Chapter 17

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Luna's POV

I woke up and got ready, I walked down the stairs to eat breakfast, I ate breakfast and then headed off to school. I saw Sam, I ran up to her to say hi.
"Hey Sam." I said,
"Hey Luna." She said,
"Um, are you sure you're ok with me, you know?" I asked,
"Luna I told you before, I don't care about you lying to me, you had a good reason, and I still love you." She said,
"Oh, right, sorry dude." I said,
"It's ok, let's get to class before we're late." She said,
"Ok." I said,
We headed to class, nothing really happened there, when my wolf features appeared I was good at making them disapear. I think I'm getting better controlling it, class ended and Lunch started, I ate my lunch quick like always. Then another class, nothing again, after school Sam and I went back to my house to hang out.
"Hey do you think we should do something fun this weekend, just the two of us?" Sam asked,
"Yeah, dude, let's do it." I said,
"Ok, I was thinking about camping." She said,
"That's a good idea, dude." I said,
"So you say yes?" She asked,
"Yeah, totally, why would I say no to my girlfriend?" I said,
"I don't know." She said,
"I'm going to ask my parents if it's ok with them." I said,
"Ok." She said,
I got down my bunk, left the room, and walked down stairs. My parents were in the Kitchen, I walked up to them.
"Hey, mom, pops, me and Sam were thinking about going on a camping trip this weekend." I said,
"That's great sweety." My mom said,
"Can I go, dudes?" I asked,
"Sure thing, sweety, we got nothing going on." My dad said,
"Thanks, dudes." I said,
I ran back up stairs and into mine and Luan's room.
"What did they say?" Sam asked, when I walked in.
"They said yes, I can go." I said,
"That's great, I can't wait to spend time with you." She said, while getting off my bunk and hugging me.
"Me too, dude." I said, hugging back.
A few seconds later we stopped, we hung out for a few more minutes, then when dinner was ready, she left. I ate my dinner pretty fast, then went upstairs to mine and Luan's room, me and Sam both texted each other until it was time for bed. In the morning, I woke up, got ready, and everything packed, me and Sam met up in front of my house, and my mom took us to the camp site. Me and Sam set everything up and hanged out until the afternoon where we started the fire, and started getting the marshmellows for smores, but we both got way too excited and forgot about me turning into a wolf when a full moon is present. Tonight was a full moon so when the moonlight hit I turned into the wolf, and I didn't remember much, but I knew I was in control.

Sam's POV

I guess me and Luna got too excited and forgot she could turn into a wolf when full moons are present, and tonight was a full moon. She turned when the moonlight hit her, I ran over to her to see if she was in control of the wolf, she stared at me for a minute, I let out my hand slowly, she sniffed it, then she started licking me, I laughed. I knew now she was in control, she stopped licking me, I stood, and started petting her, then a loud bang shattered the sky. Luna pulled back alarmed, she looked up on a hill covered in forest, she started growling. I looked in the same direction, I saw nothing, then she ran off in the direction.
"Luna!" I shouted, but it make much differance.
She was already off, I stood next to the fire, doing nothing and just waiting for Luna to return.

?'s POV

I was reloading my shotgun, after I was done, I looked back down where that wolf and girl was, but this time I didn't see the wolf.
"Hmm, where did it go?" I asked, myself.
I looked around trying to find it, I couldn't see it, I thought it must've ran away due to the loud bang that was heard when I fired my shotgun. I stood up to go see if that girl was ok, but just as I did, I was tackled by something. I turned my body around to see it was the wolf, it ran around and snuck up on me, I aimed my shutgun at it, and fired, I hit it, just a bit. It was too strong, and knocked my shutgun out of my hand, it then bit down on my arm, and dragged me to back away from the edge and threw me down releasing it's grip. It then ran at me, I thought it was going to tear me apart, but it ran past me. I stood up and grabbed my shotgun, I decided to not chase it, and return home.

Sam's POV

I was paitently waiting for Luna to return after dealing with whatever that was. When I realized she's been gone for a little while, I was getting kinda worried, and started to call her.
"Luna!" I shouted,
I didn't hear an answer, I called again, still no answer, I called once more, nothing. I kept calling until I heard an answer, but I got nothing. I guess my calling alerted another wolf because a wolf that was dark grayish brown came out of the woods. I backed up a bit terrified, the wolf slowly approached me, and it was growling, it went to attack me, I closed my eyes and braced for it, but just then it didn't attack. I opened my eyes to see why, Luna pushed it out of the way, and stuck her claws into it's body, and growled at it. It whined, Luna took pity on it, and released it, it ran off into the woods. I smiled, she turned around and I started to pet her, the rest of the night went by, making smores and finally going to sleep, Luna slept right next to me, I petted her until I fell asleep. In the morning she was back to normal, and she wanted to tell me something.
"Morning Sam, can I talk to you for a minute, dude." She asked,
"Yeah, about what?" I asked,
"About last night, a hunter shot at me, then I left to deal with him, he did shot me a little bit, then I ran into another wolf when I was heading back to you, it attacked me, and got me down, but I stopped it before it could hurt you." She said,
"That's ok that you were a little late, all that matters is that you're ok." I said, hugging her.
"Yeah, ok, dude." She said, hugging me back.
I pulled away seconds later.
"Wait, you were shot?!" I asked, concerned.
"Yeah, but it's ok, it didn't go deep, and I stopped the blood last night." She said,
"Oh, thank goodness." I said,
"Yeah, now we have two options, dude." She said,
"What are they?" I asked,
"We pack up now and go home, or we stay a little longer and get a little more time to ourselves." She said,
"I say we stay a little longer and get a little more time to ourselves." I said,
"Me too, dude." She said,
We stayed a little longer and got some more time to ourselves, we hiked down to the creek and stayed there for awhile just talking and doing other stuff, even playing in the creek a little bit. Then when it became time to leave, we packed up everything and Luna's mom picked us up and drove us back. We hung out the rest of the day at Luna's house, then I left before dinner, and started headed back to my home.

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