Chapter 11

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Luan's POV

After dinner Clyde came over and started to ask me some questions.
"Luan when did you last see Luna?" He asked,
"Um, few nights ago before bed." I said,
"Ok, did you report a missing persons file to the police?" He asked,'
"Yeah, our mom did." I said,
"Alright, how did you find out Luna went missing?" He asked,
"I woke up a few days ago and she wasn't there, I thought she went down stairs for breakfats but she wan't there, then I thought she woke up early and went to school but she wasn't there, even her friends didn't see her. One of her friends said she texted her that morning but she didn't repond." I said,
"Ok, is her phone in your guy's room?" He asked,
"I think so, I haven't checked." I said,
"Ok, has your eyes been wandering, like can you focus them to one thing?" He asked,
"No, I'm too worried." I said,
"Alright I think I know what can help." He said,
"What?!" I asked,
"We'd have to do some activitys." He said,
"What activitys?" I asked,
"Being able to focus ones liked meditation and other stuff." He said,
"Ok." I said,
Both Lincoln and Clyde lead me upstairs and into mine and Luna's room in order to start.

Luna's POV

I woke on the floor for some reason then I remembered what happened. That stupid guy made me fight for him in Dog Fights and I lost on the thrid round, I was in control of my wolf state, like I always was, but just a little bit. I could see, walk around on my own, do my own actions, and think my own thoughts. I stood up and looked around the cage so I could escape and get back to my own home, I really was homesick at this time, and I missed my family. I walked around the cage's outline and saw no way to get out and escape, at this point I realized he put the collar back on me. I hated it, it was metal and sometimes it cut me on the neck and I didn't want to be chained up and treated like an animal. I walked around for a little more and saw nothing, I looked up and realized that the cage had a retractable roof, if only I could get it open, maybe I can trick someone to get it open then I'll be able to escape. As I was looking up I felt a stinging pain in my neck, it was probably from the dogs and the bite mark was on my neck. I quickly put down my head in order for it not to hurt but other stuff started to hurt as well, there was bite and scratch marks everywhere on my body, they hurt very bad, luckily no blood was coming out, that would be a disaster. I laid down for a minute to rest and hopefully make it so my wounds didn't hurt that much. I closed my eyes for a second to sleep but I heard the door opening, I opened my eyes and looked at the door a man stepped in and closed the door. He slowly walked up to me and petted me softly, this wasn't the guy that kidnapped me, it was a different guy. He had brown hair, a stubble, a choker with spikes on it, a white t-shirt. a black vest, cuffs with spikes, fingerless gloves, jeans that were ripped, and black boots. He was kinder than the guy who kidnapped me, he stayed petting me and talked to me a little bit.
"You're harmless, aren't you, you're just forced to fight in these Dog Fights, it's ok, I won't hurt you, I want to help, I'm not on his side, well was until I found out that he kidnapped you, you probably miss you family." He said,
I stayed laying there letting him pet me, this went on for a while until both of us heard a noise, it sounded like a door slaming.
"I gotta go, I'll see you later, ok." He said,
Then he stood up and ran out of the cage, I put my head down and tried to fall asleep.

Luan's POV

After some activitys, I still couldn't focus, I was thinking too hard about Luna and what sort of horrible thing she was in right now. I was panting after it thinking about the worse, Lincoln sat down on my bed next to me and confronted me.
"It's ok Luan, the police will hopefully find her." He said,
"But what if they don't, what then?" I asked,
"I don't know, but being worried isn't going to help, it's just going to create more stress on you." He said,
"But how can I not be worried?" I asked,
"I'm not sure." He said,
"Then how can you get me to not be worried?" I asked,
"I don't know." He said,
"Neither do I, but right now I want to be left alone." I said,
"Alright, we'll give you some space." He said,
He stood up, him and Clyde walked out of the room and closed the door. I curled up into a ball and cried for a bit, I was very worried about Luna and couldn't stop, I don't know why, her and I don't always see eye to eye on things, but I missed her in the room, in my life. I stopped after a while, then I got ready for bed, and fell asleep after a long time, wow I was really worried and each day I was getting more worried.

Luna's POV

After a while I woke up from my sleep, it was still night and I was still in my wolf form. I waited for a few seconds, the guy who came in eariler, came in again. I stood up and ran to him, he smiled and petted me, I knew I could trust him.
"Hey, why don't we introduce oursleves to each other, my names Caylus Robinson, what's yours?" He asked,
I barked.
"What does that mean, I don't speak wolf." He said,
I looked down for a second and realized that the flooring was a sand/gravel patch in the cage. I put my paw down and spelled out my name, he took a look at it.
"Luna Loud, your name is Luna?" He asked,
I nodded.
"Well nice to meet you Luna." He said,
I bark as you too.
"Ok, do you have a idea on how to get out of here?" He asked,
I used the gravel to say yes, he looked at what I wrote.
"Ok, what?" He asked,
I wrote the rectractable roof, I need to get it open somehow.
"Alright, I can do that but it'll be awhile, is that ok with you?" He asked,
I wrote yeah, totally.
"Ok, the next Dog Fight is in a few days and I have to train my dog, but I will still visit you and see how you're doing." He said,
I wrote ok, fine by me.
"That means I won't be able to get you out of here before the next Dog Fight, I'll have to do it afterwards." He said,
I wrote that's fine, I can take the next Dog Fight.
"You sure, you got pretty messed up yesterday?" He asked,
I wrote yeah, I'm sure.
"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow, alright." He said,
I wrote alright.
He stood up and walked out of the cage, I laid down and went to sleep.

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