Vol. 6 Ch. 35 Leaving Vault 45

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Your POV

I woke up a few hours later and saw that it was already morning according to the time on my Pip-Boy. I got up and headed back to the Vault Overseer's Room. I knocked on the door and it opened, allowing me to enter as the Overseer said, "So Mr. L/N, I assume that you are about to head out on your way to Argus?" I nodded and said, "Yes. I just wanted to say thank you for everything. I really appreciate your Vault's hospitality and kindness, as well as helping me repair my friend here. So thank you." She smiled and said, "No problem, Mr. L/N. Once a Vault dweller, always a Vault dweller. We're all family in a way." I smiled and said, "True, so which way to the city of Argus?" She replied and said, "Once you exit the cave entrance, it's about a 21 mile hike to the west, then you should be near the city entrance. I do hope you find your friends." I nodded and said, "Thanks." I turned towards ED-E and said, "Come on, Eddie. Let's go. Hopefully Yang isn't too worried about me." He beeped in agreement.

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Cordovin denying everyone transport to Atlas)

After roughly 6 hours of walking through the snow covered terrain, I finally caught sight of the City of Argus up ahead and said, "Finally. Now hopefully we can find the others." ED-E let out an affirmative bleep and we walked towards the city's entrance. Once we were within the City of Argus, ED-E and I began to look around for any of our friends in hope that they'd lead us to the others. After awhile of searching around without luck, ED-E let out a cheerful beep and I said, "Wait, really? You see Oscar? Where?" He beeped again and I turned in that direction and saw Oscar walking down the street a few yards away. I noticed that he was wearing a new outfit that actually looked good on him. He was wearing an olive coat with shoulder pads and a belt, both of dark red. Underneath, he had a white collared shirt and bandages wrapped around the neck. His gloves are a slightly open U-shape with black X-pattern wrist straps. He also wore black trousers and red boots colored orange at the toe. I went over to him as I called out his name.

He turned and looked a bit relieved to see me. He smiled and said, "Y/N! You're okay! What happened to you?" I nodded and said, "Yeah, I fell off the train and ended up in another Vault-Tec vault that was nearby. It was actually still being used and lived in. The vault dwellers there even helped me fix Eddie. He's even better than before now too. So where is everyone staying?" Oscar nodded and said, "We've been staying at Jaune's older sister's house. I was just heading back there now actually, so come on." I nodded and followed him until he stopped in front of a house. It was a three-story Greco-Roman style house that was slightly wider than the other buildings that I had seen in Argus. It had creme-colored molding and pillars with brown wood trimmed-windows that featured yellow-orange curtains and metallic Atlas shutters. On the outside, I noticed a flower bed containing a mixture of blue roses, orange pansies, and orange primroses.

We went inside and Oscar called out and said, "Hey guys, I'm back and I brought someone with me." There was no answer from anywhere in the house, then ED-E beeped and I said, "What do you mean there's no one here?" He beeped again and I said to Oscar, "According to Eddie's sensors, we're the only ones here right now. Where is everyone?" Oscar shrugged and said, "Well, we did all get into a big disagreement and we all split up to settle down. During that time, I left to get myself some better looking combat gear." I nodded and said, "I see, what was the big disagreement about anyways?" Oscar sighed and said, "You're gonna want to sit down for this." I nodded slowly and did as he suggested as he began to tell me about Jinn and the story she told everyone.

When he finished, I took a brief moment to process it all and said, "Well, that explains how Ozpin knew my parents. But he did ask Jinn how he could defeat Salem and she said the he couldn't. But that doesn't mean that someone else couldn't defeat her." Oscar looked at me a bit surprised and said, "You're not angry?" I shook my head and said, "Not really, after everything I've been through, both before and after Vault 180, I've got used to looking for the positive possibilities of things. I mean it's unfortunate that Oz has locked himself away, but he was scared of everyone finding out the truth. I kinda know what that's like. So I don't blame either of you." Oscar smiled and said, "Thanks, Y/N." I smiled and said, "No problem, Oscar. Now I think we should probably make everyone a nice hot meal for when they get back." He smiled and said, "Sounds good to me." I turned to ED-E and said, "How about you go see if you can find Yang's room, then you can go into standby mode and make sure your systems are up to date. If I need you, I'll let out a sharp whistle." He gave me an affirmative bleep in response and headed up the steps. Then Oscar and I both went into the kitchen and started cooking.

