Vol. 3 Ch. 20 The Precipice of The Fall

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Your POV

After the incident between Yang and Mercury happened, I waited in the hallway outside Team RWBY's dorm. I knew that Yang wasn't the type of person to do something like that. As Ruby, Blake, and Weiss left their dorm, I spoke up and said, "How's she holding up?" Blake replied and said, "She's doing the best she can." Ruby said, "I heard Mercury and his team rushed back to Haven to be with his family. So, until they land, no one can really question him about what happened." Then Ren said, "If there's anything we can do, please don't hesitate to ask." Ruby looked down for a second before she said, "All right then. If that's the case... Pyrrha?" The red-haired Spartan looked up and said, "Hm?" Ruby held her clenched hands up as she tried to put on a grin and said, "You be sure to win one for Beacon, okay?" Weiss nodded as she and Blake also smiled sadly, and said, "It's what Yang would want." Pyrrha said, "I'll... do my best." Ruby said excitedly, "I'll be sure to watch tonight in case you're picked!" Pyrrha's smile dipped down into worry as she looked away. Blake said, "Sorry but, I think I've had enough fighting for one year." Weiss nodded once and said, "Ditto. Coffee?" Blake replied, smiling, "Tea." Ruby looked at me and said, "Y/N, Yang needs you right now." I nodded and said, "I know."

I opened the door and saw Yang sitting on Weiss' bed. I sat down next to her and said, "Sorry for what happened." She looked at me and said, "He attacked me first." I placed my hand on my girlfriend's shoulder and said, "I believe you. I know that you would never attack someone unless you were provoked." Yang turned and hugged me. I hugged her back and she said, "I'm so glad I have someone like you in my life. I love you, Blue." I smiled as I kissed her head and replied, "I love you too, Yang." She nuzzled her face into the crook of my neck as I began gently stroking her golden locks of hair. After a few minutes, we both heard a familiar voice speak from the doorway as it said, "Hey there, firecracker." Neither of us even turned to look, both of us knowing who it was, as Yang said, "Hey, Qrow." He looked at me and said, "Y/N, could you give us the room for a few minutes?" I nodded hesitantly and said to Yang, "I'll head to my dorm. If you need me, don't hesitate to call or text me." She nodded as I kissed her hair once more before leaving the room. When I got back to my dorm, ED-E let out a concerned beep and I replied, "She's doing the best she can. A part of me can't help but feel like she was set up, but I don't know how." ED-E let out a somber whirl and I said, "I know. I'm having that same feeling."

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Y/N polishing Ranger Sequoia)

I was getting Yang something from the cafeteria and was heading back towards her dorm. I heard what sounded like a wall being blown down in the library. I peeked down the hall and saw that there were members of the White Fang letting Grimm into the school. I dropped the food I had grabbed and ran towards Yang's dorm, shooting any Grimm I could along the way with Ranger Sequoia with ED-E doing the same. As I ran in and quickly shut the door behind me and ED-E, Yang stared at us, slightly startled, and said, "Whoa! Calm down, Blue. What is it?" I looked at her and said, "Grab Ember Celica, you're going to need them." She looked at me confused and asked, "Why?" I replied, "Because Beacon is under attack. The White Fang are releasing Grimm into the school." Yang went wide-eyed and grabbed her gauntlets. I turned to Zwei and ED-E as I said, "Hey, boys, you ready to fight some Grimm?" He barked twice in response and ED-E let out a determined beep.

Then we both heard something bang on the door. I unholstered my laser rifle held it up, ready to fire. I smirked as I turned to Yang and said, "You ready to kick some Grimm butt?" She smirked and replied, "Always!" Then a Beowolf busted down the door. We killed it and ran out of the dorm. As we were fighting off any Grimm in our way, Yang and I tried calling Ruby, but she didn't answer. Suddenly, Yang's Scroll rang and it was Blake, who said, "Yang, are you okay?" Yang replied, "I'm fine. Is Ruby with you? She's not answering her Scroll." Blake answered, "No, she isn't." At those words, Yang and I both stopped in our tracks with a worried expression on our face. Then Blake said, "Yang, I'm sure she's fine. She's our leader. She can take care of herself." Yang closed her eyes and curled her fist into a ball and said hesitantly, "Right." Yang and I continued forward with Zwei and turned the next corner of the hallways. Weiss said over the Scrolls, "This can't be happening. Penny..." I spoke up and said, "Yang and I are headed to the docks near the courtyard. The White Fang are releasing Grimm into the school!" Blake was alarmed and replied, "The White Fang is here!?" More Grimm approached us and started growling, and Blake yelled, "Yang! Y/N!" Yang replied, "Ugh! Gotta go!" I said, "You two be careful!" Then the call ended.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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