Chapter 13

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Luna's POV

A few days went by and it was time for another Dog Fight, Jeffrey walked in the cage and took the collar off of me, I tried to bite him but he pushed me back. I followed him out of the cage, he grabbed a shock baton, then went to the areana. I walked in front of him, he kneeled down to me.
"Now don't screw this up again, defeat those dogs, kill them if you have to." He said,
I growed at him for a second, then stepped in the areana, a Pitbull stepped in on the other side. The fight started the Pitbull got a good start but I defeat it with no problem. They anouced that I won, then the next dog came out it was a Doberman, the fight started and the Doberman got me down but I didn't accept defeat. I took down the Doberman, they anouced I won, and another dog came out this time it was a Geman Shepherd. The fight started, the Geman Shepherd was harder to defeat but I was able to, the anouced I won again, and another dog came out, this one was a Bullmastiff, I defeat it with a little bit of problems but I did. The dogs came in one after the other a Bull Terrier to a Perro De Presa Canario, I defeated every single one of them, they anouced it. After these fights I was going to the next round with two dogs to defeat instead of one, but I knew I was escaping today. Jeffrey took me back to the cage, and kneeled down to me and told me I did a good job. He left and I laid down, seconds later Caylus came in. I stood up and ran to him, he kneeled down and petted me.
"You ready to escape?" He asked,
I barked as a yes.
"Ok, you stay here, I saw a control panel right outside this cage, I'm going to open the retractable roof." He said,
I nodded, he stood up and walked out of the room, he flipped the switch for the retractable roof and it started opening. He walked back in and up to me, he kneeled down.
"Alright, I'm going to take this collar off you so you can run away, me and Tank will catch up to you later, what's your address?" He asked,
I wrote on the ground, 1216, Franklin Avenue.
"Ok, meet you there." He said,
He took the collar off of me, I turned around and ran to the walls, I looked back at him. He nodded, I turned back around and jumped, I didn't make it and fell, but I got back on my feet. I jumped again and made it on the wall, I jumped down and ran off to go find my house, it was difficult because I wasn't familar with the area, but I still tried.

Caylus' POV

After I let Luna go, I covered up my tracks in helping her, then left the room, and closed the rectractable roof. I walked into where Tank was, he barked when he saw me, I kneeled down to him.
"Hey buddy, doing ok?" I asked,
He barked.
"Good, we're getting out of here but first I need to talk with Jeffrey, just stay here and try not to make any noise." I said,
He barked again.
"Yeah, I'll be back." I said,
I stood up and walked out of the room, I walked to where Jeffrey was.
"Hey Jeffrey, can I talk to you?" I asked,
"Sure, about what?" He said,
"I just want to tell you, that this friendship is over and I'm done with Dog Fights." I said,
He started laughing, I crossed my arms and looked not amused.
"Oh, you're serious?" He asked,
"Yeah, I can't do this anymore, I don't like animal abuse, and I never did." I said,
"Then why did you join this one?" He asked,
"Because then you'll get mad at me, like you always do when stuff don't your way." I said,
"You can't do this to me Caylus, you're my best friend." He said,
"If I was really your best friend, you would do something that I liked for once, but to you everything I like is boring and not fun, but guess what? What you like isn't fun either." I said,
"Of cource it is." He said,
"Forcing dogs to fight for money is never fun." I said,
"Caylus please, you don't want to do this." He said,
"Yes, I do wether you like it or not." I said,
"You can't." He said,
"I can too." I said,
"Please stay, I don't what I would do without you." He said,
"Uhh, fine I'll stay." I lied,
"Thanks." He said,
Then he walked away, I turned around and went into his room, where there was a safe. I knew the code from spying on him a couple days ago, I kneeled down to it and put in the code, there was a stack of money in it, I took it. There was about 1,400$, from the first time Luna fought for him and earlier this night, I put it in my wallet, and walked back to the room Tank was in. I took off his collar which wasn't metal like the one Jeffrey put on Luna. I exited the building with him and we got into my car, I drove off to find 1216, Franklin Avenue.

Luan's POV

After another failed attempted to find Luna for the the fourth or fifth time, I headed back home to eat dinner. When I made it to the porch I heard a faint howl sound behind me. I turned around to see what it was, I didn't see anything, I strugged it off as a wolf, not Luna, another one. I opened the door and walked inside to eat dinner, but as my parents served me the leftovers from eariler. I heard the howl again, it sounded closer this time, I strugged it off again, think it was another wolf, but something didn't seem right. In a pack when one wolf howls, another does, then all the other wolves do. This one single, I stood up and walked to the window and looked threw it to outside, I didn't see anything. Then there was another howl, it sounded very close by, I looked around and saw a black figure that had the silhouette of a wolf almost in the light of a streetlamp, it howled again. Then it stepped into the light and howled again, I realized the dark brown fur, I gasped.
"Mom, I think Luna is outside." I said, running away from the window and to the door.
"What? Did you say Luna is outside?" My mom questioned,
"Yeah, I think so." I said,
I opened the door quickly and ran outside, I ran up to the wolf, I remembered to stay on my guard in case this wasn't Luna. I stopped in front of the wolf, it looked up at me but it didn't growl it just looked at me, I let out my hand and kneeled down slowly, the wolf didn't growl at me one bit. When I was finished letting out my hand, it sniffed it then processed to lick my hand, then it look up at me and started licking my face. This couldn't be a different wolf, only Luna would do that, a different wolf would growl and attack me, but not Luna. I petted her for a moment, then I stood up, I started walking inisde, she followed me into the house. Our mom hugged and petted her happy she returned, our dad did the same, then he called everyone down to welcome Luna home. After that it was time to go to bed, Luna followed me upstairs and waited in our bedroom for me, once I was done, I laid in bed, Luna moved up next to my face. I petted her until I fell asleep.

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