Chapter 30

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Luan's POV

After watching TV for a bit, it was time for dinner. Then after dinner, I went up to mine and Luna's room, I tried to entertain myself a little bit. Then Lisa came into my room, I looked up at her.
"Hey, fourth eldest sister, I got something to tell you." She said,
"Ok, go ahead." I said,
"I'm almost done with the block cure, I just need some privacy. No one can interupt me." She said,
"Alright, got you." I said,
She gave me a nod then left, I went back to waiting, but then something came into my mind. What if there a easier and quicker way to get Luna back to normal? I thought about it for a minute, then decided to put it into action. I walked out of mine and Luna's room and down to the basement. I walked up to the glass cage, and stopped in front of it. I took a deep breath in then out. I carefully opened the sliding door that was only accussed from the outside. I stepped inside then closed the door, I heard a growl and when I turned around Luna was there. Growling at me, I backed up a bit, but I wasn't going to back down now. I slowly let out my hand and started to put my plan into action.
"H-hey, Luna, it's ok, it's me, Luan." I said,
She stopped growling for a minute, and went to go sniff my hand.
"You know it's me, don't you?" I asked,
She was about to sniff my hand, but then she started growling again and quickly bit my hand. I pulled it back and saw the damage, a wolf like bite mark was now there and blood was coming from it. I quickly turned and opened the door and ran upstairs. I washed off the wound and wrapped it up, but I wasn't aware of the blood trail I left.

