Chapter 10

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Jeffrey's POV

A few days went by and it was a full moon the prefecft time to have a Dog Fight. Good thing they changed the Dog Fights because of what I said to them about my wolf. I went to the cage that my wolf was in and took off the collar, she already was in her wolf form, I ordered her to follow me, she did. I grabbed a shock baton and headed to the areana, everyone else was there, I walked up to one of my friends.
"Who's first?" I asked,
"Well since you seem pretty confident that you'll win, everyone decided you to go first." He said,
"Alright." I said,
I lead my wolf to the areana and kneeled down to talk to her.
"Ok, you go and earn me some money, alright." I said,
She growled at me, but I turned on the shock baton which then made her whine.
"Yeah, I'm in charge, listen to me, defeat this dog, kill it if you have to." I said,
She nodded, then turned around and walked into the areana, a Boxer stepped in from another person. The Dog Fight started and people started to bet, they betted 10$ on my wolf and 10$ on the Boxer. The round was quick as my wolf took down that Boxer with no problem, the ref anouced that my wolf won. Then the next one started this was a little tougher, they brought two dogs into the areana, twice the work for my wolf. She was able to defeat the two dogs but not without a little trouble. The ref anouced my wolf won, then the next round started this was a little more tougher three dogs this time, my wolf was doing good then was losing, then doing good again but then went back to losing and she lost that round, I was furious. I walked up to the three people the dogs belonged too.
"What the heck three on one at the first time?!" I asked angry,
"Sorry, those are the rules, we don't make them." One of the said,
"Well I want my wolf to be trained to defeat two dogs then just going onto three." I said,
"We said we don't make the rules go join another Dog Fight if you want." Another one said,
"You'll be sorry when I come back here again to finish this fight." I said,
"Yeah sure, whatever youy say Ashmore." The same one said,
I walked into the areana, picked up my wolf and left, I walked to the cage my wolf was in and placed her in there. I put the collat on her, and left, I collected my money which was 40$, I sighed.
"How am I going to make a living out of this wolf if I only get 40 dollars." I asked myself,
I went to go and get a drink at a bar, I walked out of the building, got into my car and drove off to a bar.

Luan's POV

I woke up in the morning and got ready for the day, I couldn't focus that much because it's been a few days since I saw Luna and my mom filed a missing persons report to the poilce. I got done getting ready and headed down stairs to get breakfast, I ate my breakfast silently and went off to school. At school, I also couldn't focus, I was worried about Luna contantly, in class, at Lunch, all day. At Lunch my friends noticed I was acting werid and asked if I was ok. I said I was but I actually wasn't I just didn't want them to worry, after school my friend Benny wanted to talk to me.
"Hey Luan." He said,
"Yeah, Benny?" I asked,
"I just want to talk to you about something." He said,
"Well, what is it?" I asked,
"It's about what happened at Lunch and all day, today, You've been acting very werid, your eyes not focusing and other things, are you ok?" He asked,
"Yeah, I'm fine, just excited." I said,
"Excited about what?" He asked,
Dang it, I had to think of something to say.
"Uh, um Dairyland, I'm going to Dairyland soon and I'm very excited" I lied,
"Oh, ok, good to know, see you tomorrow Luan." He said,
"Yeah, you too." I said,
I hopped onto the bus quickly, and felt kinda gilty for lying to Benny but I couldn't tell him that Luna went missing, I'm not sure why, I just didn't want to tell him. When I got home, I went striaght up to mine and Luna's room and just laid on my bed. Later someone knocked on the door, I told them they could come in, I sat up, it was Lincoln.
"Hey, Linc, is it dinner?" I asked,
"No, I just noticed you haven't been focusing on stuff right now, is it about Luna?" He asked,
I nodded, sadly.
"It's ok, me and Clyde, will help you." He said,
He got his wakie talkie out and contacted him, I heard them talk.
"Lincoln to Clyde do you copy?" He asked,
"Clyde to Lincoln, I copy." Clyde said,
"Clyde I need you here, Luan needs our help." Lincoln said,
"What does Luan need help with?" Clyde asked,
"She isn't focusing because she is worried about Luna." Lincoln said,
"Ok. wait what, Luna has gone missing?" Clyde questioned,
"Yeah, I thought I told you." Lincoln said,
"No, I think you forgot." Clyde said,
"Dang it, anyway can you come?" Lincoln asked,
"Not right now, I'm going to have dinner soon, I'll be there after dinner thogh." Clyde said,
"Alright see you then." Lincoln said,
"You too." Clyde said,
Then Lincoln put his walkie talkie away.
"So bad news Clyde can't come right now because he is going to eat dinner soon, but after he is done with dinner he'll come." Lincoln said,
"Yeah, I heard." I said,
"Ok, and dinner for us is also almost ready as well." He said,
"I agree." I said,
"Let's go down and wait ok." He said,
"Ok." I said,
We both headed down stairs and waited for dinner, when it was ready, I ate it in silent, after dinner Clyde came over to help.

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