Chapter 18

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?'s POV

I returned home from my hunting trip, once I walked in my wife came up to me.
"There you are honey, you're kinda late for dinner, later than usual." She said,
"Yeah, sorry, about that I ran into a wolf." I said,
"Really, are you hurt?" She asked,
"Just a little bit." I said,
"Where?" She asked,
"My arm, here." I said, showing her.
She looked at it for a second.
"Hmm, ok, this doesn't look so bad, but we're going to have to disinfect it." She said,
"Ok, common thing you have to do." I said,
We went into the kitchen where she disinfected the bite mark, then our kids saw that I was home and came running up to me.
"Dad, you're back." One of them said, coming up and hugging me.
"Yeah, I am, and I'm hungry, let me go get the food." I said,
I exited the house and went to my car, where I got the store bought meat. I brang it inside and set it down, one kid groaned.
"Again, store bought meat." One said,
"Yeah, sorry kiddo, I'm not getting anything in the woods." I said,
"Ok." The another one said,
"Alright, honey you want to cook this with me?" I asked my wife,
"Do I ever." She said,
Me and her started cooking the meat, after we were done, we started eating, and she started asking questions about the wolf I ran into.
"So what did the wolf look like?" She asked,
"It had yellow eyes, dark brown and light grayish fur, and it was about 3 feet in height, 52 inchs in length." I said,
"What was it doing?" She asked,
"It was near a girl that was probably a teenager, the girl was petting it for some reason." I said,
"How did it attack you?" She asked,
"After I shot and missed it with my shotgun, it ran around behind me when I was relouding, so when I decided to ask that girl if she was ok, it tackled me, and bite me, I did shot it a bit, but it didn't matter. The only thing I'm questioning is why it didn't tear me apart when I was clearly vulnerable, it just ran past me." I said,
"That's crazy, I've never heard about a wolf that never backed down from an attack." She said,
"Wait, dad, what did you say the wolf looked like?" One of the kids asked,
"Um, it had yellow eyes, dark brown and light grayish fur, and it was about 3 feet in height, 52 inchs in length, why?" I asked,
"It almost matches the description of a dark brown wolf that blew up on the internet a few weeks ago, see." My kid said, pulling out their phone and showing me a picture of a wolf that closly resembled the wolf.
"That does look like it, but the height is different." I said,
"Yeah, I see that two." They said,
"I guess it's the same wolf, and I'll be hunting it tomorrow back in the woods." I said,
"Ok, dad, just don't die." They said,
"Yeah, honey, you've already gotten hurt once, we don't want to see you get hurt again." My wife said,
"Don't worry, I'll be fine." I said,
"You better be." She said,
After dinner, we got ready for bed, I was able to go to sleep pretty quickly, in the morning, I got up before everyone and went off into the woods to find this wolf, and kill it. Once I got to the woods I was in last night, I started looking around, sadly I saw nothing, but I didn't give up, after the day was done, I returned home, and had dinner, also went to sleep. The next day, I went back into the woods to keep trying to find this wolf, I didn't again. I returned home, had dinner, and went to sleep. The next day nothing again, I thought maybe the wolf only comes out at night, so the next day I slept during the day, and went to the woods during the night. I was almost going to give up when I heard a noise near me, it sounded like rustling, I got my shotgun ready just in case. Then a wolf that had yellow eyes, dark brown and light grayish fur, and was 3 feet in height, 52 inches in length came out of some trees. I slowly walked towards it, it started growling at me, I guess it remembered me, I put down my shotgun, and motioned it to come close to me. It stopped growling and walked closer to me, once it was as close as I could get it, I quickly grabbed my shotgun, and fired. It dodged while biting down on my arm that still had the bite mark it made from earlier on it. I went to shot it but it knocked my shotgun out of my hand when it bit down, I started punching it but it wouldn't let go, until it heard something in the distance, I couldn't hear it thogh, I just knew it did. It let go of my arm and turned to walk away but it stood there, I grabbd my shotgun and aimed it at it and went to shot it, but it turned around and knocked it out of my hand again, and growled at me. Then it turned again and stood there, I grabbed my shotgun again, and aimed it at the wolf again, but instead like last time, I pulled the tigger, and shot it. It turned around and attacked me, it stratched me and bite me until we both heard a vehicle approuching it sounded like a car. It stopped attacking me and ran in the direction of the vehicle, I was badly hurt but I managed to stand up, grab my shotgun, and walk back to my truck and drove home, where my wife helped with my wounds, after I was helped. Me and my wife went to sleep, I couldn't really though I guess it was the second encounter with the wolf or something along those lines.

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