Chapter 28

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Zachariah's POV

I went up to the door and knocked onto it. I waited for an answer it took a few seconds but then I heard.
"Come in." It sounded like a teenage girl's voice.
I opened the door and saw three people two teenage girls one had dark brown short hair with wolf ears and a tail. I also noticed she had claws, the other girl had blonde hair that was longer with a light blue streak dyed in it. And a guy, he looked like he was in his 20's, there was also a dog next to him, it was a Rottweiler.
"Hey, I'm Officer Zachariah Whitlock, I some questions about the guy alledgly kidnapped one of you Jeffery Ashmore." I said,
"Yeah, he kidnapped me, what do you want to know, dude?" The dark brown haired girl asked,
"First what's your name?" I asked,
"Why do you need to know, dude?" She asked,
"Police records." I said,
"Alright, names Luna Loud, dude. Now what do you want to know about Jeffery?" She asked,
"Ok, one did he have any friends that he associated with when he kidnapped you?" I asked,
"He wasn't with any of his friends when he kidnapped me, but he did have some. Including this guy, but he ended his friendship with him, dude." She said, pointing to the guy that was in the room with us.
"Ok, what made this guy end his friendship with him?" I asked,
"Well dude, acording to Jeffery his intrests were boring." She said,
"Alright, how did you escape?" I asked,
"Help from this guy, dude." She said, pointing at the guy again.
"Ok, did Jeffery come back to kidnap you again?" I asked,
"Yeah dude, with the rest of his friends actually." She said,
"Ok, why did he kidnap you?" I asked,
"Well, you can probably tell, dude, but it's a long story. One of my younger sisters combined my DNA with a wolf's and accidentally broke the cure. So now I turn into a wolf whenever there's a full moon, and I have wolf freatures appear as you can clearly see." She said,
"Yeah, I see that, but the real reason he wanted you?" I said,
"Oh, right, he kidnapped me for Dog Fights, dude." She said,
"Dog Fights, illegal, he's definitely biting the dust for this." I said,
"Do you need any more information, dude?" She asked,
"Do you have anymore?" I asked,
"Not really, dude." She said,
"Ok, let me talk to this guy." I said, pointung to the guy behind her.
"Alright." She said,
I walked up to this guy.
"Hey, name please." I said,
"Caylus Robinson, nice to meet you Officer." He said,
"You too, I'm going to ask some you some questions about Jeffery." I said,
"Alright, hit me with them." He said,
"Was Jeffery involved in Dog Fights before he kidnapped Luna?" I asked,
"Yes, back in Wisconsin when we lived there. The Dog Fights are the reason we were kicked out." He said,
"You weren't involved in the Dog Fights were you?" I asked,
"Nope, I didn't even watch, he only convinced me when we moved here. But still I wouldn't go threw with it and wouldn't watch it." He said,
"Ok, does Jeffery have any criminal records apart from this one?" I asked,
"Yep, when we were in college he vandal stuff, like people's houses and puplic places. He also commiting breaking and entering." He said,
"You didn't have anything to do with these?" I asked,
"Nope, I'm criminal record free." He said,
"Alright, do you know anywhere he would go to hide from the Police?" I asked,
"Yeah, he would normally break into an Abandoned Warehouse or something." He said,
"Ok, thank you." I said,
I turned around and walked out the room.
"Thanks to you too as well Luna." I said,
I shut the door and walked downstairs. Mrs. Loud was there.
"Hey, find anything out?" She asked,
"Yeah, a little bit. Tell your daughter that if she encounters Jeffery again to call me." I said, writing down my number.
"Ok, will do." She said,
I opened the front door and walked outside, then closed it. I walked back to my car and drove back to the sation.

