Chapter 15

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Luna's POV

The weekend went by fast, I woke up and got ready for school. After I got ready I headed downstairs for breakfast and ate quickly, and went out the door. Caylus stopped me and talked to me awhile about the full moon thing more, I told him not to worry about it. Today was the day my features would just appear and to not think too much about it. At school Sam came up to me.
"Hey Lunes, good to see you again but where were you, you haven't been at school for a week?" She asked,
"Um, about that, dude, there was a small family emergency." I lied,
"How can that be, your sisters still came to school?" She asked,
"Uh, well my parents only needed me for the family emergency, dude." I lied again,
"Werid, why?" She asked,
"Don't know, dude, never asked them." I lied once more,
"Ok, well I'm glad your back, I missed you." She said,
"Me too, dude." I said,
"Also I sent a text to you but you didn't reply, why is that?" She asked,
"I was busy with the family emergency, dude." I lied,
"Alight, let's head to class before we're late." She said,
"Good idea, dude." I said,
We both headed to class and I tried to understand some new stuff we were doing since I wasn't at school last week. I understood most of it, but some things were just plain confusing, anyway when my features appeared I was able to make them disapear quickly. Lunch came and as always I wolfed down my food, after Lunch another class, this one went by quickly thankfully. School was out now, but I forgot about pratice, I went
to go regarding the fact my wolf features would appear but I was doing better getting them to disapear faster. After pratice, I got picked up, I walked into the house and had a small talk with Caylus, then went to go see how the cure was coming along. I walked upstairs and turned right, the door was open so I just walked in.
"Hey dude, how is it going in here?" I asked,
"Good and bad news, third oldest sibling." Lisa said,
"What, dude?" I asked,
"Well good news I working on this cure most of the time all day, so this might be shorter than the months I said it would be done." She said,
"Oh, thank god, dude." I said,
"Bad news, I need a lot more time to work the this cure so you might still be stuck with the wolf for another month or two or three or maybe four or more than that." She said,
My heart dropped.
"Did you say four or more months I would be stuck like this, dude?" I asked,
"Yes, sadly." She said,
"Ok, ok, I can handle four or more months with the wolf, dude, no biggie." I said,
I walked away, I went into mine and Luan's room, and started freaking out. I didn't know if I could do four or months like this, and I was worried about Jeffrey coming back for me, I didn't notice the more I got stressed the more the wolf would act up. My wolf features were appearing, I didn't even know until Luan came in and told me, I ran out of the house after that maybe to clear my mind and try to make my wolf features disapear. I walked for a while freaking out and trying to get my wolf features to disapear but me freaking out wasn't really helping. I stopped walking in front of two buildings, I noticed there was a gap between them, I hide there until I ccould get the features to disapear, but I didn't have much luck.

Sam's POV

I was thinking about going to talk with Luna about the family emergency she was talking about. I knew I wouldn't have much luck with finding out what happened, that's because it seemed like she was lying, and I feel like she's been doing that to me recently for some reason. I quickly left my house and went to The Loud House, I knocked on the door, and Lincoln answered it.
"Hey Lincoln, is Luna home?" I asked,
"Um, actually she isn't, but I don't know where she is." He said,
"Ok, thanks." I said,
I left The Loud House and went to go find Luna, I walked around a bit with no luck, but then I stopped in front of two buildings. I noticed a gap in between them, I saw a silhouette of a person in the gap, I didn't know why I walked up to it, when I got closer I saw the person had dark brown hair, the same hair color as Luna's as well. I know I shouldn't ask but I did anyway.

Luna's POV

I was trying to clam myself down in order to for my wolf features to go away, that's when I heard someone behind me.
"Luna?" They questioned,
The voice seemed familiar, turned around.
"Sam?" I questioned,
I was right it was Sam, she look thankful she found me, but that changed when she looked at my wolf features.
"I can explain, dude." I said,
"What's wrong with you, why do you have wolf features?" She asked,
"Look, dude, Lisa combinded my DNA with a wolf's one night, and she also accidentally knocked the thing that had the cure off her desk, but I'll be cured in hopefully four months or more." I said,
"What? Why would she do that?" She asked,
"I don't know, dude, she said it was just a experiment." I said,
"An experiment gone wrong, I might say." She said,
"Yeah, yeah I know, dude, and I'm sorry I kept this from you, I just thought that if you saw me like this you'd think that I'm a freak." I said,
"Why would you think that?" She said,
"I don't know, dude, maybe it's because I thought I was a freak myself." I said,
"Is this why you haven't been at school?" She asked,
"Yeah, dude, I was kidnapped by a guy named Jeffrey Ashmore, and he used me for Dog Fights." I said,
"Why didn't you fight back?" She asked,
"I couldn't, dude, the only way I escaped was help from a guy named Caylus Robinson." I said,
"Are you ok?" She asked,
"Yeah, dude, I'm fine, apart from some bite and scratch marks, but they will go away soon." I said,
"You know you didn't have to keep this from me right?" She asked,
"Wait, dude, you don't think I'm a freak?" I asked,
"Nope, why would I think my girlfriend was a freak, I would never." She said,
"Thanks, dude." I said,
"Yeah, I have one more question for you." She said,
"Ok." I said,
"Is the dark brown wolf that blew up on social media you?" She asked,
"Yeah, that's me, dude, I got out one night." I said,
"Alright, just wanted to know." She said,
"So you aren't mad at me for keeping this a secret, dude?" I asked,
"Yeah, I'm not, well maybe a little, but I'll get over it." She said,
"Ok, just making sure." I said,
"Now come on it's getting late, we should go back to your house." She said,
"Yeah, you're right, dude." I said,
We both walked back to my house, and while we were, my wolf features disapeared, I don't know why. Maybe it had something to do with Sam, she just clamed me down, and they disapeared. We made it back to my house, then said goodbye and see you tomorrow, I entered my house, and went up stairs and got ready for bed. Once I was done, I laid down, and fell asleep rather quickly.

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