3rd Person POV

Ruby was looking down with a look of disapproval on her face. She let out a disappointed sigh as Yang said, "I've never seen him this bad." Ruby, along with the rest of Team RWBY and Maria, found Qrow passed out on some stairs leading up to a house. Ruby said, "Come on, let's get him up." The two sisters grabbed their uncle's arms and sat him up. Qrow groaned, rubbed his eyes, and said, "Why am I on the stairs?" Ruby replied, "Probably because no one's home, Uncle Qrow. We've been out looking for Oscar." Qrow said, "Oscar?" The group heard footsteps. They turned to see Jaune, Ren, Nora, as well as Saphron and Terra, who was holding Adrian in her arm, walking towards them. The two mothers looked at Qrow and Terra said sarcastically, "I'm sure this looks great to the neighbors." Saphron lightly elbowed her wife while Jaune and his teammates walked up to the group and Ren said, "No luck?" Blake replied, "No, you?" Jaune said, "Don't worry, we aren't going to Atlas without him." Ruby asked, "We?" The three Team JNPR members shared a smile and Jaune said to his sister, "Sorry we won't be staying." Saphron replied smirking, "No you're not." Terra suggested, "How about we get out of the cold?" The door to the house is heard opening and everyone gasped in shock as a familiar voice was heard as Oscar said, "Oh, I was wondering when you'd get back."

Oscar stood at the doorway, now wearing a fancy green coat. Everyone yelled his name in relief. Nora screamed in joy as Oscar initially had a confused look on his face, and then one of comical terror as the seven students all leapt forward and tackle hugged him. Now inside the house, Ruby helped Oscar up as everyone shared a laugh. Weiss said, "You had us worried sick!" Then Ruby said, "Are you okay?" Grinning, Nora said, "What are you wearing?" Oscar smiled, rubbed the back of his head, and said, "Uh..." The rest of the group steps into the house amd Terra said, "Is something cooking?" Oscar replied, "Oh, uh, yeah. We thought you guys would appreciate a hot meal after... spending all day looking for me, apparently." Jaune spoke up and said, "It's my fault we were all out there in the first place. Oscar, I am so sorry for earlier. I was way, way out of line, and what I said─" Oscar cut him off and said, "No, it's okay. These past few days, I've been scared of the same things you were. I don't know how much longer I'm going to be... me. But I did some thinking, and I do know that I want to do everything I can to help with whatever time I have left." Jaune smiled and said, "Good. This team isn't the same without you, Oscar." Then Ruby said, "Wait a minute. Oscar, did you say 'We'? Who else is here?" Everyone gasped again as they heard another familiar voice say, "Who do you think?"

Your POV

After I had pulled Oscar's casserole out of the oven along with my Mistral Quantum Pie, I set them on the counter to cool off a bit. The Mistral Quantum Pie was something my mom used to make for me and my dad all the time, so I knew the recipe perfectly from memory. Hearing some chatter from near the front door, I threw the towel I was holding over my shoulder and headed in that direction. I walked into the other room to see the others just as Ruby said, "Who else is here?" I smirked as I leaned against the wall and said, "Who do you think?" They all gasped and turned to me. Yang had tears in her eyes as she ran and hugged me. I hugged her back and held her close as I said, "Hey, Goldilocks. I missed you too." She chuckled a little as a few more tears went down her face and she said, "I thought I lost you." I smirked and kissed her head before I said, "You won't get rid of me that easily. But I'm not the only one who's back." Yang looked at me confused as I smirked a little more and let out a quick whistle. A couple seconds later, ED-E came into the room and Yang said, "Eddie! You're back!" He let out a cheerful whirl and I said, "Yep, I had some help, but now he's back and better than ever."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. The Mistral Quantum Pie was actually a reference to the Mississippi Quantum Pie from Fallout 3.
Master out.

The Vault Dweller Of Mountain Glenn: Yang Xiao Long X Male Vault-Tec ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now