Chapter 23

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Caylus' POV

For the rest of the night, I kept a look out just in case The Animal Control came back. I just wanting to make sure they don't force enter the house and contain Luna under our noses. The night went by and nothing happened when the sun came up, I went back inside to give the information of what happened last night. I know nothing happened, but I still had to tell everyone. This was the time in the morning mostly everyone was awake, I walked into the dinning room and sat down.
"Morning Caylus." Luan said,
"Morning." I said,
"Anything happen last night?" She asked,
"No, nothing happened." I said,
"That's good." She said,
"I'm going to keep taking caution, The Animal Control can contain Luna when we're sleeping." I said,
"Alright." She said,
"Have fun at school." I said,
"Ok, but I won't really." She said,
"What, why?" I asked,
"You know." She said,
"Oh, yeah, that's right." I said,
We all finished up breakfast, and headed to school. I headed over to the high school shortly after Lori, Leni, Luna, and Luan. I just wanted to make sure The Animal Control doesn't come to the school, they probably don't know Luna goes to school, but I was still taking caution. I waited around the school all day, and nothing happened. School got out and I headed back to the house to watch by there, Lori, Leni, Luna, and Luan returned home after a couple minutes after me. I kept watch until dinner time, after eating I continuted to keep watch. The night was quiet The Animal Control didn't come around at all. In the morning I reported what happened, which was nothing. I kept a look out for a few days and nights, nothing really happened. The Animal Control didn't make a move since that night, but tonight was a full moon. I'll see if they come this night, I kept a look out when the sun was going down as it did, I saw a vans pull up. I suspected it was The Animal Control, I turned to Luan who was waiting with me.
"Make sure Luna doesn't run out." I said,
"Ok, what if she does?" Luan asked,
"They won't see her as long as I'm distracted them, I just want her to stay indoors." I said,
"Alright, good luck." She said,
"Don't worry about me Luan, I'll be fine." I said,
"If you say so." She said,
She turned and ran uptairs. I walked up to the door and opened it, I walked out with my Rottweiler Tank following me. I walked up to the Captain who got out of his van.
"We meet again Captain of The Royal Woods Animal Control." I said,
"We sure do, Caylus Robinson." He said,
"What do you want now?" I asked,
"You know what we're here for." He said,
"The wolf, I told you, we don't have it." I lied,
"I have the right to suspect that you're lying." He said,
"Lying? Now why would I lie to someone who is just trying to do his job as the Captain of The Royal Woods Animal Control?" I questioned,
"You have been cooperative and answered all my questions, but I still think you're lying." He said,
"Well, you need a warrent to search a house, you can't just barge in." I said,
"I know that, but I also know that every full moon, that wolf comes out. It also runs out of the house some nights. Am I right." He said,
"Wow, I'll make sure to call you when we see it, but we haven't, good day." I said,
I turned and went to walk back into the house, but I was stopped by the Captain.
"You sure you don't have the wolf, the tracker we put in it says it's this house." He said,
I paused for a minute, that's how they found out Luna was here. I turned back around.
"We are sure, if we had one, we'd turn it in to you." I lied again,
"Alright, just wanted to make sure, thanks for your time sir." He said,
He turned around and popped back into his van, I watched him drive off with his men. I stood in shock for a minute, then looked at Tank. I kneeled down to him and started petting him.
"Thanks for staying by my side, buddy." I said,
He barked.
"Yeah, I have to tell everyone how they found out Luna was here." I said,
I stopped petting him and stood up. I walked back into the house, and upstairs. I walked upto Luna and Luan's room. I knocked on the door, and Luan told me to walk in.
"Hey, everything good in here?" I asked,
"Yeah, everything is fine. Sorry about the door, I thought it could help keep Luna here." She said,
"No problem, anyway The Animal Control is gone for now, I'm going back out to keep a look out, but I have to tell you something." I said,
"What is it Caylus?" She asked,
"I know how The Animal Control found out Luna was here." I said,
"How?" She asked,
"They put a tracking chip in her." I said,
"Omg, I wonder when it was." She said,
"Me too, but we have to remove it so they can't track her if she runs out." I said,
"Agreed, I'll see what Lisa can do." She said,
"Alright, I'll stay here." I said,
Luan turned and ran out of the room, I turned and saw Luna walk up to me. I kneeled down and started petting her.
"It's okay, we're going to get that tracking chip out of you." I said,
She looked at me with saddened eyes, I knew something was wrong. I don't know if it was because of the tracking chip or something else. I just kept petting her, until Luan came back with Lisa. I stood up and back up to give Lisa some room to check things out, Luan did so as well.

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