Lynn's POV

After dinner I decided to go take a run, after the run. I came in the house and started to cool off, but then something caught my eye. I walked up to it and kneeled down to inspect it, it looked like blood. Then I noticed more, it was a trail of blood it lead from the basement to upstairs. I was curious so I followed it upstairs, it lead into the bathroom, then it stopped. I decided to ask my siblings if they knew what it was about. I startedbv with Lori and Leni, I knocked onto their door. They told me I could come in. I opened the door.
"Hey." I said,
"Hey." Lori said,
"I just wanted to ask you something?" I said,
"Yeah, go ahead." Lori said,
"Ok, do either of you know why there's a blood trail leading from the basement to the bathroom?" I asked,
"No, literally why would we?" She asked,
"I was just asking, geez." I said,
I shut the door, then made it to Luna's and Luan's room. I knocked onto the door, Luan told me to come in. I opened the door.
"Hey, I was just wondering if you know why there is a blood trail leading from the basement to the bathroom?" I asked,
Luan paused for a minute.
"N-no, I don't know." She said,
"Ok." I said,
But then I noticed something on her hand. I looked at it and when I did she hid it behind her back.
"What was that?" I asked,
"What?" She asked,
"On you hand, the one you just hid behind your back?" I asked,
"I don't know what you're talking about." She said,
I knew she was lying to me.
"Don't play dumb with me, Luan, show me." I said, walking up to her.
"No, it's nothing." She said,
I made it up to her, I grabbed her arm and took it out from her back. I saw what was on her hand, it was a bandage one they use to stop major bleeding. I looked up at her into her eyes.
"How did you get this?" I asked,
"I got it from nowhere." She said,
I knew she still was lying to me.
"Is this why there is a blood trail from the basement to the bathroom?" I asked,
She paused for a minute, then spoke.
"Y-yes." She said,
"What happened?" I asked,
"Ok, I don't really want to tell you, but I have to. I was in my room thinking about a another way to get Luna back to normal easier and quicker. So I put my plan into action, but it didn't work and she bite me." She said,
"Luan really?" I asked,
"Sorry, I didn't know it wouldn't work." She said,
I sighed, then left the room. I was going to get the rest of my siblings to make Lisa pay a little bit for this. Everything that happened with Luna so far is all her fault and now this. I can't have another one of my siblings hurt because of this. As I was walking to my other sibling's rooms, Luan came up to me.
"Lynn, what are you doing?" She asked, stopping me.
"I'm going to make Lisa pay a little bit for this." I said, tring to walk away.
"Wait, but why?" She asked, stopping me again.
"Because she's the cause of all this everything that has happened to Luna is because of her. Also I can't have another of my siblings hurt for her mistakes." I said,
I turned away and started walking again. I gathered the rest of my siblings and told them about Luan's injury. All of them were mad and agreed with me to make her pay. We opened the door and she turned around.
"Oh, why hello fellow siblings, is there something I can help you with? And if so, I can't help you, I'm busy." She said,
"We heard that Luna bit Luan. How could you let that happen?" I said,
"What, Luna bit Luan?" She asked confused,
"Yeah, how do you expect to literally bounce back from this?" Lori asked,
"Also everything that happened to Luna is your fault." Lana said,
"How is it my fault?" Lisa asked,
"You and your stupid experiment." Lincoln said,
"What?!" Lisa asked dumdfounded.
"He means because you decided to use her as your test subject, she will forever remember everything that happened." I said,
"So." She said,
"So, that's all you have to say about our sister's safety. I think you need to pay a little bit." I said,
"Huh?" She questioned,
I walked up to her and picked her up. Then we went to the basement, where I put her down in front of the glass cage.
"What the heck are you all doing?" Lisa asked a little scared.
"This is what happens when you put one our sister's safety at risk. This is what you get Lisa." I said,
"Wait, wait, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Lisa said,
"Too late." I said,
I went to open the sliding door, but was stopped by someone.
"Lynn, stop!" It was a fimlair voice, I turned around. It was Luan.
I took my hands off the door.
"What are you doing here Luan?" I asked,
"Stopping you from making a mistake." She said,
"But she-" I said, but then was cut off.
"Yes, she is the cause of everything that's has happened to Luna. But this isn't the right thing to do." She said,
"How would you know?" I asked,
"Well, I know if your plan goes wrong Lisa could die and Luna will turn into a wolf forever. And I know you don't want that to happen, do you?" She said,
I paused for a moment, then sighed.
"Ok, you're right, who else is going to reverse this." I said,
"I'm glad you came to your senses, now this bite, it's ok, I'm fine. I will be fine." She said,
"Alright." I said,
"Now Lisa get back upstairs and finish that block cure." Luan said,
Lisa nodded and ran upstairs.
"And Lynn, everything is going to be ok, Lisa will finish that block cure and Luna will be back to normal." She said,
I sighed and walked back upstairs, I didn't want to say anything. Because I didn't really know what to say, I just went to get ready for bed, it was getting late, and I was tired. I finished getting ready and laid down in my bed, a few minutes later Lucy came and reasured me everything was ok. I took her word for it and just tried to go to sleep.

Luan's POV'

I stood in the basement for a minute, until Lucy said she was going to asure Lynn everything will be ok. I nodded, I looked at the rest of my siblings. They apologized for their actions, I forgave them. They all went upstairs to go to bed. I went up to and checked in on Lisa, she said she was almost done. I was happy, I waited for her to be done. When she did finish she told me and we both went to the basement, she carefully went into the glass cage and quickly gave Luna the cure. She stayed in there to see if it worked and it did, Luna turned back to normal, but she had her wolf features. She fell to the ground, but managed to get back up. I quickly entered and ran up to her and pulled her into a hug.
"Wow, hey dude." She said,
I pulled away.
"Hey." I said,
"What happened dude, my memories are all muddled." She asked,
"Long story short, the wolf DNA has been in your system for too long it started to take control and Lisa had to create an cure that will block the DNA from turning you into a full wolf forever, but your wolf freatures will act up more." I said,
"Good to know dude." She said,
"Yeah, now we got School tomorrow, let's go to bed." I said,
"Right, ok dude." She said,
We went upstairs and got ready for bed. After that we laid down and talked for a little bit, then fell asleep. I was able to go to bed a lot easier this time, that was good.

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