Chapter 20

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Jeffrey's POV

I called my other friends to a meeting, once everyone was there, I started.
"Welcome my friends, you might have been beaten by me in the Dog Fights, but hear me out, there is a wolf, this wolf is the one that I beat you guys with. Well I know the location of this wolf, and it's not just a wolf, it's a girl, a teenaged girl named Luna. Also one of us is a traitor, he is none other than our good friend Caylus Robinson." I said,
Everyone gasped, then booed.
"Yeah, I know, I know but I know the address of this girl's house, and together all of us can gain up on him and take the wolf for oursleves, all of us will have full control of her, and we'll defeat all the other Dog Fights across Royal Woods." I said,
Everyone cheered, then followed me out of the place, and to the address, once we were there, we stayed in the front for the whole day waiting for the people to fall asleep.

Caylus' POV

I was just hanging out with the Loud kids today along with Luna's girlfriend Sam, who knew that Luna turned into a wolf during a full moon and tonight was going to be one. When night time came I noticed a set of cars near the house while getting some food, I walked back to the kids.
"Hey guys, some cars are in front of the house, are your parents home?" I asked,
"They went out to dinner earlier, don't you remember?" Lori asked,
"Oh, yeah I do, well those cars look like the ones that Jeffrey and our other friends drive, they might be here to take Luna, but I have a plan." I said,
"You do, that's literally awesome, what's the plan?" Lori asked,
"I'll go out in the front with my dog Tank and hold off some of them, while you Lori, Leni, Luan, Lynn, Lincoln, Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa, and Lily defend them off in here if they come in and make it look like Luna is upstair being protected. Lastly you Luna and Sam go out the back door and run away from the house and don't come back until we tell you, you can." I said,
"Ok, got it, dude." Luna said,
"Alright everyone ready?" I asked,
Everyone nodded.
"Ok, let's split." I said,
I ran out the door with Tank by my side, and walked up to Jeffrey and the rest of his other friends.
"Hey Caylus, long time, no see." Jeffrey said,
"Yeah, sure, now what do you want this time?" I asked,
"You know what we're here for, Luna." He said,
"I'm sorry, I won't let you take her again." I said,
"Move aside Caylus." He said,
"I said no." I said,
"Then we'll make you." He said,
"Bring it on." I said,
Jeffrey snapped and my other friends attacked me, I held them off with Tank, one of them punched me in my stomach I fell on my knees, Tank bite the guy, the guy flared his arm around trying to get Tank off him, he was able to. Then I stood up and kept holding them back, until Jeffrey came up and punched me so hard, I fell on the ground Tank ran up to me to see if I was ok, then everything went black, I think I got knocked unconscious.

Lincoln's POV

We waited for Jeffrey and the rest of the guys to come in, they broke down the door, we all started to attack them, holding them off and pretending to protect Luna. They pushed threw us a little bit, but we managed to stand back up and attack them again, we were able capture Jeffrey but he told one of his friends to search Luna and Luan's room. Lana went to go stop him but she couldn't as the guy knocked her back, he went in the room, but then came out.
"She not here." The guy said,
"What?!" Jeffrey said, angry.
"Yeah, she's not-." The guy said, but was cut off by Lana knocking him unconscious.
"Augh, get off me!" Jeffrey asked,
"Nope, can't do that, we aren't letting you go and take our sister away." I said,
"Where do we literally put them?" Lori asked,
"The basement, we'll also tie them up, so they won't escape." I said,
"Alright let's go and do this!" Lana said,
"I agree." I said,
We put Jeffrey and the rest of the guys in the basement tied up, and gaurded. Then we brang Caylus inside and onto the couch.
"Arugh, what happened?" Caylus asked, waking up.
"I think you were knocked unconscious." Luan said,
"That's right, everyone ok, where's Jeffrey and the rest of those guys?" He asked,
"There in the basement, you can talk to them if you want." Lana said,
"I will." He said,
He stood up and walked towards the basement door.

Caylus' POV

I walked towards the basement door, and opened the door. I walked down the stairs and came face to face with Jeffrey.
"Caylus, get me out of here." Jeffrey said,
"Sorry, I won't help you." I said,
"Why?" He asked,
"First of all you said my intrests were boring and annoying, second you kidnap a kid, thrid force the kid to fight for your sick game, fourth you came here to kidnap the kid again with all our other friend." I said,
"Oh, come on, it's not that bad." He said,
"Ok, then I guess calling the cops on you and our friends won't be that bad, would it." I said,
"You wouldn't." He said,
"Oh, I would." I said,
I turned around and walked back upstairs.
"Call the cops." I said,
"Why?" Lori asked,
"Because we're handing over Jeffrey and all these guys to the police." I said,
"Alright." She said,
She dailed the number and I overheard the conversation.
"Hello, 911, what's your emergency?" The Dispatcher asked,
"Hello, we have some criminals that commited Child Endangerment to mine and my siblings' sister." She said,
"Ok, what's your address?" The Dispatcher asked,
"1216 Franklin Avenue." She said,
"Alright, we'll send someone over." The Dispatcher said,
"Thanks." She said,
She hung up and turned to me.
"They said they're send someone, guard them until they get here." She said,
"Ok." I said,
I walked back down to the basement and came face to face with Jeffrey again, he tried to convince me to help the escape but I didn't listen. The cops came and arrested them, and we would hope that, that was the last time he'd bother us, I pulled out my phone and texted Luna and Sam to come back to the home, but they didn't relpy, they probably didn't see it yet, I thought, we headed to bed after that.

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