Chapter 1

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Lisa's POV

One night I was staying up doing some tests and a thought came to me "(I wonder if I can turn one of my siblings into an animal of some sort?)"
I gave it a try I looked through my test tubes and saw one and took it from the shef I looked at the label.
"Hmm wolf dna I'll try it out." I said, to myself.
I started putting it into a luqid neddle thing and tried to think who to give it to Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lincoln, Lucy, Lana, Lola, or Lily well I can't give it to three since they'll be too rough with it these being Lori, Lynn, and Lola , Lori she gets angry, Lynn will be too rough, and Lola too aggressive, I also can't give it to Lily she is a baby, I thought for another moment then snapped my fingers because I had it
"I got it Luna she will be the only one to actually maybe handle it" I said to myself
I finished up and walked out of my mine and Lily's room and snuck to Luna and Luan's room, I climbed up to to top bunk where Luna was sleeping I quickly stuck in the neddle and injected the wolf's dna into her then took it out and stuck out of the room and back to mine and Lily's then quickly put the stuff I used back and quickly hopped into bed where I dozed off rather quickly.

Luna's POV

I woke up and yawned also for some reason my arm hurt I brushed it off as me sleeping on it wrong I hopped out of bed and went to the bathroom I quickly took my morning shower and then headed down stairs and into the kitchen to get breakfast as I was done looking in the fidge my sblings looked at me werid
"Dudes what" I asked
"Um I don't know how to say this but your have wolf ears, fangs, claws, and a tail" Lincoln said
"Wait what" I questioned
I turned my head to look and Lincoln was right I had a tail then I looked down at my feet and up at my hands claws were there, I felt my ears and they weren't round, and finally I felt my teeth when my tonugh I had fangs "Dudes what's going on" I asked
"We don't know" Lincoln said
"I can explain this" Lisa said
"Ok what's happening Lis" I asked
"Well it appears my experiment worked" she said
"What" I asked shocked
"You see last night I was wondering if I could turn one of you into an animal I knew I had to chose one but not Lori, Lynn, Lola, or Lily I desided to chose you Luna because I knew you would be the only one to handle it" she said
"That was a terrible idea how am I going to go to school and shed with my band" I asked
"No worries I have the cure" she said
then she left the kitchen.

Lisa's POV

I left the kitchen and went to my room and up to my desk
"Hmm it should be around here somewhere" I said
I looked for awhile
"No, no, no, and no where did I put it" I said
then I turned to one and it was the cure
"That's where I left it now all I need to do is give this to Luna then she'll be free of the wolf's dna" I said but as I was reching for it I accidentally knocked it off my desk and it shattered on the floor
"Dang it" I said
then I hopped off my chair and went back down stairs into the kitchen
"Where is cure dude" Luna asked
"I'm sorry to say I accidentally knocked it off my desk" I said
"What" she said shocked
"Still no worries I'll make another one" I said
"But how long is that going to take" she asked
"I don't know according to my calulations 13 to 14 months at best" I said
"But school and my band" she said
"Again no worries you will only tranform into a full wolf on a full moon it did part last night because tomorrow a full moon" I said
"So not tonight but tomorrow night I'll turn" she asked
"Precisely" I said
"What am I going to do tomorrow at school everyone will see me like this" she said lowering her head juts a bit in sadness
"It's ok Luna" Lincoln said
"No it isn't everyone will think I'm a totally freak for looking like a wolf" she said then processed to go to her room
"I'll talk to her" Luan said
"Thanks also tell her I'll get working on a new cure asap" I said
"Sure" she said
then went upstairs.

Luan's POV

I walked into mine and Luna's room and she barried her face in her pillow I climbed up to the top bunk and sat down on the mattress
"I know this might be hard for you but what else can you do hide in our room until it's gone that doesn't seem like a healthy thing for you to do your friends might be worried about you if you don't show up to school or pratice they might come here and ask questions and you don't want your friends to worry about you do you" I asked
"Augh what you're saying Luan isn't really helping but you're right my friends might be worried if I spend my whole time in my room until Lisa makes another cure so I think I will try to go to school tomorrow" she said "Good and also Lisa is getting started on the new cure asap" I said
"That's good to know" she said
"Yeah ok you can come down once you are ready" I said
"Ok" she said
I went back down stairs and into the kitchen
"So what did she say" Lincoln asked
"She is going to school tomorrow she realized that I might be right about her friends being worried and agreed she'd go" I said
"Great" he said
after that the rest of the day was a normal Sunday apart from one thing Luna still hadn't come out of our room yet I talked to her again but she said she was fine and just needed space I agreed to give her it and continuted the day once the day was over I tired to talk to her again but it was hopeless she didn't want to talk after that I fell asleep quickly.

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