Chapter 9

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Luna's POV

It was time for bed, I went to go get ready, after I was ready, I realized that we don't have a cage for me. I went to go sit down on the floor but then someone snuck up behind me, bear hugged me, and covered my mouth. I tried to escape but they were too strong, I noticed it was a guy, the same guy that was in the parking lot of the Royal Woods High School. Luan was already asleep so she couldn't help me, he took me out the window and climbed down the ladder and kicked it down. He shoved me into the back of his car and drove off, he aslo tied my hands and covered my mouth. I was able to get the cloth of my mouth to yell at him.
"What the heck dude?" I asked,
"Quiet." He said,
"You kidnapped me, I won't be quiet." I said,
"Be quiet or I'll make you." He said,
"Fine, but why did you kidnap me in the first place?" I asked,
"I have big plans for you." He said,
"What kinda plans?" I asked,
"I saw the post about you as a wolf on the internet and I thought you'd be strong, very strong. Strong enough to win almost every fight in Dog Fights." He said,
"You want to use me in Dog Fights?!" I questioned in disbelief,
"Yeah, you're going to make me some money." He said,
"Get a job dude!" I snapped,
"This way is way more fun, and all my friends are doing it so." He said,
"Then they can go get job also and Dog Fights aren't fun." I said,
"Too bad, I aint listening to you because you are going to fight for me weather you like it or not." He said,
"You will do no such thing because I won't listen to you!" I shouted,
"I'll make you, I have my ways." He said,
I was left speechless, I tried to turn into the wolf like before but it wasn't working maybe because the car had black out windows which were blocking the shine of the moon. After a while the guy pulled into building that looked very secert, like the police wouldn't find this. He got out of the car then opened the door on my side and pulled me out of the car, he forced me to walk in. When he opened the door three guys were there, they came up to him.
"So you found the wolf?" One of the guys asked,
"Yeah sure did, here she is." The guy that kidnapped me said,
"Really, is that a joke, she isn't the wolf." The guy's friend said,
"It's not a joke, I saw wolf features appear on her." The guy said,
"Ok, how do we see if you're right or not?" The guy's friend asked,
"The moon, I believe." The guy said,
"Alright let's see this." The guy's friend said,
"Ok, but she might escape so let's put her in a cage." The guy said,
"Good idea." The guy's friend said,
"Wait what?" I said,
The guy and his friends took me to a cage and then got the moon light to shine on me, I turned rather quick.

?'s POV

Me and my friend put the girl into a cage, then got the moon light to shine on her. I was suprised she turned rather quickly.
"Ok, looks like you found it, but she's mine." My friend said,
"No way, I found her fair and sqaure." I said,
"Too bad." He said,
"No, this wasn't the deal, the deal was the first one to track the wolf and get it claims it." I said,
"Fine, doesn't matter, I already adopted a Rottweiler, which will take down the wolf, so as all of the rest of our dogs." He said,
"You might be second thinking that when my wolf takes down your dog with no problem." I said,
"Yeah, dream on Jeffrey Ashmore." He said,
"You too, Caylus Robinson." I said,
He walked away, this is where I thought about doing the thing I wanted to do in order for her to listen to me. I walked over to a wall with sticks and stuff, I took a shock baton, then walked into the cage with the wolf. She tried to attack me but I dodged it, then I turned on the shock baton, she looked at it. I went to hit her but stopped an inch before in order to make her fear me. I thought it worked but it didn't and she growled at me, I did the same thing but it also didn't work, she growled at me again and tried to attack me but I walked back. I finally hit her with the shock baton, it didn't work at first but I hit her again. It kinda worked but she still growled at me once more, I hit her again and this time it worked, she whined then I ordered her to sit. She did, then I told her to stand up and speak, she did. I told her to do a couple more things, then I tossed the shock baton away and took out a stuffed animal and told her to attack. She bite on the stuffed animal and tried to pull it apart, I kinda used some force in order to make it harder, but she was too strong and pulled it apart. I petted her on the head to tell her goof job, after a little more trainning, I picked up the shock baton and lead her to a cage where there's an automantic food and water bowl. I chained her to a collar so she couldn't escape but this collar could let her go anywhere in the cage. I left her to go talk to my friends and learn all other dog breeds they got. One was a Rottweiler like he told me, other one was a Doberman, and a Germany Shepard, also the dogs of other competitors like a Pitbull, and Boxer. This will be easy enough when you have a wolf with the strength of 50 or more men.

Luan's POV

I woke up in the morning and looked down on the floor to check on Luna, but she wasn't there. I thought it was werid she is always there because I wake up before her, but I brush it off as she woke up before and is down stairs. I stood up and got ready, then walked down stairs, but Luna wasn't there, I decided to ask someone.
"Hey where's Luna?" I asked,
"Isn't she still sleeping?" Lincoln asked,
"Nope, when I woke up she wasn't there, I thought she woke up before me, then I came down here and she isn't here." I said,
"Hmm, weird, maybe she woke up very early and walked to school." He said,
"Ok, reasonable explaination." I said,
Then we finished up breakfast and went off to school, when I got to school I didn't see her. The whole day went by and she wasn't there, I even asked her friends and they knew nothing. Sam even told me she texted her this morning and she didn't respond, I thought it was weird and I kinda wanted to ask my parents to file a missing persons report. I did when I got home, I asked my parents if they could, they said yes, they called the cops, I overheard them.
"Hello 911, what's your emergency?" The dispatcher asked,
"Yeah, hello, my daughter is missing." My mom said,
"Ok, how long has she been missing?" The dispatcher asked,
"One second." She said,
She turned to me.
"How long do you think she's been gone?" She asked me,
"I don't know, I think since last night." I said,
"Ok, she's been gone since last night." She said,
"Ok, when's the last time you saw her?" The dispatcher asked,
"Last time I saw her was going up to her room after dinner but let me ask my other daughter to see when the last time she saw her." She said,
"Alright." The dispatcher said,
"When's the last time you saw Luna?" She asked me,
"Last night right before bed." I said,
"Ok, my other daughter saw her right before bed." She said,
"Ok, what's your daughter's name?" The dispatcher asked,
"Luna Loud." She said,
"And your name?" The dispatcher asked,
"Rita Loud." She said,
"Ok, don't freak out ma'am, we'll look into this and hopefully find your daughter." The dispatcher said,
"Alright thanks." She said,
They hung up, she turned to me.
"Good news, they're going to try to find Luna ok." She said,
"Ok, thanks." I said,
"No problem." She said,
I turned around and walked up stairs and into mine and Luna's room to try to clear my mind.

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