Chapter 16

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Jeffrey's POV

I woke and got out of bed and walked to Caylus' room, he wasn't in there again.
"Augh, where is he?" I asked,
I shrugged it off and went to the cage that my wolf was in. I walked down the hallway, and opened the door, nothing. I walked inside and she wasn't around, I saw the collar, I walked over to it, and kneeled down. I looked at it for a little bit to see if she bite threw it or whatnot. I didn't see any damages to it, I thought to myself about how she was able to escape the collar. I placed the collar down and looked up at the roof, it was retractable, I knew that, and the controls were visable and could be easy access. I tried to find a pattren, Caylus not in his room, collar on ground, retractable roof. Then it hit me, Caylus helped her escape, I was mad, I groaned then exited the room, I went to my safe to check if the money was still there. I put in the code and opened it there was no money just as I thought, Caylus betrayed me by helping my wolf escape and taking my money I won fair and sqaure. I closed the safe, then stood up, I starting contructing a plan to get her back, I knew where she lived this will be fun, I thought. I exited the building and drove to the address, there I looked around to any enterance I could use to kidnap her again.

Luan's POV

I woke up and got ready for school, then headed down stairs for breakfast. As I sat down, I looked out the window a black car with black out windows was there. I got suspicious of this, I turned to Caylus who sat next to me.
"Hey Caylus?" I asked,
"Yeah, what is it Luan?" He asked,
"There's a car outside with black out windows, do you think it's this Jeffrey guy you and Luna were talking about?" I asked,
"Maybe, all of you stay here, I'll take care of this." He said, standing up, and walking towards the door.
"Ok." I said,
I watched him open the door and walk out of the house.

Caylus' POV

I opened the door and walked out of the house, I started walking towards the car when the door opened. It was Jeffrey, just who I thought.
"What do you want?" I asked,
"Caylus, what are you doing here?" He asked,
"Protecting Luna from you." I said,
"So that's her name, huh." He said,
"Yeah, now get to it, what do you want?" I asked,
"Come back with me, and we can be the best of friends, also we can get Luna and make her fight for both of us, we'd be rich." He said,
"Sorry, we're not friends anymore, and I'm not letting you touch Luna again." I said,
"Come on Caylus, hear me out, you'll get a equal payment." He said,
"I told you we're not friends anymore, I'm not letting you put a finger on Luna again." I said,
"So what, you hate Dog Fighting now, I thought we were friends." He said,
"We were, but now I don't what to abuse Dogs, I don't care about Dog Fights, and I never did, I just act like I did." I said,
"Well why?" He asked,
"It's because of you, you think my intrest are stupid and boring, well me too, and kidnapping a child for your sick abusive game isn't right." I said,
"You dare say that about my intrests!" He yelled,
"Yeah, because you said it to." I said,
"Alright, well, I want my money back, where is it?!" He asked angrily,
"Oh, I don't have it." I said,
"You what?!" He asked angrily again,
"Yeah, that's right, I gave it to Luna." I said,
"I made it, that's theft!" He said agrily once more,
"Actually you didn't make it, she did, so it belongs to her." I said,
He scoffed.
"Whatever, just go in there and get me Luna." He said,
I stood there.
"Why are you just standing there, do as you're told." He said,
"Hmm, no, no I won't." I said,
"And why not?" He asked,
"Because why would I listen to someone who enjoys watching animal abuse, and kidnapping children for their own self." I said,
"That's not an argument, now do what I told you to." He said,
"And I said no, what do you not understand by no means no." I asked,
"More than you." He said,
"Ok." I said,
"Now go get Luna." He said,
"I thought you understood no means no." I said,
"Go get Luna, or we're not friends." He said,
"Ok, I don't care." I said,
"Just listen to me Caylus, go and get Luna or-." He said, but I cut him off before he could finish his sentance.
"Or what, hm, I'm not scared of you anymore, and I never will listen to you again, even if you were my father, because you've brought me down thinking my intrest were stupid and boring, and you even commited Child Endangerment which is to my calculations is a maximum to 12 years in prison." I said,
"They police can't find us." He said,
"You, the poilce can't find you, there is no more us." I said,
"How could you betray me like that, I thought I could trust you, I thought you were my friend and not just any friend, my best friend? He asked,
"Sorry, did I hurt your feelings, you did too, and you took a child away from their family for a week." I said,
"Come on, it's not that bad." He said,
"Shut up, and get out of here." I said,
"What?" He asked,
"I said, get out of here." I said,
"Caylus, I don't think you understand, we can win those Dog Fights and become rich." He said,
"There is no more we, Jeffrey, just you." I said,
"Please Caylus, understand what we can have." He said,
"Look here Jeffrey, I'm done being friends with you, and I'm not going to tell you again get out of here, or I'll make you." I said,
"Oh, please." He said,
"Ok, you asked for it." I said,
I whistled and my dog Tank ran up next to me, I looked at him.
"Tank sick em." I said,
Tank went after Jeffrey, Jeffrey ran away and got back into his car where he drove off. I called Tank over.
"Good boy Tank." I said,
Then I went back inside with him, Luna came up to me.
"What happened out there, dude?" She asked me,
"Oh, just Jeffrey wanting me to come back to him and continue the Dog Fights and trying to get me to bring you to him, but I would never do that." I said,
She hugged me a bit.
"Thanks, dude." She said,
"No problem." I said,
She stopped hugging me.
"Now eat your breakfast up, you got school to go to." I said,
"Oh, yeah, true." She said,
She finished up her breakfast then went off to school, after school she taught me some music skills when playing, then we ate dinner. After dinner, she showed me her tranformation into the wolf, I was kinda inpressed, I left the house and went to my car, and fell asleep with Tank by my side.

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