Chapter 14

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Luna's POV

I woke up on the ground and got ready for the day, when I was done, I headed down stairs for breakfast. As I was done getting my breakfast and sit down, Luan came up to me.
"Hey morning, dude." I said,
"Morning Luna, can I ask you a question?" Luan asked,
"Sure, dude." I said,
"I noticed you had some bite and scratch marks on you when you came back last night, and they're still there." She said,
"Oh, right that's kinda a long-short story, dude." I said,
"Ok, can you tell me?" She asked,
"Yeah, let's sit down and I'll tell everyone, dude." I said,
"Alright." She said,
We sat down and I got ready to tell everyone what happened to me.
"Dudes, I'm going to tell all of you what happened to me when I went missing." I said,
"Ok, go ahead and telll us." My mom said,
"Alright, one night, this being the night Luan last saw me before I went missing, I was kidnapped by a guy named Jeffrey Ashmore, he spied on me the day I beat up the guys because their friend harassed Sam. He brought me to a building that was hidden like the Police couldn't find it. He showed his friends I was a wolf, and put me in a cage also put a metal collar on me. I only escaped with the help of a guy named Caylus Robinson, then I ran back here." I said,
"Ok, what about the bite and scratch marks like I asked you about before?" Luan asked,
"Oh right, the bite and scratch marks are from dogs." I said,
"Wait, dogs?" Luan asked shocked,
"Yeah, Jeffrey kidnapped me for Dog Fights, dude." I said,
"What, really?" She asked shocked again,
"Yeah, it wasn't the greatest experience but I think these bite and scratch marks will go away soon, what do you think little dudette?" I asked Lisa,
"Hmmm, I think you're right those bite and scratch marks aren't serious." Lisa said,
"Ok, thanks dude." I said,
"You're welcome thrid oldest sibling." She said,
We finished up our breakfast and just hanged out, but after a few seconds we started to hang out, the doorbell rang, Lori got it, everyone else but me followed her, I overheard them.
"Hello." Lori said,
"Hey, um does Luna Loud live here?" A familer voice asked,
"Why do you want to know?" She asked,
"I'm a friend of hers." He said,
"I'm not literallty buying it." Lori said,
"Oh, come on, can you just have me talk to her?" He asked,
"Sorry, no can do." She said,
"Why?" He asked,
"Because she was kidnapped and went missing for a week, I'm not taking any chances with someone that might give off the vibes of a person that literally would kidnap her." Lori said,
"No, I'm her friend, you can ask her." He said,
"Sorry, I can't let you, I don't want to literally lose my sister again to someone like you." She said,
"You won't." He said,
"Yeah, sorry can't risk it." She said,
I figured out why the voice sounded familer, I stood up and ran up next to Lori, and saw I was right.
"Dude, I almost forgot you were coming." I said,
"Yeah, sorry got lost a little." He said,
"Whoa, Luna what are you doing?" Lori asked,
"Greeting my friend and trying to invite him in, dude" I said,
"This guy, literally?" She questioned,
"Yeah, what did you expect, dude." I asked,
"I don't know literally someone other than him." She said,
"That seems like a awful lot of judgement, dude." I said,
"Ok, I'm sorry, let's literally start this again, my name is Lori Loud, what is yours?" She asked,
"Caylus Robinson." He said,
"You literally helped Luna escape." Lori said,
"Yeah, I did, and I took Jeffrey's money he got from you there was 1,400$, and I wanted to give it to Luna because she made the money." He said, taking out the money from his wallet, and handing it to me.
"Oh, thanks, dude." I said, taking the money.
"This is the guy that literally helped you escape?" Lori asked me,
"Yeah, he did, dude." I said,
"Ok, welcome to The Loud House." She said,
"Thank you, and one thing is my dog welcome here too?" He asked,
"Yeah, totally we also have a dog, he's a Pit Bull Terrier, his name is Charles." She said,
"Alright let me go get mine." He said,
"What is the dog's name and what is it's breed?" She said,
"Tank and he is a Rottweiler." He said,
"Ok, go get him, we'll welcome him." She said,
"Alright." He said,
He left and got his dog, his dog slowly walked in and said hi to everyone, well all petted him, and welcomed him.
"Ok, who is this Jeffrey guy?" Lori asked, Caylus.
"He was my best friend, he was a terriable friend, he never did what I wanted to do because he thought they were stupid and boring." He said,
"What do you like to do, dude?" I asked,
"Umm, playing sports, drawing/painting, airsoft, playing instruments, etc." He said,
"Well those hobbies aren't stupid and boring, they're actually pretty cool, one of mine and Luna's sisters play sports, and Luna plays instruments." Lori said,
"Thanks but I know they're stupid and boring Jeffrey said so." He said,
"That's not true, dude, your intrest are very important, Jeffrey doesn't know what he is talking about." I said,
"Yeah, you're right, thanks, I'm glad I left that guy, but he might be mad when he realizes I took his money, you escaped, and I left." He said,
"Yeah, but I can fight him off, dude, I can turn into a wolf, bro." I said,
"When do you turn into a wolf, I just want to know?" He asked,
"Full moons, dude, and maybe without a full moon I can feel the wolf getting stronger." I said,
"How did you get the wolf, just asking?" He asked,
"My yoounger Lisa, dude, she, she uh, combinded my DNA with a wolf's one night." I said,
"Ok, is there a cure?" He asked,
"There was, dude, but Lisa accidently knocked it off her desk and broke it." I said,
"Wow." He said,
"Yeah, I know, dude." I said,
For the rest of the day we hanged out and played a little with Caylus' dog Tank. He is such a good dog, the whole day with a little bit of relaxing went by. We got ready for bed, Caylus said he'd sleep in his car, I finished getting ready and laid down in my real bed again finally, it felt good, I fell asleep fast.

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