Chapter 24

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Caylus' POV

I stood up and backed up to give Lisa some space to check things out. Luan did the same thing, Lisa kneeled down and checked Luna out. After a couple minutes she stood up.
"Just as I expected." She said,
"What, where's the tracking chip?" I asked,
"Her neck, keep her there, I got to get some stuff if I'm going to remove it." She said,
Lisa walked out of the room, I walked up to Luna and kneeled down. I felt around her neck, I didn't feel anything at first, but then I felt a small lump. I guess that's where the tracking chip was, I called Luan down.
"Hey Luan." I said,
"Yeah, Caylus?" She asked,
"I think this is where the tracking chip is." I said, showing Luan where my hand was.
"Hmm, you might be right, let me feel." She said,
She walked up and kneeled down, she put her hand where mine was. I removed mine so she could place her's, she felt around, then found it.
"Yeah, that seems like that's where it is." She said,
When both of us were on the floor checking out the chip, Lisa walked in.
"Move aside." She said,
Me and Luan stood up and backed up, we let Lisa do her thing. Which took quite awhile, after it was done, Lisa stood up and turned around to face us.
"She's fine, just a little wound, she'll heal. Anyway this is the tracking chip, I'll deal with it." She said,
"Thanks." I said,
"Yeah, now The Animal Control can't track Luna anymore." She said,
Lisa left the room, I turned to Luan.
"I'm going back out, you're fine to look after Luna?" I asked,
"Yeah, duh, I'm her sister, I got this." She said,
"Ok, just checking, see you in the morning, good night Luan." I said,
"You too, good night Caylus." She said,
I left and closed the door, I went back and kept a look out. Nothing really happened after that, The Animal Control didn't even come back once during the night.

Luan's POV

I got ready for bed, then entered the room, and laid down. Luna as always moved up to me, and I petted her until I fell asleep which was rather quick. I woke up in the morning, and got ready for school. I went downstairs and saw Caylus at the table, I walked over and sat next to him.
"Morning Caylus." I said,
"Morning Luan." He said,
"Anything happen last night?" I asked,
"No, nothing, I'll try tonight." He said,
"Ok." I said,
We started eating breakfast, haft way through Luna came down and joined us. She woofed down her food as usual. We all finished and went to school, Caylus came to keep a look out just in case. School was slow today, after the day was done we went back home and meet Caylus there. Nothing happened for the next three days and nights, but tonight was a full moon. Caylus kinda knew The Animal Control will be here again, He intructed me to do the same thing last full moon. Make sure Luna doesn't run out, I listened and ran up stairs, went into mine and Luna's room. She was already transformed, I just had to make sure she doesn't run out. But it was one of those nights, where Luna ran out of our room and down the stairs. I chased after her, but she already made it to the front door. She heard me coming and busted threw the door, Caylus and The Animal Control saw her. The Animal Control Captain didn't look that pleased.
"You lied to me, but no matter, CONTAIN IT!" He shouted,
His Animal Control soilders went to contain Luna, but she growled at them, followed by her knocking them back and running off. The Captain told his officers to get back onto their feet, and they ran after Luna. Caylus turned to me.
"What happened?" He asked,
"Sorry, it's one of those nights." I said,
"What nights?" He asked,
"I've done digging and it seems like some full moon nights Luna runs out of the house. Maybe it's because of the moon, I'm sure, but she's done it before you came to help." I said,
"Oh, ok. Good to know, anyway, you stay here me and Tank got this ok." He said,
"Alright, be careful." I said,
"I'll be fine, I have Tank with me." He said,
"Ok." I said,
He turned and ran in the direction The Animal Control went, when they chased Luna. I stayed there for a minute, then turned and walked back into the house. I started to wait for Caylus, Tank, and Luna to return.

Caylus' POV

Me and Tank chased after The Animal Control, but lost them after a bit. I looked at Tank.
"Hey buddy." I said,
He looked at me.
"Can you track Luna by her scent?" I asked,
He barked, he started to sniff the air to get Luna's scent. Then he moved to the ground, he lifted his head up after a few seconds, and barked.
"Good boy, follow the scent, I'm right behind you." I said,
He barked, and started to follow it, I followed close behind. We ran for awhile, until we stumbled into the woods. We found Luna after a couple minutes, she looked tired and out of breath. I ran up to her, I noticed she was a lot bigger than before. I started to pet her to calm her down.
"Are you ok, you ran for awhile?" I asked,
She nodded slightly.
"Good, let's get you home." I said,
I stopped petting her and turned to walk off, she started following me. Then just when The Animal Control was nowhere to be found. The Captain came out behind a tree, holding a gun towards me.
"You thought you could lie to me about the wolf?" He asked,
"Look, I didn't mean to, I was protecting my friend." I said,
"Your friend. It's a wolf, it's no one's friend." He said,
"She is too, like you'd understand." I said,
"Wait, her?" He questioned,
"Yeah, it's a long story, but she's my friend." I said,
"Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that." He said,
He put his finger on the trigger of the gun, and was going to push it down, but just then Tank bit his arm and he dropped his gun. I was able to escape with Luna following, I wislted and Tank followed.
"Good boy." I said,
He barked, we ran all the way back to the house. I closed the door tightly when we made it in, I locked the door as well.
"Are you guys ok?" Luan asked,
I turned and faced her.
"We're fine, nothing to it." I said,
"Good, I was getting a bit worried." She said,
"That's ok, anyway, you should get to sleep." I said,
"Yeah, that's right, let's go Luna, goodnight Caylus." She said, going up the stairs with Luna following close behind.
"Goodnight Luan, goodnight Luna." I said,
I watched both of them walk upstairs, when they made it up and walked into their room. I called Tank over to me, he walked over and sat down. I kneeled down and started to pet him.
"You saved me buddy, good boy." I said,
He barked, I took out a treat from my pocket. He started drooling.
"Who wants a treat?" I asked,
He kept drooling, I laughed.
"Here you go buddy." I said, tossing him the treat.
He caught it in his mouth and processed to eat it. I laid down on the couch, I was pretty tired, I haven't gotten sleep in a couple days. I dozed off.

Luan's POV

I got ready for bed and went into mine and Luna's room, but before laying down. I walked up to Luna and petted her, she seemed a lot bigger than she was before. Maybe it's the wolf's dna that's making her grow, anyway. I laid down and Luna walked up to me, I raised my hand and petted her until I fell asleep again.

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