Vol. 4 Ch. 27 Heading Out

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Your POV

The sunshine pouring through the window woke me up. I yawned and opened my eyes to see my beautiful girlfriend lying next to me with her head on my bare chest, both of us still completely naked under the covers. Her breathing was steady and she lightly snored every once in a while, which I still found cute. My right arm was wrapped around her with my hand tangled in her golden locks. I gently kissed her forehead and she smiled in her sleep. After a while, I felt her start to stir and watched as she yawned and slowly opened her breathtaking lilac eyes. I smiled and said, "Hey." She looked at me and replied, "Hey." She moved closer to me, snuggled up against me, and said, "Last night was amazing. I'm so glad I lost my virginity to you." I kissed her head and replied, "I'm glad I lost mine to you as well. And you were also amazing last night." Yang smiled and said, "I just want to stay here like this all morning." I nodded and said, "Me too. I love you, Yang Xiao Long." She kissed my neck and said, "I love you too, Y/N L/N."

After a few minutes, I spoke up and said, "So, I assume that you want to go after Ruby?" Yang replied and said, "Well, kinda. I know of a way to get to her a lot quicker and easier." I raised an eyebrow at her and said, "How?" She let out a sigh and answered, "My mom, Raven." I nodded and said, "Go on." Yang took a deep breath and said, "We both know that Ruby was heading to Mistral, but there's no guarantee she's made it there. Looking for her in Anima could take ages. But my mom's Semblance could help. She can bond to certain people. And when she does, she can create a portal that takes her straight to them. She's got one for Dad. One for me. And one for Qrow. He promised Yang he'd watch out for Ruby before he left. And I trust him." I nodded and said, "I'm guessing you have a general idea of where your mom is?" Yang nodded and said, "Yep. Are you coming with me?" I smirked as I kissed her hair and said, "Do you really have to ask? Of course I am." She smiled as I got up and said, "Goldilocks, would you mind I borrowed Bumblebee real quick? I want to drop some of my things back at your dad's house." Yang nodded as I put my vault suit back on and said, "Sure, but don't be too long." I smiled and said, "I won't." I grabbed the couple belongings that I had and put them into my Nuka-Cola backpack. Then I started to put on the extra leather combat armor that I had gotten the other day.

 Then I started to put on the extra leather combat armor that I had gotten the other day

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I secured Ranger Sequoia in its holster on my hip after making sure it was fully loaded. Yang looked around and said, "Where's your laser rifle?" I chuckled lightly and said, "Destroyed. It got heavily damaged during the Fall of Beacon, but I used my Semblance to shoot a critical shot on it so I could escape from the guy who took your arm. I'd be surprised if he wasn't severely injured or burned from the explosion of Lightning Dust." Yang nodded and said, "Oh, I see." I smiled and said, "It's okay, I still have my dad's revolver." She smiled and said, "Right. I do like the new armor you have." I smirked and said, "Thanks, Goldilocks. I really like what you did with your new arm. It really suits you." She smiled and said, "Thanks, Blue." Once I found her keys, I turned to Yang and said, "Okay, I'll be back in a few minutes. I love you, Goldilocks." She smiled and said, "I love you too, Blue." I went out to Yang's motorcycle, where ED-E was hovering as he kept watch. As I approached both him and the bike, ED-E turned towards me and greeted me with a confused beep. I smiled and replied, "She's still upstairs. I'm just going to drop off a few of my things at her dad's house, so I won't be gone long." He gave me an affirmative bleep as I started up Bumblebee's engine. I turned to him and said, "You might as well just wait here until I get back." ED-E beeped in agreement and I revved up the bike before driving off towards the Xiao Long house.

When I got there, Tai was outside, watering the flowers. I parked the bike near the shed and walked over to Tai. As I walked to him, Zwei saw me and barked, alerting Tai to my presence. Tai looked up in my direction and said, "Hey, Y/N. Judging from the fact that you drove Yang's motorcycle, you two made up?" I nodded and said, "Yep, I just wanted to ask you a couple questions." Tai raised an eyebrow and said, "Oh?" I took a deep breath and said, "Firstly, do I have your permission to marry Yang when the time comes?" He smiled and replied, "I've seen how happy you've made her. I know that you care about her a lot. So, yes. You have my blessing." I let out a sigh of relief and said, "Thanks. I'm not quite sure when I'll propose yet, but I thought I'd ask for your permission first."

Tai nodded and said, "All the more reason why I know that I can trust you to take good care of her. Was there anything else you needed?" I smiled and replied, "Yeah, there's one more thing. Would it be okay if I left a few of my personal belongings here at your house until Yang and I return from this big journey?" He nodded with a smile and said, "It would be perfectly fine." I thanked him once more and handed him the Nuka-Cola backpack as I said, "Everything that I don't want to worry about losing is in this bag. Things like a picture of me with my parents, pictures of Yang and I, and a couple of holotapes from my parents." Tai smiled and said, "I'll make sure they're kept safe. I trust you to take good care of my sunny little dragon." I nodded and said, "I'd die before I let her get hurt." He chuckled lightly and said, "Okay, you best get back to her. Don't want her worrying." I nodded again and said, "Or getting angry." I gave Zwei a quick pat on the head, earning a bark in response. Then I walked over to where I had parked Bumblebee and said, "Thanks again, Tai." As I started the engines, I heard Tai reply as he said, "No problem, Y/N. Good luck." I nodded and revved up the bike before driving back to the pub.

When I got back to the upstairs apartment above Lenny's Lantern, I set Yang's keys on the table and found that she had fallen back to sleep in the bed. I smiled and walked over to her. I kissed her cheek and said, "Hey, Goldilocks. Time to get up." She groaned and wrapped her arms around me as she said sleepily, "Don't wanna." I sighed and said, "Come on, babe. We need to start heading to Anima to find your mom." Yang groaned and said, "Okay. But Sleeping Beauty needs her good morning kiss first." I chuckled lightly and kissed her on the lips. Then I said, "Happy now?" She smiled and said, "Yeah." She got up and started getting dressed. Once she was fully dressed, I got a better look at her outfit and said, "I like your new outfit. It looks good on you." She smiled and said, "Thanks, Blue. Ready to go?" I nodded and said, "Yep, let's go."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

The Vault Dweller Of Mountain Glenn: Yang Xiao Long X Male Vault-Tec ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now