Luna's POV

After Officer Zachariah left, we started to talk again. I felt a little weird, I don't know if it was because of my wolf freatures being out or not, but this feeling didn't feel good. I just tried to ingore it and hope it would go away, then there was a knock on the door.
"Come in, dude." I said,
The door opened and it was my mom.
"Hey, mom you need something, dude?" I asked,
"No, it's just Officer Whitlock wanted to let you know that if you encounter Jeffery call him. He also left his number, here you go." She said, giving me a piece of paper with his number on it.
"Ok, thanks, dude." I said,
She smiled and left the room, I took a look at the number, and smiled sightly. I shared it with Sam and Caylus just in case they needed to call him. After that I put it in a secert place, then I felt extremely dizzy. I thought it was just I was tired.
"Hey, dudes I'm getting a little tired, we should call it a night." I said,
"Yeah, ok, good night Luna, good night Sam." Caylus said,
Caylus left the room with Tank and went to go sleep on the couch. I turned to Sam.
"I'm guessing you want to stay with me for the night?" I asked,
"Yeah, please, if I go back home my mom will kill me." She said,
"You can stay, dude, it's not like I'm going to say no to my girlfriend." I said,
She smiled happily, then I left to get ready for bed. I ran into Luan as I was, and we talked for a minute. When I was done, I returned to the room and got on my bunk with Sam. We started to snuggle and then we eventually fell asleep. In the morning I awoke feeling still weird and with a slight headache. I also still had my wolf freatures out which was weird. I looked down a little bit and saw Sam sleeping I smiled and just tried to go back to sleep. I couldn't thogh the werid feeling made it impossible to so I just laid there staring up at the ceiling then I felt movement. I looked down and Sam started to wake up, when she did we said good morning to each other. Then got up and walked down stairs for breakfast. My hunger was unbearable like always so I finished my breakfast pretty fast. As Sam was still eating her's we talked for a little bit, I decided to tell her about me feeling werid.
"Hey dude, I've been feeling a little weird lately." I said,
"Weird? Like how?" She asked,
"It's hard to explain dude, but it's this weird feeling in my stomach." I said,
"Hmm, we should take this information to Lisa, she'll know what's going on." She said,
"Yeah, you're right dude." I said,
After Sam was done, we went to Lisa, but she said it could just be the fact that my body is getting used to the wolf. We just went with that and hanged out, but when the day was almost over Sam realized that she had to comfront her mother, weather she would like it or not. I was a little sad, and now things are weird with me I didn't feel safe without Sam with me. Anyway when night came I went to go get ready, but when I walked into mine and Luan's room I felt very, very werid the feeling in my stomach was starting to sting a little and then I felt a shooting pain in my head. I remember graping my head, then blacking out.

Luan's POV

I was going to go get ready for bed, but as I walked upstairs I heard a low growl. I thought it was just Luna, so I continuted walking up. I made it in front of our room and looked inside, I saw what I thought was Luna. It had the same clothes as her, but it was covered in fur and had wolf ears and tail. Also claws, it also stood there on two feet like a person. It turned around and growled at me, I knew this was Luna, but I didn't know what the heck was happening to her. I quickly turned and ran to Lisa and Lily's room, the door was opened so I rushed into it.
"Lisa, I need help." I said,
"What is it forth eldest sister?" She asked,
"Something is wrong with Luna." I said,
"What is it?" She asked,
"Just come and see for yourself." I said,
"Alright." She said,
We both left the room and Lisa looked into mine and Luna's room and gasped.
"I see what you mean forth eldest sister, I was scared it would come to this." Lisa said,
"Come to what?" I asked,
"It seems like the wolf's DNA has been in Luna's system for so long that it's taking over, but not to threat I have a back up plan." She said,
"What is it?" I asked,
"I will make a block that will let her remain in control, but have her Wolf freatures act up." She said,
"What will happen if you don't make it." I asked,
"Luna turns into a wolf forever." She said,
"Ok, go start to make it." I said,
"Alright, make sure she doesn't kill you." She said,
"Ok, wait what?" I asked,
But Lisa was already gone. I walked back into mine and Luna's room and stared at her. It looked like she wasn't going to do anything to me so I stay there for awhile.

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