Chapter 21

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Sam's POV

Me and Luna went out the back door quickly. Once we made it out into the backyard Luna transformed into the wolf. After she was done I hopped on and she ran off away from the house. We traveled for awhile until she became tired and stopped near the woods. I got off and walked up to her face, I started petting her, then she started to lick me. I laughed until she stopped, I looked around the ground to see if there was any sticks, I found some and gathered them. I set them down and then looked around for two rocks, I found them and picked them up, and started to try to make a fire. I was able to after a couple minutes, I moved close to the fire, and Luna laid down behind me. I started petting her, she licked me when I started petting her, she stopped after awhile. I was getting tired and laid against Luna. Her fur was so soft and warm, I fell asleep rather quickly.

A Cop's POV

I heard the phone ringing after coming back from my patrol duty and went to go relax. I picked up the phone and put it up to my ear.
"911, what's your emergency?" I asked,
"Uh, yeah, you might have got a call earlier about this, but there is an dark brown and light grayish wolf with yellow eyes running around." A women said,
"Yeah, I think we got a call about the wolf earlier, where did you see it?" I asked,
"Umm, near the woods." She said,
"Ok, anything else?" I asked,
"Yeah, there is a girl with it, it looks like she is an teenager." She said,
"Ok, I'll get animal control there soon." I said,
"Thanks." She said,
She hung up the phone, I put down the phone, my co-worker walked in.
"What's the emergency?" He asked,
"A women saw the dark brown and light grayish wolf with yellow eyes near the woods with a teenaged girl." I said,
"You want me to get the animal control?" He asked,
"Yeah, if you can." I said,
"Sure." He said,
He walked away and got the animal control, they ran out of the sation to track down this wolf and contain it.

Luna's POV

Sam was sleeping peaceful laying on me, I was keeping gaurd just in case anything happened. After a couple minutes I heard some footsteps they sounded like five or more people running around. I stood up and looked around the area, I saw five people in animal control uniforms. I walked back to Sam, and licked her to wake her up, she woke up after a few minutes.
"Uh, Luna, what is it?" She asked me, waking up.
I gently bite her arm and brang him up on her feet, I lead her to the place where I saw the animal control people. Sam gasped, then hopped onto my back.
"We got to get you out of here." She said,
I ran off away from the area, I ran for awhile, I was getting tired. I stopped running to catch my breath, Sam didn't mind this since I ran far from where we were, but that all changed when I heard footsteps running in our direction. I took off running again, I ran faster and longer than I did after a couple minutes, I couldn't run anymore I was so tired. Me and Sam thought we lost them but we didn't. I heard a car coming closer and closer, I couldn't run anymore I was so tired and out of breath, I decided to stand my ground and fight. Sam knew this, she got off me and moved in front of my face.
"Luna, I know what you're doing, but we need to get you out of here." She said,
I barked at her.
"I know you're tired, but you can't fight them offf on your own." She said,
I barked at her more angry.
"Ok, alright, we'll stand and fight." She said,
She stood next to me and petted me to keep me calm, it worked. The car stopped near us and the five people got out and pointed their tranquilizer at me. I growled at them, they didn't back down, they turned their to attention to Sam.
"Hey, you ok?" One of them asked her,
"Yeah, I'm fine." Sam said,
"What are you doing with this wolf?" He asked,
"Long story short you probably won't believe me, this wolf is my friend her name is Luna Loud, her younger sister conbinded her DNA with a wolf's and now every full moon she turns into a wolf." Sam said,
"Yeah, I don't believe you, step away from the wolf." He said,
Sam didn't move, I kept growling at them, they went to shoot me with the tranquilizer, but I ran at them and smacked them onto the ground. They tried to grab their tranquilizer guns and shoot me, but Sam kicked their guns away from them so they couldn't reach them. I growled at them but didn't do anything to them, I didn't want to hurt them just scare them. They decided to stand up and get away, they grabbed their tranquilizer guns and ran back to their car and drove off. Sam started petting me, I licked her, and she started laughing, after I stopped licking her, her phone went off. She took it out and looked at it, it was Caylus, he texted her it was safe for us to come back to the house, she asked is he was sure. He texted yes, she took his word for it and hopped on me, I ran back to the house, not that fast tho. After I made it back Caylus told me that Jeffrey is in jail now and won't bother me again. I was happy and smiled, I was tired so I ran up to mine and Luan's room with Sam following behind. I laid down on the floor near mine and Luan's bunk bed and Sam sat down and laid on me. I licked her and she laughed, then I tired to go to sleep, I was able to after a bit.

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