Vol. 1 Ch. 8 ED-E's Abilities

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Your POV

Since working on ED-E's repairs had taken most of the day, I ended up falling asleep a while after we had gotten to my dorm. When I woke up the next morning, ED-E was still in hibernation mode, most likely because I was asleep when he had finished updating his database. I yawned as I sat up and realized that I had fallen asleep with my vault suit on. I yawned again and decided I would go do some target practice for awhile. I got up and found my glasses on the floor next to the bed. As I put them on, I saw ED-E begin to hover. I smiled and said, "Hey, Eddie. I'm going to go do some target practice for awhile. So you can just stay here until I'm back." He beeped in understanding and went back into hibernation mode on the desk. I left my dorm and headed to the locker room to grab my laser rifle and some ammo before heading to the shooting range.

After I had spent about an hour in the shooting range, I heard my Pip-Boy go off and saw a text from Ruby.

I holstered my laser rifle on my back and cleaned up my used targets. Then I headed back to my dorm. When I got there and opened the door, I heard Ruby's voice call out in a panic as she said, "Y/N? Please tell me that's you." I raised an eyebrow and said, "Yeah, why?" She replied and said, "I kinda need your help." I walked towards her voice and saw her backed up against the wall with ED-E holding her at gunpoint. After a brief second of surprise, I called out and said, "Eddie, stand down. She's a friend." He let an unsure beep, to which I replied, "I knew she was going to be here. I just forgot to tell you." He let out a beep of understanding and hovered over to me.

I turned to Ruby and said, "Sorry about him, I didn't warn him that anyone would be entering my dorm without me." She nodded and said, "What is it?" I smiled and said, "His name is ED-E or Eddie. He's an eyebot that I found damaged in alleyway the day before yesterday. I brought him back to Beacon and repaired him. I'm pretty sure he'd been there for at least 30 or 40 years." ED-E let out an irritated beep to which I replied, "Hey, you said you weren't sure either, so don't try to correcting me!" He beeped in a laughing manner as I rolled my eyes and turned back to Ruby, who giggled and said, "Wait, you can understand him?" I nodded and said, "My Pip-Boy allows me to mentally understand what he's saying as long as I'm wearing it."

She nodded as I took a deep breath and said, "So you wanted me to help you guys look for Blake?" Ruby nodded and said, "Yes. I mean if you're not too busy." I smiled as I placed my hand on her shoulder and said, "I'm not. I'll bring Eddie with me and we'll search the Emerald Forest and the Forest of Forever Fall while you and your teammates search Vale." She nodded and said, "Thanks, Y/N." I smiled and said, "No problem, Ruby. But if you do find her, please let me know." As she left, I turned to ED-E and said, "Later, I will give you a list of my friends, so you know who to let into my dorm." He let out a cheerful whirl. I smiled and said, "Now come on."

ED-E and I made our way to the Forest of Forever Fall to begin looking for Blake. After awhile of searching, we came across a few Beowolves. ED-E went into combat mode as I pulled out my laser rifle, then the two of us took out all of the Grimm. As the Grimm dissipated into dust, I turned to ED-E and said, "Nice job, Eddie. You're going to a great companion. Thanks for having my back." He let out a cheerful beep as I reloaded my laser rifle.

A few hours later, ED-E and I were still not having any luck finding Blake. It was also dark out now as it was already evening. As we took out a couple more Creeps, ED-E let out an annoyed bleep. I rolled my eyes and replied, "Yes, I realize that we haven't found her yet nor have we seen any evidence to suggest that she even came out here. But that doesn't mean that she might not be out here. Blake is still my friend." He let out another beep, to which I responded, "No, I don't think she's dead. Come on, let's keep looking." I then heard my Pip-Boy go off and saw that Yang had texted me.

I let out a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, Eddie. Yang and the others found Blake. So we can head back to Beacon now." He let out a snarky bleep and I said, "Oh shut up! You don't need to tell me that you told me so." ED-E beeped in a laughing manner and I said, "Come on, let's go."

Once we reached my dorm, I saw that the light was on inside so I turned to ED-E and said, "Okay, someone's in my dorm. It's probably Yang or Blake, so stand down." He let out an affirmative bleep and I opened the door to see Yang on my bed in her pajamas. ED-E and I entered the room as Yang looked up from her Scroll at us and I said, "Eddie, this is Yang Xiao Long, my girlfriend. Yang, this is the eyebot I told you about. His name is ED-E or Eddie. He's quite unique and quirky for an eyebot." He let out a beep of appreciation and I said, "Hey, don't let it go to your head!"

He let out another beep of laughter as I rolled my eyes and said to Yang, "Anyway, is everything okay between your teammates again?" Yang nodded and said, "Yep. Do you mind if I sleep here with you tonight?" I smiled and said, "I don't mind." She smiled as I took off my vault suit, while ED-E landed on the desk and entered his standby mode. I set my Pip-Boy on the nightstand as laid down next to Yang. I set my glasses next to my Pip-Boy and pulled the covers over the two of us. I wrapped my arms around Yang's midriff as she rested her head on my chest. I kissed her hair and the two of us eventually drifted off to sleep.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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