Vol. 5 Ch. 32 A Loss At Haven

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Your POV

I stood there in complete and utter shock as I saw who had saved me. A few feet away from me, on the ground, was none other than ED-E. I felt my heart drop as I rushed over to him and said, "Eddie? Why?" He let out one last beep before he completely powered down. I felt myself grow angry as I pointed Ranger Sequoia at Cinder and said, "Cinder, you're gonna wish that you'd hadn't done that." She laughed and said, "And why is that?" I tightened my grip on my revolver amd said, "Because I'm the Vault Dweller of Mountain Glenn and the Courier's Grandson. And you just killed my best friend!" I activated my Semblance and target every possible critical point on her body, including her Grimm arm. Then I said, "Hasta la vista, bitch."

I fired off the revolver, each shot hitting its mark perfectly. Cinder fell to the ground as her Aura broke. I ran up and started fighting her in hand-to-hand combat. As I did, I got blindsided by Emerald, giving Cinder the chance to escape down to the vault below. I turned to Emerald and said, "You'd best get up out of my face before something bad happens to ya." I heard a familiar sound of a shotgun gauntlets approach from behind her and I said, "Too late."

As Emerald flew to the side, Yang looked at me and said, "You okay?" I tightened my grip on Ranger Sequoia and said, "Ask me when this is all over." As Jaune used his hands to apply pressure on Weiss' wound, while we both ran over to fight Mercury and Emerald. I shot a few rounds at Emerald with Ranger Sequoia to get her attention and swung my other fist at her. She countered it with one of her sickles and went to hit me with the other. I smirked briefly as I used my Semblance to quickly counter the attack in time and land a hit on her with Ranger Sequoia successfully this time. I did the same thing again, managing to land another hit on her.

However, when I tried it a third time, Emerald used her Semblance and moved out of the way without me noticing. My attack made no contact on the Emerald that I was seeing due to her Semblance, catching me off guard as a result. Emerald used my moment of confusion to wrap the chains of her weapons around me and pull me to the ground. She looked at me and said, "For someone who came from a Vault after 60 years, you're pretty bad about not being predictable." I smirked a bit and said, "Bitch, please. I'm only distracting you." Emerald raised an eyebrow and said, "From what?" I heard gunshot from StormFlower as Ren shot at Emerald. I smiled and said, "Thanks, Ren." He nodded and then ran over to help Nora.

Yang saw an opening and headed towards the entrance to the vault. Emerald tried to stop Yang, but failed to and fell back to the ground. Mercury grabbed her prosthetic arm. Yang's eyes briefly turned red before turning back to normal. She detached her arm and continued forward, causing Mercury to lose his balance for a bit. She jumped down the hole leading to the vault. Emerald and Mercury attempted to give chase, but they were stopped by an ice wall that suddenly appeared in front of them. They turned around and saw Weiss with her Queen Lancer summon as she prepared to fight the both of them. Jaune and I both watched from our positions and smiled.

After everything was over, Ruby groaned and fell to her knees. Weiss caught her and said, "Are you okay?" Ruby sighed and said, "I feel like I should be asking you guys." They both looked up to see Blake approaching them. Yang walked over and dropped to her sister's side. Then Ruby said, "So Blake, what're you doing here?" Blake replied, "I... I was gonna ask you three the same thing." Ruby, Weiss, and Yang, shared glances with each other and Ruby said, "That's... a looooong story." Blake replied, "Well... I'm not going anywhere." Ruby said, "That's all that matters." She giggled and continued, "That we're all here together. Right?" Ruby looked to Yang as she says that. Blake briefly looked away with a sorrowful expression on her face. Yang looked up at her, smiled, and said, "Yeah." Blake looked back over to them and smiled. Weiss offered a hand out to her, and the cat Faunus eagerly joined in to Team RWBY's first group hug after a long time of being apart. The four girls embraced each other while their friends looked on smiling.

But my smile quickly faded as I walked over to ED-E's robot shell on the floor. I knelt down beside my severely damaged friend and plugged my Pip-Boy into his port in hope of finding some way to be sure that I could repair him. Unfortunately none of his systems were in a repairable state. The only thing that remained intact was the license plate on his side and the central CPU drive. I felt a tear go down my cheek, knowing that he could potentially be fixed but most likely would require extensive repairs on the outer shell or a whole new shell in general, both of which would be near impossible to find the right materials for. I felt a hand on my shoulder as Yang crouched down next to me and said, "Can you fix him?" I sniffled and said, "If I had the right materials, then maybe. But the materials I need would be nearly impossible to get. I might get lucky if we're heading to Atlas, but there's no guarantee that I'll be able to properly fix him." Yang wiped away my tears and said, "I heard him beep something before he powered down. If you don't mind me asking, what did say?" I sighed and said, "He told me that I'm so much like my grandfather and that I should hold onto you and never let go." I felt a couple more tears run down my face as Yang hugged me as the others joined in as well.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

The Vault Dweller Of Mountain Glenn: Yang Xiao Long X Male Vault-Tec ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now