Chapter 31

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Luna's POV

Morning came and I woke up, this was probably the first morning I didn't feel werid. I noticed I still had my wolf freatures out. Luan told me last night that they will act up a little more than usual. I was fine with that, I had to get used to it tho. I hopped off my bunk and started to get ready for school. When I went to the bathroom to get ready I ran into Luan. I noticed right hand had a bandanged wrapped around it. I was curious about what had happened, surely it wasn't because of me.
"Hey dude." I said,
"Oh, morning Luna." She said,
"Mind if I ask you what is up with your right hand dude, why is it wrapped with a bandage?" I asked,
"That was my fault, when you were out of control I thought of an easier and faster way to turn you back, but it didn't work and you bit me." She said,
I was in shock, how could I let that happen, why didn't I stop myself.
"I'm sorry dude." I said,
"Sorry for what?" Luan asked,
"For biting you." I said,
"It isn't your fault Luna, you couldn't control yourself." She said,
"But I hurt you dude, why aren't you mad?" I asked,
"Because I know it wasn't your fault, for the most part it was mine. All because I got inpatient to get you back." She said,
I decided to take Luan's word for it even thogh I was still guilty. I focussed on getting ready, once done. I headed downstairs for breakfast. Breakfast was ok, most of the time my siblings just asked me how I'm doing since getting back to normal. I feel better, but still a little weird. Of course I gave them a honest answer. I was also thinking about my wolf freatures. I didn't know if I try to hide them they would just appear again, and I'll be starred at and probably called a freak. I thought I'd try to anyway, I finished breakfast and got everything for school. I headed off to school and once I got there I saw Sam. I smiled and walked up to her.
"Hey Sam." I said,
"Luna! You're back to normal, I so happy." She said,
"Me too dude." I said,
"Anyway since you're back to normal, you want to go on a date later?" She asked,
"Of course dude, how could I say no to you." I said,
She smiled, then we went inside due to school starting soon. School started and the same old, same old, teachers just doing their job and teaching us. Nothing too out of the ordinary, after School. Me and Sam went on a date at Tall Timbers Park, it was a beautiful day. I was really happy, this was one of the first times I was in this whole experiment gone wrong thing. I thought I was finally safe and there wasn't anything to worry about.

Jeffery's POV

I came up with a plan to get Luna back for more Dog Fights. I will track her down and stalk her and find her weakness. It had to be something and take it. With it gone, she would come and try to get it back. That's when I would trick her and kidnap her again. The thing is what the heck was it? I was able to find her and stalk her for most of the day. I followed her to Tall Timbers Park and continuted to stalk her, trying to find her weakness. It was hard she seemed happy at that time and I looked around for anything. After a bit I was able to come to some senses that the girl she was with was her weakness. They looked like they were girlfriends, and that will be the perfect plan. I would have to kidnap her tho, I stayed waiting for the right time. It took a while due to the day still being full, but that didn't bother me. The time seemed right when it came to sundown, but Luna and the girl walked back to The Loud House together. I couldn't kidnap her right now, I had to wait. Once they both got there, they said, goodbye and Luna walked into the house. The girl started walking away, this was it. I hide behind a wall of a house and waited for her to pass. Once she did I jumped out and grabbed her, placing my hand over her mouth so she couldn't scream. I also held her hands behind her back, so she couldn't use them. She struggled, but I was stronger than her and it was no use. We started walking back to the abandoned warehouse I was hiding out at. When she bite me, I removed my hand.
"What the heck!?" I asked, angry.
"You deserved it, you're kidnapping me." She said,
"Yeah, so?" I asked,
"Who are you?!" She asked, demanding.
"You don't need to know that." I said,
"Wait, are you the guy who kidnapped Luna for Dog Fights and kept trying until you got arrested?" She asked,
"Yes, wait how do you know that?" I asked,
"Luna is my girlfriend, you idiot. Also you think I wouldn't have known everything about you, well, you're wrong." She said,
"Shut up, I can't deal with you right now." I said,
"No, what are you planing to do with me?" She asked,
"That's none of your business, also your little girlfriend will be mine once again shortly." I said,
"You don't own her, she's her own person." She said,
"Yeah, whatever, we'll see about that." I said,
"I hope the police finds you and throws you into a maximum security prison for the rest of your life." She said,
"Yeah, like that's going to happen." I said,
"I will be sure of it." She said,
"I told you to shut up. In fact you are not allowed to speak at all during this." I said,
"No, I will not, you can't make-." She said,
But I cut her off my covering her mouth so her words were muffled. Eventually we made it to the abandoned warehouse and now the plan was all coming into play.

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