Chapter 7

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Luna's POV

I woke up in the morning and got ready for the day. Then went down stairs for breakfast, after breakfast, I went off to school. I greeted my friends and we headed to class, during lunch we talked about hanging out after school at a restaurant. All of us agreed, after lunch another class, then the school day ended. I texted my mom to tell her that I'll come home later since I'm going to be hanging out with my friends at a restaurant. We walked there and entered, we decided to eat at The Burpin' Burger since it was a good restaurant just to hang out with your friends. We ordered and sat down, while eating this guy stands up and walks over to us, and places his hand on Sam, I could tell she was really uncomfortable with this.
"Hey, whoever you are, can you stop, I'm not comfortable with how you're touching me." Sam told him off,
He kept doing it, and she was getting more uncomforable.
"I told you to stop touching me." Sam told him off again,
He didn't listen again and kept doing it, I was getting a little pissed.
"Hey dude, did you hear her?" I asked,
"Yeah, I did but I can do what I want to and you can't tell me otherwise." He said,
"Dude stop touching her or I'll make you." I said,
He scoffed.
"You're a girl what are you gonna do?" He asked,
"More than you think dude." I said,
"Yeah, sure." He said,
He continued to touch Sam, I lost my temper at this point.
"Look dude, I don't care who you are but you need to stop touching her ok." I said,
He walked over to me and slapped me hard. I stood up and punched him, I started to beat him up. His friends stood up and came to his aid, one of them punched me and gave me a black eye. I kicked him in the balls and he fell in pain. His other friend punched me in the nose and made it bleed, I kicked him in the knee, he also fell in pain. Another one of his friends punched me in face as well and kept doing so until I punched him in the nose and he backed up holding it. He went to punch me again but I dodged it and kneed him in the stomach. The first guy stood up and ran at me, he kicked me in the stomach, I fell on my knees holding it. His friends got up and kicked me down in the back I fell on the ground. When I tried to get back up they kicked me back down, I rolled out of the way and stood back up. They teamed up on me but I took care of each of them, while semi getting beat up as well. After a little bit Sam called the cops, I overheard them.
"911, what's your emergency?" The dispatcher asked,
"Hello, my friend is getting beat up, for defending me from sexually harassment." Sam said,
"Ok, what's your name?" The dipatcher asked,
"Sam." She said,
"Ok, Sam where are you?" The dispatcher asked,
"The Burpin' Burger." She said,
"Ok, is your friend conscious?" The dispatcher asked,
"Yes, she is, but I don't how long she'll stay like that?" She said,
"Ok, we've sent someone over there, they should be there in three minutes, stay on the line until they're there and kept me updated." The dispatcher said,
"Ok." She said,
She stayed on the phone, as she did I kept defending her by beating these guys up but that didn't last long the guys begin to beat me up again. I got back up after a while and kept beating them up and that's where the poilce came and broke us up. They took me aside to talk to me in pravite.
"So you're Sam's friend right?" The police man asked,
"Yeah, that's right." I said,
I looked at his badge just in case, it read Officer Bailey.
"Ok, so we got call that you were being beat up but when we walked in we saw you beating up these guys." He said,
"I was defending Sam." I said,
He looked at me in disbelief for a minute, I don't think he bought it.
"Yeah, don't get it, put your hands behind your back." He said,
"Why? I didn't do anything wrong." I said,
"I said put your hands behind your back are we going to have a problem?" He asked,
"No Officer." I said,
"Then put your hands behind you back." He said,
I did, he cuffed me then left, he shoved me into the back on his car, and drove off.
"I'm going to drop you off at your house, where's your house and what's your address?" He asked,
"1216 Frankin Avenue." I said,
"Thanks." He said,
He drove me to my house and got me out of the car. He knocked on the door, my mom answered and saw me, she looked confused.
"What happened Officer?" She asked,
"Your daughter here beat some people up, I expect for you to have a long talk with her." He said,
"Yeah I will, thanks." She said,
"Ok, have a good night." He said,
He uncuffed me and walked into his car and drove off. I walked into the house, and looked at my mom, she looked mad at me.
"Luna Loud what happened, why did you beat people up?" She said,
I went to answer but my dad walked up.
"What's going on here, honey?" He asked,
"An Officer just told me that Luna beat some people up." She said,
"She what?' He said,
"Yeah, now I'm asked her what happened." She said,
"So what happened?" He asked,
"This guy came up to me and my friends and placed his hand on Sam, she told him to stop but he didn't. She told him again but he didn't listen and kept doing it. I asked him if he heard her, he said he did but can do what he wants. I told him to stop touching Sam or I'll make him, he scoffed and said you're a girl what are you gonna do. I lost my temper and told him off one more time, he still didn't listen but instead of continuting he walked over to me and slapped me hard. I stood up and punched him, I beat him up then his friends came to his aid and tried to attack me they did but I got the best of them. That's when Sam called the cops and they came and that Officer arrested me not the guy." I said,
"The Officer did what?" My mom asked,
"Yeah, and I probably deserve it, I beat that guy up along with his friends." I said,
"No, you didn't, we're going to go talk to that Officer right now." She said,
She grabbed the car keys and walked out the door, me and my dad stared at each other in shock then walked outside and into Vanzilla. My mom drove to the Royal Woods poilce sation and walked up to the counter.
"Hello, ma'am how can I help you?" The front desk person asked,
"Hey, we need to talk to an Officer." My mom said,
"Ok, which one?" They asked,
"Luna did you see that Officer's badge?" She asked me,
"Sure did dude." I said,
"What did it say?" She asked,
"Officer Bailey, if I'm not mistaken." I said,
"Ok, Officer Bailey." My mom said,
"Alright let me go get him." They said,
They stood up and walked into the back, later the Officer came out.
"What can I help you with ma'am?" He asked,
"Well first you can explain why you arrested my daughter if she was just defending her friend?" She asked,
"Because she was beating some people up." He said,
"If she was defending her friend from being sexually harassed she should've been arrested." She said,
"Look ma'am, I clearly saw you daughter a threat to those people, I'm sorry you're became mad but there isn't anything I can do right now apart from put this in the past." He said,
"You can start tracking those guys and arresting them for harassing a teenager basically a kid." She said,
"Sorry, too late." He said,
"Then screw you, I hope you get fired." She said,
Then turned aorund and walked out, me and my dad followed. Once we made in the car, I couldn't believe what I saw.
"Whoa dude, you went off on that Officer." I said, in dumbfounded.
"Yeah, I did, didn't I and that's because no one messes with my kids, now you want icecream or something?" She asked me,
"Yeah, totally dude." I said,
"Ok." She said,
Then we drove to get a treat for me, after that we returned home. I went upstairs to go to bed, I got ready then went to go clear my wounds, as I was Luan walked into the bathroom and saw them.
"Whoa, what happened to you?" She asked,
"I got beat up by a few guys." I said,
"Wow, ok." She said,
After that I climbed onto my bed and fell asleep.

?'s POV

I walked around Royal Woods for a minute thinking about that encounter that happened earlier today that girl just beat up those few guys without any problems, well a little but the strength and angression on her I've never seen anything like that before. Maybe she's the dark brown wolf, her hair color did match the color of the wolf's fur. I'll spy on her more tomorrow see if she is the wolf, I can't wait to see the look on my friends when they find out I found her before them.

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