." Then Sun said, "Pfft that's dumb. You should always get friends involved, that's why I brought Neptune." We peeked our heads out to see Neptune standing on the ledge of the wall near our window. "Sup," he said, like it was just an everyday thing for him. "How did you even get up here?" Ruby asked. Neptune answered, "I have my ways... but seriously can I come in, we're like really high up." Once we get Neptune inside, we decide on who's going with who. Ruby said, "Alright, I'll go with Weiss, Sun, you can go with Blake, and Neptune, you can go with Yang and Y/N." He seemed to stiffen to the point where Yang poked him and he rocked back and forth. Then Weiss said, "Actually Ruby, why don't you go with Yang and Y/N. After all, she is your sister." Weiss said. "Well then, who would go with you?" Ruby asked, to which Weiss answered, "Well, I guess Neptune could come with me." Ruby laughed and dragged Weiss away. "But, But," was all Weiss could say before she was pulled away. Then the rest of us went off to do our parts.

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Nora breaking a Whack-A-Grimm game)

3rd Person POV

In the ruined parts of Vale, the sound of an engine gets closer and closer until Bumblebee pulled into the street, showing Yang behind the handlebars in her matching helmet. A taxi pulled up and stopped nearby, the door opened as ED-E and Y/N exited the taxi. Taking off her helmet, Yang gestured to the nearby club and said, "Come on, my friend's right in here!" Yang got off her bike to reveal Neptune sitting right behind her, hair and goggles messed up with a petrified expression of terror on his face. Sounding dizzy, Neptune said, "Cool... And where exactly is... here?" The music from Junior's Club got louder once inside showing Junior behind the bar adjusting his cuffs as his henchmen stocked the bottles, carried boxes, and otherwise stood around on the dance floor, until one of the henchmen ran inside shouting, "Hurry, close the door - she's coming!" He and another henchman proceeded to roll the doors shut and keep them closed with their bodies. Walking out from the bar, Junior said, "What are you two idiots doing?!" The henchmen shouted incoherently until an explosion knocked them to the ground and forced the doors open, allowing Yang and Y/N to walk in through the smoke as "I Burn" started playing. Then Yang said, "Guess who's back!"

Your POV

Yang continued to smile and pose as eight guns were pointed in her face with an equal number of angry henchmen behind them. Though this didn't faze her, she stopped and glared at the recording studio where the track was messing up until the frightened bear-headed DJ took the needle off the record and retreated back under the table. As Neptune slowly appeared behind Yang as the henchmen continued hoisting their guns, I said, "Yeah, so could you define 'friend' for me?" Junior spoke up and said, "Stop, stop! Nobody shoot. Blondie, you're here! ...Why?" Yang replied, "You still owe me a drink." She grabbed Junior by the arm and dragged him to the bar through the hired guns. Neptune said as he looked at Yang in awe, "Whoa-ho-ho-ho, what a woman..." I glared at Neptune and said, "Watch it, Neptune. That's my girlfriend you're talking about."

After we questioned Junior to the best of our ability, Yang groaned and said, "Come on, you two." We turned and followed her out as Neptune said, "We get everything we need?" Yang replied and said, "Well, we got everything we can. Hopefully the rest of the team is having better luck." As we get back outside, everyone's Scrolls started going off. Yang was back on the motorcycle in her helmet and sunglasses with Neptune looking at the Scroll in her hand over her shoulder. From what we could hear, Sun and Blake were being chased by a giant robotic mech suit. Yang responded and said over the Scroll, "Where are you guys?"

Almost on cue, behind them, Blake and Sun were seen running through the street with the Paladin hot on their heels before they all disappeared from view. Then Neptune said, "I think that was them." Yang nodded as I hopped on behind Neptune and she said, "Yeah, I got it." Putting the Scroll away, she quickly circled her ride around ─much to both Neptune and I's surprise─ and drives off to follow them. Once we got close enough, I hoped off the bike and began jumping from car to car as we continued to chase after Torchwick. Neptune took a few shots at the robot, before jumping at it and stabbing it. Then Sun activated his semblance, creating two golden mimics of himself, to attack the robot. Then he jumped in the air to make a strike, but Neptune was thrown at him, taking them both out of the fight. Then Weiss jumped down off of one road onto the one we were on and made the floor ice as the robot got near, causing it to slip and crash through the holo rail and onto the ground, where Ruby was waiting. We all jumped down to join Ruby as she called out a team attack, "Freezer Burn!"

Weiss created another floor of Ice and Yang punched it, making mist cover our positions. The robot started to look around as we ran around it, disorienting it as it took a shot at Yang and Blake. Then Ruby dashed towards it, took a strike and called out, "Checkmate!" Blake and Weiss took as many quick strikes as possible before getting out. They kept dodging missiles shot by the Torchwick robot and then Weiss made a glyph under Blake that made her move faster as she cut all the missiles in half. "Ladybug!" Ruby called out. As Ruby and Blake slashed threw the legs of the robot, constantly switching sides before dashing into the air, before taking a downward strike at Torchwick. Then Ruby called out, "Critical Freeze!" I activated my Semblance to precisely get a critical shot and aimed my laser rifle at Torchwick as Weiss formed a glyph in front of me to make my shot be infused with ice. Then I yelled, "Eddie! Tesla Blast!" ED-E shot the backside of the Paladin with bursts of electrical shots to short-circuit it a bit.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

The Vault Dweller Of Mountain Glenn: Yang Xiao Long X Male Vault-Tec ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now