Chapter 25

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Caylus' POV

In the moring I woke up and saw Tank laying next to me. I sat and stood up, I kneeled down a petted him. Everyone was waking up at this time. Luan came down stairs for breakfast and saw me.
"Morning Caylus." Luan said,
I turned and looked at her.
"Morning Luan, how's it going?" I asked,
"Alright, how about you?" She asked,
"Fine, I guess." I said,
"Ok." She said,
We both went to the kitchen and got breakfast ready. When eating, everyone else came down to eat as well. After breakfast everyone went off to school. Just to make sure, I headed to the high school a little after Lori, Leni, Luna, and Luan. I didn't seen anything around the school grounds, I was probably a little paranoid and The Animal Control would only come during a full moon. But the Captain found out that I was lying to him and will probably come after me. I left the school and went back to the house thinking I was just being paranoid. Nothing happened for the rest of the day and nothing happened for a few days until a full moon. This day Sam came over to hang out with Luna. I didn't mind it, but when night fell it went down hill. As The Animal Control came I went to stall them.
"You should know that I won't give you the wolf." I said,
"Urgh, don't you see the danger you're in, wolves are dangerous, and you can't house a dangerous animal in your house." The Captain said,
"I know, but as I told you it's a long story." I said,
"Whatever you say. We're only here for the wolf not to argue with him, go in, find the wolf, and contain it." He ordered his Officers.
His Officers nodded.
"You can't enter a house without a warrent." I said,
"Really? Well, I don't care, I'm the Captain of the Royal Woods Animal Control, I can pretty much do anything to do my job." He said,
The Captain's Officers came up to me, I tried to stop them, but they pushed me aside. I took out my phone and texted Sam to get Luna out of the house fast because The Animal Control was coming into the house to contain her. She responded with alright and said she'll start heading out with Luna. The Animal Control was able to get in, I followed in seconds later. As they were searching down stairs, I snuck pass and ran up stairs to check if Sam got out ok. Luckliy it looks like she did, I went down stairs and The Animal Control just finished searching the down stairs. They rushed up stairs to search and came down minutes later, they ran outside to probably try to find Luna. I texted Sam to be careful because they were outside and starting to search around. She responded with ok, going to keep a look out now. Everything seemed ok, soon Sam would return with Luna and we would have avoided another attempted capture.

Sam's POV

When I was hanging with Luna, my phone went off. I took it out and looked at it. It was a text from Caylus, he told me to get the heck out of the house because The Animal Control was coming in to contain Luna. I responded super fast telling him alright, heading out with Luna now. I put away my phone and turned to Luna.
"Ok, we need to get you out of here because The Animal Control is here." I said,
"Alright dude, let's go." She said, standing up.
I stood up and we both ran out the back door. Once we did that Luna transformed quick, I hopped on her back and she took off. She ran for quite a while, she ran into the woods to get more coverage. She stopped once she made it into a little opened area. I went to go find some sticks to start a fire, but as I was, I noticed The Animal Control. They were wandering around in the woods looking for us, I dropped the sticks and went back to Luna quickly.
"Lunes we have go get going, The Animal Control is here." I said,
She stood up fast and I hopped on, and she ran off. I guess she made some noise because the next thing I knew we were being chased by The Animal Control. They started shooting tranquiller darts, but Luna did a really good job dodging. This went on for a couple minutes until Luna ran out of breath from running, she stopped. I knew she needed to take a little break so we decided to stand our guard and fight The Animal Control. They made it up to us in seconds, pointing their tranquiller guns at us. The Captain ran up to the front.
"Alright young lady, stay clam, it's ok." He said,
"What?" I asked confused,
"It's going to be ok, we're going to get you to safety." He said,
I knew what they were talking about, but I didn't move, I just stood there. Luna started growling at them, and started to attack them. I went to go help, but was stopped by one of the Officers. This Officer held me back from going to help Luna or even see if she was doing ok. I helplessly watched Luna and the rest of The Animal Control fight, it looked like a losing battle for The Animal Control. But they are skilled professionals so they were able to win. They pulled out a muzzel and at this point I didn't want them to put it on.
"Whoa! You don't want to do that, she's unstable." I said,
"It's ok young lady, everything is going to be fine." The Officer that was holding me back said,
They were able to put the muzzel on, then shoot Luna with a tranquiller dart. I tried to break free from the Officer's grip, but wasn't able to. The Officer took me away and was going to take me back home, he asked for the address, and in order to not to fight I told him. He took me home, and knocked on the door, my mom answered.
"Hey Officer, everything ok?" She asked him,
"Your daughter was caught with a wolf, this wolf you might have heard of. It's the dark brown and light grayish wolf with yellow eyes." He said,
"Yeah, I've heard about it, I would talk with my daughter." She said,
"Ok, thanks." He said,
I walked into the house, and my mom closed the door. My mom turned to me.
"Samantha Sharp! What were you thinking?" She said to me strictly.
"Mom, it's not a regluar wolf." I said,
"Then what is it?' She asked,
"It's Luna." I said,
"Luna, you mean Luna Loud your girlfriend?" She asked,
"Yeah, it's a long story, but one of her sisters gave her a wolf's dna for an experiment, but she accidentally broke the cure." I said,
"I don't care what happened just go to bed." She said,
I turned and walked upstairs, and into my room. I flopped onto my bed, and tried to get to sleep, but how could I. Luna just got caught by The Animal Control, I took out my phone and let Caylus know. He freaked out, I mean I get it, Luna told me how much he's been caution about The Animal Control and that guy, Jeffery I think. And now he's failed. I stopped texting him and tried to get to sleep.

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