Vol. 4 Ch. 25 Moving Forward

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3rd Person POV

Outside of her home on Patch, Yang spray painted her robotic arm and half of Ember Celica a bright yellow. She went into a tool shed and took the tarp that had been covering her motorcycle, Bumblebee, off. She then heard her dad, Taiyang, speak up from behind her as he said, "I don't remember saying that you were ready." He ws leaning against the frame of the open shed door, arms crossed, while ED-E hovered in the air next to him. Without turning around, Yang replied, "Oh yeah? You're gonna try and stop me?" Taiyang replied, chuckling as he said, "No. I think I'm still too sore after our last fight. I just wanted a better goodbye than a letter. And, I also have a question for you." Yang turned around as Tai asked her, "Where are you going?" Confused, Yang responded and said, "What do you mean?"

As he moved into the shed, Tai said, "Well, despite asking him numerous times not to, I know that Qrow told you where your mother's been at these days. I know how much you wanna see her. I've stopped you in the past, but I won't anymore. And we both read the note. We know your sister's headed to Mistral. Y/N said that he'd still be in town if you ever changed your mind. So, where are you going?" Yang looked down at the tarp as her dad made his point. She remained gazing down for another couple of beats before grabbing the bottlecap hanging from her neck and looking up at her father. Her eyes narrow in determination, her decision made. As she hopped onto Bumblebee, she turned to ED-E and said, "Come on, Eddie. Let's go get our 60-year-old living relic." ED-E let out an affirmative and enthusiastic whirl and began to follow Yang as she revved up her motorcycle and started driving towards the main city area of Patch.

Yang's POV

When I arrived in the city, I turned to ED-E and said, "I trust you might know where he is?" He let out an affirmative sounding bleep and headed towards the direction of what looked like a pub of sorts. As I got closer, I saw that the name of the place was Lenny's Lantern. I parked Bumblebee on the curb near the pub and noticed that there was a faint sound of someone playing a piano coming from inside the pub. Realizing that it was most definitely Y/N playing the piano in the pub, I turned to ED-E and said, "Eddie, would you mind staying out here with the bike? I need to do this on my own." He let out an affirmative sounding bleep and stayed with Bumblebee as I slowly made my way to the door of the pub.

Your POV

I finished the song that I was playing and got myself ready as I began the next one. I took a deep breath and began playing.

As I finished the song, the crowd in the pub gave their usual applause and cheers. I took a deep breath and began to play a song that had some more emotion in it.

After I finished that song, I decided to take a small break and headed to the back storage room. After a couple minutes, Lenny came over and said, "Hey, Y/N, there's someone who has a song request." I nodded and said, "Tell them to write down the name of the song on a note and set on the piano. I'll be back out in a bit." He nodded and headed back to the counter. After a couple more minutes, I headed back out there and sat down at the piano once more. I saw a note on the top of the piano that had the song request on it. What threw me off the most was the drink sitting next to the note. It was a Nuka-Cola Dark, an alcoholic version of Nuka-Cola.

Sure, throughout my time playing at the pub, I had received the occasional tip or song request

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Sure, throughout my time playing at the pub, I had received the occasional tip or song request. But nobody had ever bought me a drink, let alone an alcoholic one. I mean there had been a couple times that Lenny had gotten me a Nuka-Cola or two if it was a packed house that night. I scratched my head in slight confusion, then I picked up the note to see what the song request was.

 I scratched my head in slight confusion, then I picked up the note to see what the song request was

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60-year-old living relic? I thought to myself. The only people who know about that are Teams RWBY and JNPR. But Weiss is in Atlas, Blake disappeared, and Ruby went with the remainder of Team JNPR to Mistral. So that leaves... My train of thought trailed off as I slowly turned and saw the only other possibility standing there as I said their name out loud, "Y-Yang?" She smiled and gave me a hug. I was a bit shocked for a moment before I hugged her back and heard her say, "I'm so sorry for what I said. I know it was harsh and hurtful. But I─" I cut her off and said, "It's okay, Goldilocks. I forgive you. You weren't in your right mind and you weren't yourself. I still love you." Yang hugged me a little tighter and said, "I love you too, Blue."

We pulled out of the hug and shared a long awaited kiss full of passion and love. Yang chuckled lightly and said, "I did actually have a song request." I raised an eyebrow and said, "Oh?" She smiled and said, "Great Balls of Fire?" I smirked and said, "Sure, but it'll cost you another kiss." She grabbed me by the collar and smashed her lips onto mine once more. When we pulled away, I shook my head and said, "Wooo! Honey!" Then I began to play one of my favorite songs on the piano.

I had so much energy from the song after I finished it that decided to play one more favorite of mine for the night before the pub closed for the night. I took a drink from my Nuka-Cola Dark and began to play once more.

When song was over, the crowd of customers cheered one last time before they all gradually left the pub.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

The Vault Dweller Of Mountain Glenn: Yang Xiao Long X Male Vault-Tec ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now