Epilogue Part 3: The Final Goodbye

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Your POV

I yawned as I woke up next to my wife of 10 years, Yang. It had been 11 years since Yang had first visited Graygarden. I felt some movement from Yang and watched as she slowly yawned and opened her beautiful lilac eyes. I kissed her and said, "Morning, Yang." She smiled and said, "Morning, Blue." We then heard footsteps ran into the room as their owner's voice said, "Mommy! Daddy!" I felt something jump on top of me, and I sat up to see our 6-year-old daughter, Iris, sitting on my lap. She looked a lot like her mother, but had my brown hair and my light blue eyes. When she was first born, Yang had insisted that we name her after my mother and I couldn't refuse.

I smiled at my daughter and said, "Hey, honey. Head on downstairs. Mommy and I will be down there to make breakfast." Iris jumped up and said, "Yay!" Then she ran downstairs as I turned to face Yang and said, "I'm so glad that I ended up getting frozen in that Vault for 60 years. If I hadn't, I wouldn't have met such a great and sexy woman." Yang smiled and said, "And I wouldn't have my very own 60-year-old living relic in my life. I'm glad we met." I smiled and said, "I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you, Goldilocks." She kissed me and said, "I love you too, Blue." We kissed passionately. Then we heard our daughter shout from downstairs and say, "Mommy, Daddy, Aunt Ruby and Grandpa are here!" Yang and I pulled away from the kiss and I said, "We probably shouldn't keep them waiting." Before Yang could reply, we both heard crying start coming from the other room. I looked at Yang and said, "Don't worry, I'll get him." She smiled and nodded as I got up and went into the nursery and picked up Yang and I's 8-month-old son, Danny. He looked a lot like me, but had his mother's yellow hair and her lilac eyes. I rocked him back gently and said softly, "It's okay, Danny. Daddy's got you now." He slowly calmed down as I held him in my arms. I felt Yang place her hand on my shoulder as she said, "You're so great at doing that with him. I think he likes his daddy more." I chuckled lightly and said, "We should probably go downstairs to the others." Yang nodded and we went down the stairs to greet the others. As soon as Ruby caught sight of us, she used her Semblance to rush over to us and said, "Aww, he's so cute! Can I hold my nephew?"

I smiled warmly and said, "Only if you calm down and are gentle." Ruby nodded and said, "Yes, sir!" I chuckled lightly as I handed her Danny. I turned to Tai and said, "So, Tai, what have you been up to?" Tai smiled and said, "Y/N, I told you that you can call me Dad." I rolled my eyes as I smiled and said, "Sorry, Dad. What have you been up to lately?" Tai chuckled and said, "You know, the usual, just teaching at Signal Academy. How about you?" I shrugged my shoulders and replied, "Oh, not much, really. Glynda offered me a position at Beacon Academy as a second Combat Teacher. I was thinking about possibly taking it."

Tai nodded and said, "That sounds good. But what about your part-time gig at Lenny's Lantern?" I smirked and said, "When I brought up Glynda's job offer to Lenny, he said that he didn't mind. But I told that I'd still stop by and play for the night on occasion. He was more than happy with that." Tai smiled and said, "I see. Now then, I'd like to hold my grandson for a bit." Then Iris ran over to me and said, "Dad! Eddie's not acting right!" I looked at her and said, "Did you make fun of him again?" She shook her head and said, "No. I mean like he's sparking a bit." I looked at her, worried, and said, "Show me." She led me into the other room, where I saw ED-E hovering close to the ground as sparks spat from him. I sighed and said, "Eddie? Is it what I think it is?"

He let out a stuttered somber bleep and I looked down and said, "I thought so." I turned to Iris and said, "Honey, could you go get the others?" She nodded and left the room. I turned back to the eyebot and said, "I'm sorry, old friend." He let out another bleep as his hover motor sparked again and he stopped hovering. The others came into the room and Yang put her hand on my shoulder as she said, "What's going on?" I sighed as a tear ran down my cheek and I answered, "Eddie's primary processor and power core are worn out. As a result, he's beginning to short-circuit a bit, hence the sparks. To put it simply, he's dying. I don't have the proper parts or materials to fix him. By the time I'd be able to get them, it would be too late. Besides, Eddie warned me about this a while back. He told me that whenever it eventually happened, he didn't want me to worry about fixing him." ED-E let out a stuttered, but cheerful sounding bleep and Tai asked me, "What did he say?" I felt another tear run down my face as I replied and said, "He said that he's so glad he got to meet us all and that he wishes us all good luck in the future."

ED-E let out one last cheerful beep before he completely shutdown and went silent. I turned and cried as Yang hugged me. Once I managed to stop, I said, "I want to bury him next to my parents." Ruby nodded and said, "Sure. We'll go there and began digging, that way you can have a moment alone." I thanked her before they all left me in the room alone with ED-E's body for a while.

Yang's POV

After we all left the room, Iris looked up at me and said, "Mommy, why is Daddy crying so much about Eddie?" I knelt down and said, "Because Eddie used to know your father's grandfather a long time ago. When your father found Eddie, he was in a pile of scrap metal in desperate needs of repairs. Your father, being who he is, decided to take Eddie with him and fix him. We already lost Eddie once, but got lucky and got him repaired once more. But this is different. That's why your dad is taking this so hard." Iris looked at me and said, "Oh. I'm going to go see if Daddy's okay now." She ran back towards the room that Y/N was still in.

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi ED-E playing with Chibi Penny in the afterlife)

Your POV

After we buried ED-E and placed the gravestones that I had made for him, we all stood back as I was  about to say a couple last words to him. I took a deep breath and said, "Eddie, you were one of my best friends. You may not have spoken actual words out loud, but you always knew what to say, even if nobody understood it. You helped me find closure on my family and my family's past. Hell, you even took an obsidian spear for me. But you can rest now. I'll never ever forget you, Eddie." I headed back towards the others and took one last look at ED-E's headstone before following the others back home.

The End

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The End.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and enjoyed this fanfic. I had fun writing it. I've already gotten started on writing my next fanfic and I know I'm going to have lots of fun writing it.
Master out.

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