Chapter 27

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Sam's POV

After yesterday me and Caylus figure settled on one plan. We will report a animal running lose around Royal Woods which would ditract The Animal Control long enough for us to sneak in and break Luna out. We would put this plan into action when the sun went down. Once it did, me and Caylus headed out along with his dog Tank. We found the Animal Control Center, I took out my phone and dialed the Animal Control number. The phone rang for a few minutes until someone picked up.
"Animal Control, what's the problem?" The person asked,
"Um, yeah, an animal is running around my neighboorhood." I lied,
"Ok, ma'am, what kind of animal is it?" They asked,
"A Coyote." I lied,
"A Coyote you say." They said,
"Yep, it seems to be harmless, but maybe you should come check it out just in case." I lied,
"Ok, were on our way." They said,
"Thank you." I lied,
I hang up.
"They've fell for it." I said,
"Nice." Caylus said,
"All we need to do now is wait." I said,
"Yeah, which shouldn't take long." He said,
"Yep." I said,
We waited for The Animal Control leave, once they did. Me and Caylus snuck inside the receptionist was still there so that's why we had to sneak in. We wandered around trying to find where Luna was, but we found the room quickly.
"You go in, I'll stand guard, and take Tank with you. He'll help find Luna." Caylus said,
"Alright." I said,
He kneeled down to Tank.
"Go with Sam, ok boy." He said,
Tank barked.
"Good luck." He said,
"Thanks, see you on the other side." I said,
I turned and opened the door and walked into the room with Tank. I kneeled down to him.
"Can you try to find Luna's scent buddy?" I asked him,
He sniffed the air, then the ground. He got something and started leading me to where the scent was leading him. The hall was quite long but not endless, Tank started running to pick up the pase I followed close behind. Until he stopped at a dog cage door, it looked like he found where Luna was. I caught up and look into the dog like cage and gasped. A person looking smilar to Luna with wolf features sitting with their back towards the cage door. I was pretty sure it was her so I called out.
"Luna?" I questioned
The person got startled and turned their body around. Once they did and their face met mine I realized I was right, it was Luna.
"Sam?" She questioned,
"Yeah, it's me." I said,
"Omg, I can't believe you came dude, I thought you wouldn't." Luna said,
"Of course I came, why wouldn't I." I said,
"I don't know dude, but how the heck did you find me?" She asked,
"Well, I kinda knew since the Animal Control captured you, but finding this area was a little hard and your dog like cage. How did I find it? With Tank's help." I said,
"Alright dude." She said,
"Now let's get you out of here, I'm afraid that if we spend too much time here the Animal Control will come back from mine and Caylus' distraction." I said, going to try to unlock the cage door.
"Alright..wait dude, you're working with Caylus?" She asked,
"Yes, I am, but we gotta go asap." I said,
"Ok, I think I can unlock the cage door with one of my claws, let me try dude." She said,
"Alright." I said, backing up.
Luna fiddled with the lock for a couple seconds trying to unlock it. She was able to, and she opened the door and insantly hugged me.
"Thanks for coming dude." She said,
"Anything for my girlfriend." I said,
We stopped hugging, she kneeled down and said hi to Tank. Then we booked it down the hall and opened the door. Caylus stood there, Luna reunited with him, but Caylus had some bad news.
"I'm so glad you're safe, but we need to leave now. I can hear The Animal Control coming back." He said,
"Ok, if they're coming back let's go." I said,
"I agree." Caylus said,
We started to leave, we snuck out of the Animal Control Center. As we did, The Animal Control came back and we stayed to hear them vent about what happened. We heard them being angry and just frustrated.
"Argh, are people treating Animal Control like a joke?!" One of the Officers said pretty angry.
"I know, that was a watse of time!" Another one said angry as well.
"Calm down, it was obviously just a false alarm. There's nothing you need to get mad about." The Captain said,
I knew it was his voice since I recognized it. Deep and Tough. We didn't spend too much time around. We left after The Captain said that. We hurried back to The Loud House, luckily we made it there safely, but that escape attempt was too close for comfort. And now everything was ok.

Zachariah's POV

After I was released from prison, I've been trainning as a Police Officer to track down and arrest Jeffery again. The trainning was rushed since we needed to track down and arrest Jeffery asap. I was put on duty which was my first mission to try to track down the teenager that Jeffery supposedly kidnapped to see if they have any information. They did give me the address it was 1216 Franklin Avenue. I headed over to the house, it took a bit but I eventually found it. I walked up to the front door and went to ring the doorbell but it shocked me. I brushed it off as just a old house and knocked onto the door. A women opened it, she had blonde hair and a pink shirt.
"Hello ma'am, I think I have the right house but I just want to make sure. Is is 1216 Franklin Avenue?" I asked,
"Yeah, this is the right address, mind I ask you who you are?" She asked,
"Sure, I'm Officer Zachariah Witlock, I'm on a mission to track down and arrest the guy that supposedly kidnapped your kid, Jeffery Ashmore." I said,
"Ok, my name is Rita Loud by the way." She said,
"Nice to meet you Mrs. Loud. May I come in?" I asked,
"Yeah, one of my daughters were kidnapped by that guy, she's upstairs you can go talk to her if you want." She said, as I walked in.
"Alright." I said,
I went up the stairs and noticed multiple rooms.
"Which room?" I asked,
"Up, left, one on the right, make sure you knock first." She said,
"Alright." I said,
I went up to the door and knocked onto it.

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