Chapter 6

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Luna's POV

For some random reason I woke up on the floor, I then remembered a little about last night, I'm not sure. I stood up and noticed the cage's the bars looked like something bite threw them.
"Did I do that?" I asked, myself rubbing my head in confusion.
I desided to brush it off, I'll ask Luan or one of my siblings what happened. I got ready for the day and went down stairs to eat breakfast. I sat down at the table and starting eating.
"Hey dudes, I've got a question." I said,
"Yeah, go ahead." Luan said,
"What happened last night, I woke up on the floor and the cage's bars looked like something bite threw them?" I asked,
"Oh yeah, about that the reason you woke up on the floor and the cage's bars looked like something bite threw them is because last night you escaped and ran around Royal Woods. Don't worry you didn't hurt anyone and you slept near me without hurting me aswell." She said,
"Oh, ok, thanks dude."I said,
"Yeah, and also some people saw you." She said,
"What?" I asked,
"Yep, here." She said, taking out her phone, opening it, going to a post, and showing me.
I read the post.
"Well that's not good." I said,
"Yeah, some people in the comments of the post say they are going to call the cops to sort this out." She said,
"Do you think they'll come here dude?" I asked,
"Probably not, because the cops will never find anything in this house, even if they do search every house they won't find anything." She said,
"What about the cage, dude?" I asked,
"Lisa dealt with that already." She said,
"How?" I asked,
"She destroyed it and threw it out." She said,
"Wait, that fast?" I asked,
"Yeah." She said,
"Ok." I said,
We finished breakfast then went off to school. I said hi to my friends and went to class.

A Cop's POV

I went to work in the morning and then got a call, I picked up the phone.
"911, what's your emergency?" I asked,
"Yeah, this isn't really an emergency, but last night I saw a dark brown wolf at Filp's Food & Fuel, then it ran towards the mall." The person said,
"Ok, have you seen this wolf before?" I asked,
"No, last night was the first time I saw it." They said,
"Ok, don't panic, we'll figure this out." I said,
"Great, thanks I didn't know what to do when I saw it." They said,
"That's ok, and you can always call us, and this is an emergency, this wolf could hurt someone, thanks for calling us." I said,
Then they hung up, one of my co-workers came up behind me.
"What is the emergency?" He asked,
"This person said they saw a dark brown wolf at Filp's Food & Fuel last night, then it ran towards the mall." I said,
"Have they seen it before?" He asked,
"No, last night was the first time they saw it." I said,
"Ok, what are we doing?" He asked,
"Going to every house, and to ask people if they let us investigate." I said,
"What makes you think the wolf is in a house?" He asked,
"A person might be keeping it a secret in their house." I said,
"Alright." He said,
We both got ready and went around to every house in Royal Woods. Most people let us investigate in their house and they had nothing. Some didn't, no problem they have rights. Then we made it to a house on Franklin Avenue this address was 1216, We knocked on the door and a women aswered.
"Hello ma'am, we've been called about a dark brown wolf that was seen at Filp's Food & Fuel and headed towards the mall last night. We've been investigating every house for evidence, can we search your house?" I said,
"Sure, I have no problem with that." She said,
She let us in and we looked around for a while even in a bunker in the backyeard which was suspicious but nothing was found it in. Neather the garage that was near the house, we walked out of the house.
"Find anything?" She asked,
"No, nothing sorry for the inconvenience, our apology, carry on with your day." I said,
She closed the door, and we walked away.
"Hmm, maybe I was wrong." I said,
"Yeah, I think so, but I have a question." My Co-Worker said,
"Yeah?" I asked,
"Why did they have a bunker in their backyard?" He asked,
"Yeah, that's werid also there was a lot of rooms, they have a lot of children." I said,
"They sure do." He said,
"Let's just go to the next house." I said,
"Yeah." He said,
We walked to the next house and searched there, we found nothing aswell. We kept doing this until we found something.

Luna's POV

After school I hopped onto the bus and went home. As I walked in my mom came up to me.
"Hey Luna, can I talk to you?" She asked,
"Yeah, sure dude." I said,
"Ok, earlier today, two cops came over looking for evidence on you as a wolf." She said,
"Dang it." I said,
"Don't worry they found nothing." She said,
"Ok, good." I said,
"Yeah, now go do your homework." She said,
"Ok." I said,
I went upstairs and into my room to start on my homework.

?'s POV

I was just chilling in a bar drinking and talking to my friends about dog fights.
"Hey bro did you see the new post about the wolf?" One of my friends asked,
"Yeah, sure did." Another one of my friends said,
"Wait, what are you talking about?" I asked,
"You didn't see it bro?" My friend asked,
"No, I'm clueless." I said,
My friend pulled out his phone, opened up the post, and showed me, my face lit up.
"Whoa, that's a cool wolf, where is that?" I asked,
"The post says it was at Flip's Food & Fuel, then went towards the mall." He said,
"I need that wolf if I'm going to win the dog fight we're doing." I said,
"You're not going to win, I am." He said,
"No, I'm going to win that dog fight." My other friend said,
"You guys are a joke, I clearly am going to win that fight." Another of my friends said,
"Oh no, you won't, because I'm going to, who's knows what that wolf's skills are it's probably stronger than other dog you guys have." I said,
"Who said you said you're getting the wolf?" My friend said,
"Yeah, extacly, I'm getting it." Another of my friends said,
"Wait, what no I claim it." Another friend said,
"Ok, we all want the wolf, so let's make a deal." I said,
"What?" My friend asked,
"The first one to track the wolf and get it claims it." I said,
"Sounds good to me." My friend said,
"Ok, fine." Another friend of mine said,
"Deal." My other friend said,
"May the best win." I said,
I raised my glass so did all my friends, then we drank from them, and set them down on the table. We payed then went off to find this wolf.

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