Chapter 29

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Luan's POV

It looked like Luna wasn't going to do anything to me, so I stayed there for awhile. She was just growling at me, I was stuned, I didn't want to move. I was too scared that if I made any sudden movements she would attack me. I continuted to stay put until I needed to go get ready for bed, it was getting late. I slowly backed away, then quickly turned for the bathroom. As I did I heard Luna close behind me, I ran into the bathroom and closed the door. I was lucky I was fast. I was right, Luna was triggered by sudden movements. I heard her behind the door sratching at it, I wanted to open it but I resisted. I waited for a couple minutes until I couldn't hear Luna sratching anymore. I thought she must have left, so I slowly opened the door and she wasn't there. I came out of the bathroom and started looking around for her. As I was, I bumped into Lincoln.
"Oh, hey Lincoln, do you know where Luna is?" I asked,
"Yeah, she's in the basement." He said,
"Why?" I asked,
"Well, you see Lori heard some stratching outside her and Leni's room. So she went to check it out and saw Luna at the bathroom door. She alerted all of us and we handled it." He said,
"How did you handle it?" I asked,
"We might have contained Luna in a glass cage, just temporarily thogh." He said,
"Ok, that's a good idea." I said,
"You can come down and see her if you want or you can go to sleep." He said,
"I'll see her in the morning. I'm tired and we have school tomorrow." I said,
"Ok, then see you in the morning." He said,
I turned and walked back up stairs. I got ready for bed and laid down. I couldn't fall asleep, it was probably just me being super worried about Luna. But I did eventually, in the morning I got up and started getting ready. I went down stairs and got some breakfast. After breakfast, I headed off to school, school was ok. When I got home and went down to the basement to see Luna. I didn''t really want to but I did anyway, I walked down the stairs and saw her in that glass cage. I walked up to it and placed my hand on it, this wasn't a happy sight. This was never even surposed to happen, it all because of Lisa's stupid experiement. God I wish she never put it into action. Anyway Luna saw me and came up to the glass, she growled at me. I knew she wasn't herself right now, and I would just have to wait for Lisa to be done with that block cure. I was wandering how Lisa was doing on it, so I left the basement and went to her and Lily's room.
"Hey." I said,
"Hello forth eldest sister, what's up?" Lisa asked me turning around to look at me.
"I was just going to ask you how the block cure for Luna was doing?" I said,
"It's going good, stayed up pretty late last night. I might need another day so." She said,
"Ok, just wandering." I said,
I left the room and went down stairs to watch TV. As I sat down and turned on the TV, there was a knock at the door. I stood up, and answered it. Sam stood there.
"Hey, Luan. Is Luna home, I noticed she wasn't at School today." She asked,
"Um, yes, she is." I said,
"Ok, because I need her help." She said, walking in.
"Yeah, about that, there might be something different about her." I said,
"Like what?" She asked,
I didn't want to tell her fearing she'd freak out, but I had to come clean. She was Luna's girlfriend after all.
"She has been acting out of control. Lisa says the Wolf DNA has been in her system too long it's starting to take over. But don't worry Lisa has a plan to make a block cure, it will block the DNA turning her into a Wolf forever. But it will make her Wolf freatures act up more." I said,
"That's crazy! Augh, why did Lisa have to do this experiment?" She asked,
"I have no idea, but let's not jump to conclusions right now." I said,
"Can I see her?" She asked,
"Yeah, go ahead, she's in the basement." I said,
She nodded and headed down, I watched as she did. I turned around and sat back down on the couch and tried to continute to watch TV.

Sam's POV

I nodded at Luan and then headed down to the basement not knowing what I would see. I was terrified what if I see something I don't want to. As I got to the bottom of the stairs, I looked around and saw Luna in a glass cage. But she was different, she was in her wolf form, but she looked bigger. I got concerned, I was right I saw something I didn't want to. I walked up to the glass and placed my hand on it, Luna saw this and turned around and made it up to the glass. She stared at me for a minute, then she growled and stratched the glass. Luckily it didn't break there was just claw marks on the glass. I took my hand off the glass and backed up a bit out of fear, but I tried not to be scared. I knew this was the same Luna I know and love, but I was still a little scared. I decided to leave and go back upstairs. When I made it up, I thought about asking Lisa about the block cure Luan was talking about. I walked upstairs and into Lisa and Lily's room.
"Hey, heard you were making something to help Luna." I said,
"Yeah, I am." Lisa said, turning to me.
"Is it almost done?" I asked,
"I'm getting there, give me about one more day." She said,
"Alright, I'm just going to go home." I said,
I left the room and walked downstairs and out the house. I walked back home and knew that my mom will be on my case just like last time. I made it and walked into the house. My mom was there, and she looked upset.
"Not again, Sam, where the heck were you?" She asked,
"Why should I tell you, all you want to do is keep me here with nothing to do." I said,
"You can play your Guitar." She said,
"Oh, yes I would, but you took it away last night I came home." I said,
"I only did it because you disregaurding the fact you're grounded." She said,
"Whatever." I said,
I went to walk away and up stairs, but my mom stopped me.
"Where are you going young lady?" She asked,
"To my room." I said,
I continuted walking up the stairs, when I made it in my room. I laid down and tried to entertain myself before dinner and bedtime.

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