Chapter 19

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Luan's POV

We were approuching the woods in Vanzilla fast, we stopped in front of it when we made it there, I opened the door.
"Alright, everyone stay I'm going to look for Luna." I said,
"Ok, wait what if you get lost?" My dad asked,
"It's ok, I won't, I'll just go straight, so if I get lost I can just turn around." I said,
"Ok." He said,
I jumped out of the van, and ran into the woods, but I didn't get far, due to a wolf running up to me. I realized it was Luna, she noticed me and started licking me once she came up to me. I checked if she had any wounds from something, I saw a gun shot wound and gasped. I ran back to the van with her following, and hopped into it, she did the same and laid down near me.
"That was quick." Our dad said,
"Yeah, yeah, I know." I said,
"Is everything ok?" He asked,
"No, Luna has a gun shot wound." I said,
"Where?" He asked, concerned.
"Her back, we gotta get back to the house to help her." I said,
"Alright, ok." He said,
We drove off and headed back to the house, once there we helped Luna with the gun shot wound. Then headed back to bed, she followed me to our room and when I laid down to sleep, she sat next to my face, I petted her until I fell asleep. In the morning I got up before Luna and headed downstairs for breakfast, after a few minutes she came down stairs for breakfast, and I was curious on why she had a gun shot wound.
"Hey Luna?" I asked,
"Hey morning dude." She said,
"I just want to ask you somethings." I said,
"Yeah, ok, go ahead dude." She said,
"Ok, why did you run out of the house if you've been in control of the wolf everytime?" I asked,
"I'm not sure do, I just ran out of the house without reason." She said,
"What happened in the woods before we got there?" I asked,
"I ran into a hunter dude, and he shot me." She said,
"A hunter?" I questioned,
"Yeah, dude, it's the same hunter that interupted mine and Sam's camping trip." She said,
"He did, how?" I asked,
"Well me and Sam got way too excited we forgot I turn into a wolf when a full moon is present, and that night there was a full moon so I turned. As Sam was petting me there was a loud bang that shattered the air, I backed up in alarm and turned to a hill covered in forest. I ran around and up the hill where I attacked a hunter that had a shotgun, he shot me, but it wasn't that bad. I let him go and returned to Sam, we hanged out the rest of the night and in the morning she asked me what happened, not to mention there was another wolf there that almost attacked Sam but I stopped it." She said,
"Do you know the hunter's name?" I asked,
"Nope, dude, I sadly don't, but I want to fiind out." She said,
"So what happened with you and him last night?" I asked,
"I found him in the woods with his shotgun, I remembered him so I growled at him. His put his shotgun on the ground and motioned me over, I stopped growling and walked up to him, but once I got as close as he could get me. He fired his shotgun, luckliy I douged it and attacked him again, then I heard you guys approuching in the van so I stopped, I wanted to make sure it was you so I stood listening, but he grabbed his shotgun and aimed it at me, I sensed it and turned around and knocked it out of his hand. I went back to listening to you guys, he grabbed his shotgun again and pulled the trigger shooting me, I turned back to him and attacked him until I heard the van again. I stopped attacking him and ran in the direction I heard it from, that's where I found you Luan, and I was happy I did." She said,
"Whoa." I said,
"Yeah, I know, dude, and it also looks like this hunter is not backing down, he will keeping trying to kill me until I'm dead." She said,
"Well he's got to get pass us first, we'll be there and protect you from him." I said,
"Thanks, dude." She said,
"Yeah, and you always know we are all here for you even Caylus." I said,
"I know, dude, you guys are the best." She said,
We finished breakfast and just hanged out, today was the weekend so we could do that. We just watched TV for the most of the day, nothing too serious.

?'s POV

In the morning my wife and kids asked what had happened last night, I told them the whole encouter with the wolf, how it remembered me, how it sensed me going to shoot it, and much more. Even how it attacked me harder than last time it did, my wife asked why it wasn't in the woods before last night, I didn't have an aswer for that, all I know now is I must kill that wolf to protect everyone in Royal Woods, and if I don't it might end up attacking the whole town, and no one wants that. The sightings are also getting high from people last night in the campsights as I saw from the internet on my kid's phones and mine, they told me and I saw for myself, people also are getting worried that this wolf will attack the town, or their kids. I hope I can find it again and kill it, but because it attacked me hard last night I'm going to need to heal before I go back out there and kill it. I hope attack the town before that, I just spend the day with my wife and kids watching TV and doing other things.

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