Chapter 4

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Luna's POV

The week went by fast, and the weekend finally came, I woke up today was a Saturday already dude it felt like yesterday Lisa conbined my DNA with a wolf's well I just I'll just chill today. I tranformed into the wolf last night so it won't bother me today. I got out of the cage and walked down stairs. I got some breakfast then sat down on the couch were my siblings were watching TV.
"Morning Luna, you feeling better today?" Lincoln asked,
"Yeah, I am dude but still a little werid my emotions are all over the place." I said,
"That's normal just the effects of the wolf's DNA." Lisa said,
"I know, dude." I said,
"Ok, just checking." She said,
I sighed and starting eating my breakfast.

Sam's POV

I was telling my little brother Simon everything Luna did this week was werid.
"The multiple trips to the restroom, the long trips in there in there as well, the rudeness, the hunger it's like she's turned into a completely different person." I said,
"Yeah, yeah I hear you." He said, while playing on his phone.
"You know what I need to find some answers, I'm going to her's today." I said,
"Yep, ok." He said, still glued to his phone.
I stood up, got dressed, and headed out the door to the loud house. I made it a few minutes later. I knocked on the door.

Luna's POV

Everything was ok until there was knock at the door.
"I'll get it." Leni said,
She stood up and walked over to the door and opened it.
"Oh, hey Sam here to see Luna?" She asked,
"Yeah, I am can I come in?" Sam asked,
"Sure." Leni said,
I ran upstairs and into my room as soon as Sam walked through the door.

Lincoln's POV

"Luna is upstairs Sam." I said,
"Thanks." She said,
Then walked upstairs, I pulled out my phone and texted Luna to watch out Sam is coming up. She replied Ok, bro.
I went back to watching TV.

Luna's POV

I saw Lincoln's text and replied quickly. I heard a knock on the door, I opened it. Sam was there.
"Hey, Sam." I said,
"Hey, Lunes can I talk to you for a while?" She asked,
"Y-Yeah, come in." I said,
She stepped in and I closed the door.
"So what do you want to talk about?" I asked,
"Well I was going to ask you about how you've been acting it's very werid." She said,
"Yeah, I've noticed." I said,
"Then what's happening to you?" She asked,
"I have no clue dude." I said,
"Yeah, then why is there a cage in your room?" She asked, pointing to the cage.
I turned my head and looked at it.
"Oh, that one of Lana's pets is lose and we're trying to catch it." I said,
"How big is the animal, that cage looks big?" She asked,
"Umm, I don't know dude, but it's big." I said,
"Ok, well good luck catching it." She said,
"Thanks." I said,
"A few more things." She said,
"Yeah, dude?" I asked,
"Are you still woofing down your food and a little rude?" She asked,
"Yeah, I don't know what it is dude." I said,
"Hmm, maybe it's something you don't want to tell me." She said,
"What, no dude why would I keep something from you?" I asked,
"I don't know, but if it is then I'll be here for you." She said,
"Ok, good to know dude." I said,
"Yeah, just so you know ok, I'll always be there for you no matter if what you're keeping from me is bad or not." She said,
"Yeah, ok." I said,
"Bye, see you at school." She said,
"Yeah, bye." I said,
Then she opened my door and walked down stairs and out the front door. I stood there for a minute then sighed. Luan walked in and hugged me then stopped after a minute.
"I asume it didn't go too well." She said,
"Yeah, how can I tell her that Lisa conbined my DNA with a wolf's, she'll freak out, dude." I said,
"I don't know." She said,
"And if I do she'll probably think I'm a freak or a monster." I said,
"What did she say if you told her that?" She asked,
"She'll be here for me." I said,
"Maybe take what she said into considerantion, it might help you tell her." She said,
"Yeah, you're probably right." I said,
"Yep." She said,
"But what if she thinks I'm a freak or a monster, dude?" I asked,
She faced plamed.
"Luna, get ahold of yourself she won't think that, she would think that if she didn't love you." She said,
"Yeah, yeah, ok, ok." I said,
"Good, now come on let's go watch TV with our siblings." She said,
"Ok." I said,
I followed her out the room and back down stairs on the couch, where we watched TV.

Sam's POV

I got home and sat down, I sighed as I did.
"You ok, sis?" Simon asked,
"I'm fine it's just, I didn't find answers on why Luna has been acting like this, I think she's hiding something from me and won't tell me because she thinks I won't appect it." I said,
"Ok, but you will, won't you?" He asked,
"Yeah, yeah I will, I just don't get why she would think I won't appect what's happening." I said,
"Maybe she is scared." He said,
"Yeah, I get that, but I won't leave her, not even if it's something really bad, like a year long trip or something like that." I said,
"Give her time, she'll see that you won't leave her." He said,
"Yeah, I know but how can I know." I said,
"Look sis, she loves you and doesn't want to lose you, she'll see it herself that you won't think less of her or something." He said,
"Yeah, you're right, why did I freak out about it anyway?" I asked,
"Don't know." He said,
"Well I'm going to practice see you later." I said,
"Ok." He said,
Then I went upstairs to go practice.

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