Chapter 5

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Luna's POV

A few days went by and everything was still crazy. I was getting ready to go to bed as I was I remember tonight is a full moon. I sighed really again, I just tried to suck it up and deal with it. I finished up and walked into mine and Luan's room and went into the cage. Luan closed and locked the door then laid down to go to sleep minutes later the moon hit me and I turned into the wolf. I tried to go to sleep but for some reason I couldn't I don't know what it was maybe it was because I was a wolf and wolves normally come out at night. After a while of trying to sleep I did something, I'm not sure what I was doing I couldn't control myself, but I saw Luan sleeping outside of the cage then ran off or something I'm not sure dude.

Luan's POV

I was just sleeping until for some reason I woke up. I rubbed my eyes then looked over at the cage and noticed Luna wasn't in it. I stood up and walked over to look at it, it looked like she chewed through the bars and escaped. I quickly stood up and ran to Lori and Leni's room. I walked up to Lori.
"Lori, wake up." I said, quietly.
She didn't answer.
"Lori, wakre up, Luna has escaped." I said, louder.
She opened her eyes and saw me.
"Luan what are you doing in here?" She asked,
"I woke up and noticed that Luna escaped." I said,
"She what?!" She asked,
"She escaped, we have to wake everyone up in order to get her back here before she hurts someone." I said,
"You're right, let's go." She said,
"Great, you wake up Leni, I got Lynn and Lucy." I said,
"Ok." She said,
I ran out of the room and into Lynn and Lucy's where I woke them up. Lori was done waking up Leni and went to wake up the twins. While she was doing that I went to wake up Lincoln, after I woke him up, he went and woke up Lisa and Lily. We all woke up our parents and rushed out the door. We started looking for Luna but so far didn't have much luck.
"Ok, where do you think she would've gone kids?" Our dad asked,
"Umm, maybe somewhere where there is music." I said,
"Good idea, but we don't know if her love of music applys with a wolf's DNA as well, anywhere else?" He asked,
"Nope." I said,
"That's ok, we'll fine her." He said,
After while of driving we had no luck but then our mom's phone buzzed. She took it out and opened the notification, then gasped.
"What mom?" Lori asked,
"Nothing." She said, as she put her phone away.
I got a buzz and pulled my out phone. I opened the notification, I gasped.
"Guys, take out your phones and check your recent notification." I said,
Everyone did expect for our dad, everyone gasped.
"Mom, why did you try to hide this, it's literally information about Luna?" Lori asked,
"I don't know." She said,
"This says she is at Flip's, dad." I said,
"On it sweetie." He said,
We drove to Flips, but didn't see her. We went inside to ask Flip if he's seen her, but he wasn't around.
"He's probably sleeping." I said,
"Yeah, that seems about right." Lori said,
"Let's see if there is anything on her in this post?" I said,
I opened my phone and read the post.
"Hmm, this says she was last seen headed towards the mall." I said,
"Ok, then let's go there." Lori said,
We hopped back into the van and drove to the mall. Once there we looked around for any sign of her even in the mall which doors have been broken. Probably the work of the strength Luna had. We looked in every store until we found her. Everyone expect for me went to walk up to her, but I stopped them.
"Stay back she might be scared if more than one person walks up to her." I said,
"Ok." Lori said,
I slowly walked up to her and put my hand out. She walked up to me slowly and sniffed my hand then licked it. I laughed. Then someone startled her and she ran off. I turned around and realized who it was.
"Really Lori." I said,
"What? I was just trying to help." She said,
"You startled her, how is that helping?" I said,
"Sorry, I didn't know." She said,
"Let's just get back into the car and try to find her again, ok." I said,
"Ok." She said,
We hopped back into the van and headed the direction we hoped she went.

Sam's POV

I desided to take a walk to get some fresh air and to clear my head. I didn't notice how dark it got, but I don't care I took one anyway and what's the worse that could happen, Royal Woods was a small town anyway. A few minutes into my walk and a dark brown wolf ran up to me. I thought it was going to tackle me and kill me so I put my hands up, but it just stopped. I put down my hands down and looked at it, it looked at me. My heart was racing at this point and I was panting. I thought it was waiting to attack and I was getting ready to run, but it just stood there looking at me. I was dumbfouned why isn't this wolf attacking me, it stood there for a good five minutes or so just looking at me. Then it heard something, turned around and ran away. I was confused for a minute and tried to ask myself why that wolf wasn't attacking me. Maybe it was a dog, but it looked so much like a wolf. I walked back still asking myself the same question why didn't it attack me until I made it home. Where I just fell asleep.

Luan's POV

We followed Luna for awhile until we stopped. She did too, I got out of the car and slowly walked up to her and put out my hand. She slowly walked up to me and sniffed my hand then licked it again. I laughed after she licked my hand for a little, she licked my face. I laughed then I stood up and walked to the van, she followed. She jumped into the van and we went home, once we were home I realized we didn't have a cage for Luna.
"Umm, guys we're lucky Luna didn't hurt anyone, but we need a new cage for Luna." I said,
"You're right, I think I can come up with something in the morning for the time being, she can sleep near you Luan." Lisa said,
"Near me, what if she attacks me?" I asked,
"She probably won't, judging on what I've seen you seem like a person Luna trusts." She said,
"Ok." I said,
Then everyone went back to sleep, I walked up with Luna following and walked into our room and closed the door. I laid down and Luna sat next to the bed, I petted her a little. She was kinda cute, then I fell asleep after awhile.

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