Chapter 12

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Luna's POV

I woke up on the floor and kinda out of it, I looked around and remembered that I was still in the cage. I waited for a few seconds then the guy that kidnapped me walked in.
"Alright you're in your human form now but I think you're always ready to take on dogs, I saw you beat up a couple guys one day." He said,
"Wait, that's how you found me, you spied on me?" I asked,
"You can say that." He said,
"You're creepy and sick, dude." I said,
"Fair, but no one will come and save you, you're family probably didn't realize you were gone." He said,
"Shut up, they did, they always do." I said,
"Yeah, yeah whatever you say." He said,
I ran up to him and punched him in the face, he turned his head to me after I did, and punched me down to the ground.
"You might be strong but I'm much stronger, and I'm in charge of you, you listen to me." He said,
"Why would I ever listen to a sicko like you, dude?" I asked,
"Because if you don't I'll have to hurt you, you don't want that do you?" He asked,
I shock my head.
"Then you should listen to me." He said,
Then he turned around and walked out of the cage, I stood up and regained my strength. I sighed thinking this couldn't get worse, he doesn't care about anyone but himself does he? Not even if he was married and had kids, he'd only care about himself and money. After a couple of minutes I laid down to try to take a nap but the door opened, it was Caylus, I stood up and ran over to him.
"Hey, Lunes, can I call you that?" He asked,
"Yeah, I don't mind, dude." I said,
"Ok, and this is the first time I've seen you in your human after the night Jeffrey kidnapped you." He said,
"That guy's name is Jeffrey?" I questioned,
"Yeah, his name is Jeffrey Ashmore, I thought you knew that." He said,
"No, he never told me his name, dude." I said,
"Ok, anyway how are you doing since last night?" He asked,
"I'm fine, it just Jeffrey came in here earlier and hurt me a bit, dude." I said,
"He did, what did he do?" He asked,
"I punched him in the face after he said that my family probably didn't even notice I was gone, then he punched me so hard I fell to the ground." I said,
"Well he should've done that." He said,
"Yeah, I know my family noticed I was gone, dude." I said,
"How?" He asked,
"I don't know how, but I know they did, dude." I said,
"Oh, ok." He said,
"How's the dog training going with you?" I asked,
"I'm not sure me and Tank haven't gotten anywhere." He said,
"Is Tank your dog?" I asked,
"Yeah, he is." He said,
"What breed is he?" I asked,
"He's a Rottweiler." He said,
"Cool, dude, do you want him to live this life?" I asked,
"Not really, not anymore." He said,
"Then escape with me and take him with us." I said,
"But I'm Jeffrey's best friend, I can't just leave him." He said,
"What's more important, dude, animal abuse for money or living the best life with a sable job that doesn't involve animal abuse?" I asked,
"I don't want to do animal abuse, I never really did, but Jeffrey can get kinda funny when stuff doesn't go his way, and being his best friend it was hard doing anything I liked with him." He said,
"Then leave him, he's already being a bad person and if you think animal abuse is wrong tell him that your friendship is over and you want to live a normal life without someone telling you want you can and cannot do, and don't you want to live with your Rottweiler in peace, dude?" I asked,
"Yeah, I do, but." He said, but I cut him off.
"Then leave, dude, this is your choice not his." I said,
"Ok, you're right, thanks." He said,
"Yeah, your welcome, dude?" I said,
He stayed for a little longer then left, I laid down to take a nap, but Jeffrey walked in.
"What do you want this time, dude?" I asked,
"Why was Caylus walking away from this cage?" He asked,
"I don't know, dude." I lied,
"Tell me the turth." He said, with anger is his voice.
"I did, I don't know why he was walking away from this cage." I lied, again.
"I said tell me the truth!" He said, angry more than before.
"I told you, I don't know, dude!" I shouted,
"You have some nerve talking to me like that." He said,
"What are you all of a sudden my father, dude, because I rather live on the streets then have you as a father anyday!" I shouted,
"You know what, don't tell me, be a liar!" He said,
"That's fine with me, dude." I said,
He turned around and slamed the door, I laid back down and tried to take a nap.

Luan's POV

Today was just like other days, I woke up, got ready, ate breakfast, went to school, came back from school. After school I laid down on my bunk and thought about taking matters into my own hands and looking for Luna for the police. I got up, exited the room, and went down stairs, when I made it down my dad was already cooking dinner.
"Luan, sit down, dinner's almost ready." He said,
I turned away and walked out of the house, I walked around our neighboorhood for a little bit, then went everywhere that I think Luna would go. I didn't find her, I walked around all night, and it was getting late, I guess I would just have to go look for her tomorrow morning where there is more light. I walked back home, once I walked in my parents came up to me.
"Luan, honey, where have you been, I told you to sit down?" My dad asked,
"I'm sorry I skipped dinner, but I went out looking for Luna." I said,
"Well did you find her?" My mom asked,
"No, I'm going to try tomorrow, when there is more light." I said,
"Good idea." She said,
I grabbed some leftovers from dinner, then headed upstairs. After I was done with dinner, I put my plate away, then headed back upstairs, I laid down on my bunk again and waited for bed time. When that came I got ready then went to sleep.

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