Chapter 22

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Luna's POV

I woke up in the morning to see that Sam was laying next to me, I smiled. I didn't wake her up, she had kinda a stressful night, last night. I looked to see if Luan was awake or not, she wasn't on her bunk, so I guess she already woke up and went down stairs for breakfast. After a couple minutes, Sam woke up, she noticed that she was laying next to me. I was totally fine with this but I guess she felt kinda embarrassed, we both brushed it off and headed down stairs for breakfast. After breakfast we just kinda chilled, I talked a little with Caylus.
"So Caylus dude?" I asked,
"Yeah, Luna what's up?" He asked,
"Is Jeffrey really in jail and are you postive he won't bother me again?" I asked,
"Yeah, he is, he won't came back, and if he does, I promise I'll be here to protect you, in a friend way that is." He said,
"Yeah, I got it dude." I said,
I was feeling a little better knowing that Jeffrey was in jail, that hunter will be running around continuously threw the woods looking for me every night and as long as I don't run into the woods during a full moon I'll be fine, and that the Animal Control is going to be off my back for awhile.

An Animal Control Officer's POV

After last night me and my Co-Workers discussed a plan on how to contain this wolf.
"Got any ideas?" I asked,
"No, captain, nothing." One of them said,
"I got nothing too." Another one said,
"Well we're going to have to come up with something before this wolf attacks someone." I said,
"Yeah, we know that, but we don't have a plan yet." Another one said,
"I know, I know, we're just going to have to potrol every neighborhood and all around Royal Woods and when it comes out we contain it." I said,
"Not a bad idea captain." Another one said,
"Yeah, I know." I said,
We waited until night and potrol around all of Royal Woods and every neighborhood, nothing happened all night, but we didn't give up we were going to get this wolf and contain it. This went on for a while without the wolf showing up until one night it was spotted by one of my Co-Workers in a neighborhood. Me and the rest of my officers ran to the neighborhood but we were too late and it got away. We would try next night, and just in case I looked up at the moon, it was full. Me and my officers went back out next night but the wolf didn't came, I decided we'd try a full moon again. Everyone agreed and we waited for another full moon, once that came we went back out in search for the wolf, and we found it, we went to contain it, but it got out again. We regrouped in the morning to discuss our next plan.
"Ok, I see kinda of a pattren with this wolf." I said,
"What captain?" One asked,
"Every full moon, it comes out, our first encounter was a full moon, the next time we saw it a full moon, and last night was a full moon." I said,
"That's not a bad theory you have there captain but we don't know where it comes from, if we can find out, next full moon, we can corner it." Another one said,
"Not a bad idea, but how are we going to do that?" I asked,
"I'm not sure, captain." The same one said,
One officer raised his hand, I pointed to him.
"Yeah, what is it?" I asked,
"I think I have the answer." He said,
"Yeah, continute." I said,
"Our first encounter I put a tracking device in it, it didn't know if that's what you're wondering, we can track it." He said,
"Hmm, well look at that, you're more than a rookie." I said,
He smiled.
"Ok, where is it now?" I asked,
The officer pulled out a device and took a look at it.
"Hmmm?" He questioned,
"What is it?" I asked,
"Maybe you should take a look at this captain." He said,
He gave the device to me, I took a look at it. I wasn't sure if I was going crazy or not.
"Why does it say the wolf is in a house, this house being on Franklin Avenue and the adress 1216?" I asked,
"I don't know, our tech is high quality, it won't be glitching." He said,
"I guess, it's hiding with the family that lives in that house." I said,
"Yeah, logically explaination." He said,
"Ok, officers next full moon, we go to that house and contain the wolf." I said,
All my officers wooed in excitement, we waiting for the next full moon, and went to the house at sundown. When the sun was completely down we hopped out of our van, my officers got their tranquillzer guns ready and aimed at the house. I walked in front of them, and stood there, I got my megaphone ready and spoke into it.
"Ok, whoever you are, I'm the Captain of the Royal Woods Animal Control, you have a wolf that we're trying to contain, please step out of the house with the wolf, and we'll take it from there. There was no answer at first, then a guy came out of the house.
"Sorry, you got the wrong house." He said,
"No, I'm pretty sure we have the right one." I said,
"You sure." He asked,
"Postive." I said,
"Ok, but I have to tell you that we don't have a wolf, we never did and we never will." He said,
"What's your name, young man." I asked,
"Why should I tell you?" He asked,
"Just for police records." He said,
He sighed,
"Alright right fine, my names Caylus Robinson." He said,
"Thanks, now we've come for a wolf, where is it." I asked,
"I told you, we don't have one, we never did, and never will." He said,'
"Sir, if you don't give us the wolf, we're have to take it by force." I said,
"There's laws against this, you need a warrent to look inside a house." He said,
"I guess you're right, sorry sir, carry on with your night." I said,
Me and my officers hopped back into the van and drove off, once we got back to the poilce station my officers were confused why I bailed.
"Captain, what happened back there?" One of them asked,
"We can't search that house without a warrent but it's ok some full moon nights that wolf runs out of the house, we'll contain it then." I said,
"Great idea, captain." He said,
"I know." I said,

Luan's POV

I waited for Caylus to come back in once he did, and walked up to him.
"What was it?" I asked,
"Just the Animal Control." He said,
"That's werid how did they find out Luna was here?" I asked,
"No clue, and don't worry I was able to stop them, but they might be back, I might keep a lookout for a couple nights." He said,
"Ok." I said,
"You should get to bed, you got school tomorrow." He said,
"You're right, goodnight Caylus." I said,
"Goodnight Luan." He said,
I walked up stairs and got ready, then laid down, Luna nuged herself up to me like always and I fell asleep petting her.

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